38 thoughts on “Samplr For iPad Hands-On Demo

  1. Watching all the touch points on the screen’s fascinating, I really like how it shows you where your fingers were.

    The mic’s isolation of Cuckoo’s voice from the speaker output was impressive too. Is that common on iPad speakers or good design by the developers?

  2. One of my long time favourite apps on iOS, if ever ableton planning to get In to mobile market (and seems they finally starting to realise how important it is) they should offer something like Samplr interface wise. Ableton must get developer Marcos Alonso on board as soon as possible imho.

    1. Funnily enough, i demonstrated Samplr’s flexible & funky approach to sampling, to the head of marketing at Ableton, in 2013! He was unable to see nor feel the power, because of the common illnesss: iOS is not for music making (itus)! So, I left him and Ableton to carry on looping in their box…

    1. Samplr is 64 bit compatible, no worries there (it doesn’t show in the About –> Applications) warnings page.

      Could do with a update though (Link, etc). Apparently the dev has said one is coming.

      Great app, one of my favourites.

    2. This is why you never update your ipad. So many apps lost through all these years. IOS would really benefit from a legacy mode.

      1. Actually i thought it was funny! Now because you do not feel you are talented as cuckoo doesn’t mean he has to dress like that. This is part of his personal aesthetic and/or his marketing ploy.
        As for samplr which i’ve bought a couple of months ago its ok, nothing special though. I’d say the visual aspect of it is a lot more flashy and interesting than what it offers musically..

    1. Admin: Personal attack deleted.

      Keep comments on topic and constructive.

      Also, you are using multiple user names to comment on the site, which will result in your comments being flagged as spam.

    2. If another persons appearance ticks you off so much that it compells you to comment on it, then i suppose it really annoys you.

      Let’s hope that has worn off since then. It doesn’t seem like a lot of fun.

    3. I agree he’s not easy on the eye but so what? Radiohead is a great band but i don’t find Thom Yorke very attractive either. Cuckoo has skillz and that’s what counts.

    4. There is no better way to show your insecurities than belittleing someone else for how they look, or who they are. You remind me of a certain political figure of the US, always hating on others while doing nothing productive. Hope you snap out of that poor state of mind one day. Good luck to you.

    5. Attacking someone’s personal appearance…. Cuckoo consistently delivers great reviews and is very talented. You should probably do some soul searching.

    6. I personally LOVE the style of Cuckoo, I find him aesthetically beautiful.
      We are musicians here, and we love beards and long hair, man. Go back to your bank website, your perfumed shirt and your windows PC. That’s not a place for you.

    7. Cuckoo is a highly intelligent, creative genius who can instantly make interesting music on any device. He’s also a really nice guy, who is both mellow and has a charming sense of humor which he injects effortlessly into anything he’s doing. He is better than you in every way, yet would never tell you that because he wouldn’t think that way. Take you trolling to youtube, child.

    8. He can and should dress the way he wants. I love to watch his tutorials and reviews he makes everything really clear and he is funny. Better being yourself while stockphoto people try to be the same person

  3. This is also my fraveroute iPad app as it was designed for the limitations and advantages of a small touch screen and is actually very musical and creative. Apps like BM3 have more power, but ultimately they are small and cramped, some things work better on abig screen with a mouse, some are better on hardware. Samplr is better on a tablet!

    1. You are exactly right. Things like BM3 and gadget and etc really belong on the computer. They’re pretty cool for what they can do but apps like Samplr, Redshrike, Borderlands and other complimentary apps are what belong in iOS production. It’s a complimentary tool not a full fledged studio. Although some apps have made impressive leaps towards that like Cubasis and Model 15 and even iMpc.

      I’ve been using iOS for many years now as a complimentary piece of my setup be it for effects or quick sketches or even sequencing my analog gear, it works great and has come a long way. I’m not interested enough in the iPad Pro but my air 1 has been just fine for 3 years.

  4. One of my favorites apps – realy great!
    Some bugs – midi synchro to external devices doesn’t work properly.
    No pannning for the tracks…
    Mais what a beautiful workflow – very intuitif and instantanius.

  5. I dunno. I keep buying iOS apps but end up never using them in actual production work. For some reason my iPad just doesn’t find its way into my studio and when it does, it’s to watch Netflix while doing boring audio editing tasks.

    1. I have mine sitting in its own location with a line out cable easily accessible to route into any think I want, or directly into mixer–>computer.

      I had same issue until I dedicated it its own area and connections, otherwise it was a pain when in middle of production and thinking of using it as inspiration or given task,

      1. That’s a good idea! DJ Puzzle showed something quite similar in his interview with Sonicstate recently. I think I’ll go that route too.

  6. The cuckoo certainly explains the app very well. Ive had it on my ipad for years and not done anything with it but i want to. I have a better understanding of it now thanks to fuzzy face.

  7. Many $$$ in music apps 5 years on, and this one (yes, even needing an update) is still my desert island app (along with an Apogee Mic/ Jam….my damn Duet won’t iOS without external juice).

    Update needs more flexible mixing (panning), external FX routing, and the biggest thing of all: monitoring your recording input.

  8. This app was the reason I bought my first apple product — the first ipad mini. Never regretted it. Even after four years and tons of other ios apps Samplr stays the core of my live performances, side by side with my pedalboard. Basicly samplr was the reason I stopped using laptop in a live gigs. It has it’s limitations, sure, but I see samplr as a unique and self-sufficient paradygm of track construction. It’s 16-bit flavor on very high and low pitches only adds to the sound, kinda like oldschool samplers. However lack of midi sync out option (seriously, it’s like a core of my setup, everything else is just layering atop!) is a pain in the ass. I would die of happyness if I would be able to sync via soundcard midi out my whole microbrute-based semi-modular pedalboard to sampl. For now the only way is tapping, and it has it’s advantages, but U’m too lasy to tap tap tap tap tap

  9. Another good thing to consider about this tutorial is that this app is still available and functional for original generation iPads. I think there is an update for Samplr that can’t be loaded on the older iPad’s OS, but the version that is available is more or less as capable as what we’re seeing here.

    $50-75 for hardware, +$10 for the app. Not a bad deal for a dedicated Samplr setup, and it saves an iPad from some e-waste landfill. Tutorials like these remind us that the old apps can be just as good as the new ones.

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