In his latest video, Hainbach demonstrates how he uses a vintage Vectrex video game console with his Cocoquantus synthesizer.
The Vectrex was sold by General Consumer Electronics + Milton Bradley in the early 80’s. Hainbach’s Vectrex was modified to accept CV by Derek Holzer.
I like the shimmery, crunchy sound. The vectrex… i would like to see the original game graphics moved to the music rather than just oscilloscope mod. Using the vectrex to produce pangolin laser style graphics. Altogether more complex mod though.
Thank you! I was thinking about using different games and only adding CV to one axis. That could be both in tune with music yet give interesting visuals.
This is very nice
I would love a modded Vectrex to play this (and other oscilloscope music tracks):
had one sitting in the closet for 5 years doing nothing and just sold it
I would not wonder if we see a Vectrex controlling a nerd with a XYZ CV-Mod soon.
Now i know why i takes decades to build an airport in Berlin.
I did that at 1983..