The National Association of Music Merchants (NAMM) has announced that the 2018 NAMM Show, scheduled for January 25-28, 2018 in Anaheim, California, will be the largest in the show’s history.
The NAMM Show annually gathers over 100,000 attendees from 139 countries and regions. As a result, it’s where many companies make their biggest new product announcements of the year.
Key changes for the electronic music gear category are a new area for keyboards & synths and a new building, dedicated to pro audio technology.
The event will feature new event technology and pro audio areas; and ‘product communities’ for stringed instruments, school band and orchestra, fretted instruments (acoustic and electric), percussion, keys (pianos, keyboards and synthesizers), pro audio and sound, stage and lighting and more.
A map of The 2018 NAMM Show can be found at the NAMM site.
Note: NAMM organizers also have openings for 140 bands to play the event. NAMM provides all performers with badges to attend the show for free, but otherwise it’s an unpaid gig. See the NAMM site for details.
Great! Maybe a bigger show will result in Roland showing off new, bigger sized products.
Unlikely as they have proved with the boutique range… I’m thinking the Bahn Sage is finally getting release. That is a big synth.
I expect Korg, who has been very quiet since Takahashi’s departure to have some big announcements at this event if not before. I’m really curious to see their direction now.
I think it’s high time Korg released a Krome successor (I think their mid-range, as well as the low ones, workstations will keep using the old EDS synthesis engine for still a lot of years), maybe a new Kronos too. We should also expect something about that Vox/CX-3 keyboard we’ve been seeing for years at the NAMM, which seemed pretty much complete last year. Although I don’t really see a market for a Vox clone, while the Hammond area is way too crowded (especially because of the Mojo 61).
too bad namm is such a gigantic loud show as is, i just dont care anymore!!!
yep.. Zzzzzzz
if you’re into electronic music & instruments superbooth kicked the crap out of NAMM last year. I expect it to do the same again this year.
[NAMM rant]
NAMM is almost extinct… it’s on autopilot.. lot’s of companies don’t even attend anymore (it’s also way more expensive than other shows). “Music Merchants” don’t have to go to some place anymore to see new stuff and place/take orders,. There’s this thing called the internet, social media, youtube, direct marketing and sales etc.. You end up just meeting up with the same people every year who already know if & when you have new product. It’s kinda bewildering, after a couple shows they all melt together.
[/end NAMM rant]
I will just look at Sonic State`s Youtube channel
The best thing I can hope for from this news is lots of new and exciting synth gear.
Prediction #1: This will FINALLY be the year that Moog unveil a polysynth.
Prediction #2: A 16 voice Roland analog synth based on the SE-02.
Prediction #3: Korg will unveil a new analog polysynth that is full size and be like an updated Polysix.
Prediction #4: DSI will announce a full on sampler that has analog filters.
That was in order from most to least likely. Let’s see if I’m right about any of them!
Hopefully there will actually be MPE products this year.
Cool,, looking forward to going to the show.