Swiss thereminist Coralie Ehinger (aka Therminal C) shared this video, demonstrating using a theremin with CV and gate to control other analog gear.
The video is one in a series, exploring the combination of theremin & synthesizer. Ehinger notes that her goal is to create complete performances, controlled by the theremin.
The video, above, looks at using Gate in theremin playing / E-pro theremin to control a Korg Volca Sample and Pocket Operator.
The next video looks at using CV in theremin playing / E-pro theremin controlling Arturia MicroBrute.
The latest video, below, explores using a theremin to control a Buchla Music Easel via CV.
Ehinger says that her next challenge is exploring using the theremin with a Eurorack modular system.
You can see her site for more information.
my older big briar etherwave only has an audio out
I love this! Been thinking about the same thing to control audio and visuals.
Great performance, I really enjoyed! Sounds avant garde.