At Knobcon 2017, engineer Paul Schreiber of Synthesis Technology gave us an overview of their new WaveEdit wavetable editor and two new wavetable VCOs, the E352 and E370.
It’s a fairly long video, but offers a deep look at a Synth Tech’s complete system for working with wavetables.
- WaveEdit is a free, open-source application for Linux, Mac & Windows that allows powerful creation and editing of wavetables for the E352 and E370 VCOs.
- The Synthesis Technology E352 Cloud Terrarium is a powerful digital VCO for Eurorack modular synthesizers that combines the capabilities of their previous wavetable and ‘cloud’ oscillators.
- The Synthesis Technology E370 Quad Morphing VCO is a Eurorack 4-oscillator module that builds on the features of their E350 Morphing Terrarium, the E340 Cloud Generator and the E330 Multi-Mode VCO.
The combination of WaveEdit and one of their wavetable VCO’s creates a powerful platform for wavetable synthesis with modular synths.
See the Synthesis Technology site for more info.
Awesome, thanks! SynTech always coming up with great stuff making digital synthesis hold its own alongside analog. Keep it up.
E352 is just jaw-droppingly good. The teaser/demo videos for WaveEdit are what grabbed my attention (it’s more powerful in many ways than the editor in Serum), but the hardware itself sounds fantastic with the original ROM banks before you even get into that.
I know Paul probably has not interest in supporting the competition but if this app supported output to wavetables that could be used by the Blofeld or 4VOX I’d be willing to pay for it.
The WaveEdit app is open-source, so it seems like anyone (with the coding skills!) could contribute to add support for other synths.
Really amazing work here!
Has there ever been a dedicated wavetable editing app?
The modules look very interesting, too. I’ve got the older Synth Tech oscillators, and they sound fantastic. But these make me want to upgrade!
There are other wavetable creation apps including Audio-Term and the Blofeld Wavetable Creator.
I’m not going home for Christmas when my e370s arrive. Sorry mom.
This video convinced me to crank the Buy-It-Now lever.