Frequency Central Monobloc ‘Swiss Army Knife’ Modules Now Available

Frequency Central has announced the availability of Monobloc 01 and Monobloc 02, a pair of DIY Eurorack modules that are designed to be cost-effective, combining the functionality of a bunch of modules behind one panel.

  • Monobloc 01 has one VCO, a multimode VCF, two ADSRs and an LFO.
  • Monobloc 02 has dual VCOs, classic 24dB/oct filter and single ADSR.

The initial batches of both are shipping with free FC Power PCB, which you can use for testing individual modules, or as a power source to make your Monobloc a standalone system.

Monobloc 01 (42HP):

  • System X Oscillator PCB
  • State 700 Filter PCB
  • System x Amplifier PCB
  • System X Envelope PCB x 2
  • Wave Runner LFO PCB/PIC
  • Custom power cable

Monobloc 01 panel + PCB set + custom power cable: £145 GBP

Monobloc 02 (42HP):

  • System X Oscillator PCB x 2
  • System X Filter PCB
  • System x Amplifier PCB
  • System X Envelope PCB
  • Custom power cable

Monobloc 02 panel + PCB set + custom power cable: £125 GBP

See the Frequency Central site for details.

7 thoughts on “Frequency Central Monobloc ‘Swiss Army Knife’ Modules Now Available

  1. 145 quid for a couple of PCBs and a panel is basically taking the piss. Dreadbox just released the Hades kit which gives you a full synth voice for your Eurorack for less than this price, and their kit includes all components, knobs, sliders, and pot caps.

    Jog on Frequency Central.

  2. I’m excited to see this. I used to build FC’s diy guitar effects projects on forums ages ago, and they were always well put together.

  3. Good idea, and a fair price, though not a top sale.
    FC might have included a note that you have to buy all components, potentiometers, switches, connectors and buttons yourself and have to solder the thing completely yourself. This is not negative to experienced DIY people, but noteworthy nonetheless.
    I would be interested to know what a completely finished module will cost, and would also be interested in an audio / video demo of both modules.

  4. Yeah there’s no mention anywhere here about the DIY aspect.

    I browsed the website at the buld and user notes.
    Cannot find and circuit schematics.

    I would like to see some circuit schematics of what I am building.

  5. The press release says, “Eurorack modules that are designed to be cost-effective, combining the functionality of a bunch of modules behind one panel.”

    Didn’t Bob Moog already do this in 1972 with the Minimoog?

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