Pioneer DJ has intoduced the DJS-1000 stand-alone DJ sampler.
It features 16 multicolored step input keys, 16 multicolored Performance Pads, a wide range of inputs and outputs and a variety of live performance features. The DJS-1000 also offers Live Sampling, which lets you sample input sounds and immediately use them as independent tracks or as FX to add to your mix.
- Step sequencer – create a new groove by tapping the 16 large, multicolored step input keys.
- Multicolored Performance Pads – 16 large rubber pads to trigger the tracks you’ve assigned samples and loops to. Each one is equipped with multicolored illumination and highly accurate velocity detection, so you can increase or decrease volume with the amount of pressure you apply.
- Touch strip – By touching the strip, you can quickly change the pitch when using the pitch bend feature, or play a drum roll by using the note repeat feature.
7″ full-color touchscreen display - Sync options – In addition to clock synchronization with MIDI devices, the DJS-1000 includes the Beat Sync function which can synchronize by beat/bar with a track playing on a CDJ-2000NXS2 or XDJ-1000MK2 set-up using PRO DJ LINK. Use the tempo slider and the nudge buttons to quickly adjust tempo and beat position manually, just like you would on a turntable.
- Live Sampling – sample input sounds and immediately use them as individual tracks. The sampled sounds are automatically synchronized with the current sequence to play in a loop, so they can be dropped straight into a live remix. You can sample any input source, including audio from a turntable, via your mixer.
- FX – You can apply FX such as echo, reverb and filter to individual tracks, a group of tracks, or all tracks.
- Support for USB devices – manage your projects and samples easily
- Over 2,500 on-board Loopmasters samples – start performing with the DJS-1000 straight out the box
- Support for DJS-TSP Project Creator2 – easily create projects and SCENE3 files on a PC/Mac
- Support for project files created on the TORAIZ SP-16
Here’s the official DJS-1000 DJ Sampler intro:
Pricing and Availability
The DJS-1000 will be available from mid-October 2017, with a street price of about $1200.
Good lord, that’s fugly.
The only people I know that actually own all the top-end Pioneer equipment (besides clubs of course) are middle-aged, wealthy business guys that play DJ on the weekends in their basement. This stuff is pure midlife-crisis gear.
The only people I know that actually own all the top-end Pioneer equipment are actual gigging DJ’s.
so is this thing better than the toraiz? what are the differences?
> Over 2,500 on-board Loopmasters samples
The Toraiz comes with 2GB of samples already on board, courtesy of Loopmasters
so what is more? 2 gb content of the toriaz or 2,500 samples of the djs-1000?
is the djs-1000 better than the toraiz? what are the differences?
If this is really your question, which unit is better in case of samples than i would suggest you to buy something else maybe a PS4 or a XBOX ?
At first glance it looks like a slimmed down version of the Toraiz without all the extra outputs and without the analog filter.
I’d like to play with a Toraiz for some days, looks like it would be fun.
The toriaz was great. Even with all the missing features and non-mpc capabilities (I didnt go into complaining it wasnt an mpc, took it as it was) and I have to say it was pretty great. Very intuitive and easy to use. MPC does so many things that you either get bogged down trying to use the features, or you dont use any of them. The toriaz was pretty straightforward but you cant get over the price when your using it, especially when the mpc live came out about 300 bucks less. But this device looks like a slimmed down version for DJ’s i guess, even though the toriaz was meant for DJ’s. Seems like they implemented features they promised the toriaz would get in an update like live sampling, but I guess they gave up on the toriaz since they missed the last 2 feature dates. ?But again, the toriaz was really fun, like a mulled down MPC with steps and parameter locking like the elektron machine, super simple P-locking. And the ducking effect that came with the update was pretty fantastic. You can duck per step, or sync the ducking to a empty track and punch in steps there. Was like a MPC but fun and colorful. Oh, and the mixdown each track to individual audio tracks and export through USB was pretty awesome as well.
Pioneer should of built in a video option to play back video loops, then DJS-1000 would be a cool machine. For now nothing real new…..
looks to me like a repackaging of the Toraiz SP-16 Pro with the shape of the CDJs.
Maybe a reaction to look different in shape from the the MPC LIVE.
Why do they all sound like robots? Jesus Christ. My iPad hits the right spots as well. It’s more familiar to me too.
It as o ly two out puts? Would be great to get the extra outs as an add on if nothing else, Akais if I remember right had the option of an output upgrade?
Please stop building gear with those cheap capacitive touch sliders (and I am talking to you, Dave Smith, as well) haha
Uh as a Tempest user myself I love the touch strips for beat wide FX. Way more flexible than mod and pitch wheels.
There are a million music boxes with a modwheel maybe you grab on of them?
Dj’s I have known who but 4 multi channel mixers with sampling and a bunch of drum pads only want it because it lights up and looks complicated and impressive to people “watching” the dj. I personally think it’s hype and that it’s cool technology that people could definetly use to more active with their mix, but in actuality the dj is drinking and pretty disconnected with anything but fading and effects and pretending to tweak the eq’s. Do you all think dj’s are using these new features live, or even in a studio to make their own music?
I get the feeling Pioneer entered a part of the market they weren’t prepared for. I played around with a Toraiz SP-16 at one of my local music shops the other day. I was able to do all sorts of things with it, but I realized that I must have been one of the few customers who knew what this thing was and what it could do. The sales staff weren’t going out of their way to demo it and its box sits next to the Maschine and Push. There was a bit of dust on their floor model. I asked the clerk how many they had sold, he checked and said 0 this year. The CDJs are in a totally different section of the store with the live mixers and lighting rigs and I get the feeling that’s where this DJS-1000 will go, and perhaps collect dust also. Besides people using Elektron, Ableton Live, Maschine, Deluge, MPC Live etc. It doesn’t seem like Pioneer are really supporting the “Live” electronic music thing as much as they should if they want to sell these devices. They also aren’t really an instrument company like Akai or Elektron. It’s a shame that they used Dave Smith to onboard the hype of the Toraiz and abandoned his work in this one. I wondered if they only used Dave Smith’s brand to lure in the synth folks, when they could have just used a generic analogue filter, or no filter at all. The two most used methods to deliver electronic music to a crowd seem to be as a DJ with vinyl, CDJs, Serato, Traktor, or as a Live performance with sequencing of some sort. It seems much easier for most people to produce, mix and master a great sounding track, remix, re-edit , etc. before hand and play it with CDJs. I don’t get the feeling that most loyal Pioneer customers are heavily interested learning to use the Toraiz SP-16, so it seems like Pioneer are trying to repackage things to appeal to the DJ crowd more. I don’t think the menu diving is going to help it either. I found it annoying on the Toraiz that the volumes aren’t quickly accessible with faders or knobs, I’d be inclined to map them to a dedicated controller instead of touching the wrong track on the screen with my wide fingers. I’m also still thinking many people would rather stick with Ableton Live to do a live set and just plug into the mixer. The Toraiz SP-16 is a pretty cool machine that has lots of potential, but seems destined for a very small user base compared to other options. The MPC Live and X will have to stand the test of time also. It seems like early days for these embedded Live boxes. We are now seeing ARM and FPGA based systems that can do a lot of cool things. It will be very interesting when the equivalent of a current laptop based Live/MaxMSP, VST setup can run in a standalone box with extra Sharc, FPGA and analogue CV parts.
Looks like a fun device based on all that hype, the ways UNKLE & Kink use & hype it make it seem like there’s some real live potential here. But without any specs (internal memory, pad banks, sample rates, sequence length etc) count me out for now.