STG Soundlabs head & Knobcon founder Suit & Tie Guy shared this video, Corn Maize, which pairs a live synth jam with some fall footage.
Here’s what he has to say about the track:
I wasn’t “making a track” when I recorded this, I just wanted to test the SD recorder I installed in my live rig. I quickly made marimba and pad loops with the Yamaha Reface DX and the Boss RC-202 it feeds, and a bass line from the Hammond XK-1c and its RC-505 (I love those Boss loopers.) The drums are just whatever was on the “808” TR-8 when I pulled it up on the mixer.
Then I wailed a bit over it with the Moog Sub37 on the factory preset “STG Liberatn Lead 2003.” My master clock is the Roland SBX-1.
After a few minutes I hit stop, pulled the SD card out, and took it over to the studio computer to see how well it recorded. I had intended to just put the card back in the machine and reformat it but there was a good three minutes there and it seemed a shame to throw it in the bin.
The video is from an outing with my sister’s children at the local orchard. They have a seasonal corn maze and in my fall fervour it seemed like a good idea to get the camera out. Sorry film nerds, I left the Steadicam at home!
Reverb note: a couple minutes in the reverb (Lexicon PCM-80) on the TR-8 gets way louder. I didn’t reach over and adjust that, it was a defective cable. I pulled out the 8 year old moulded TRS cable and put a new Hosa in its place and it’s fine now. Was kind of cool here though …
slow motion video would match the mood of the music really well.