Free Modules For VCV Rack

Developer Leonardo Gabrielli has shared several new free modules for the free, multi-platform software modular synthesizer, VCV Rack.

  • Constant – Provide a DC offset for math purposes
  • Compà – Comparator module (2x)
  • Britix – the British Matrix – This plugin hosts two different matrices.
  • Speck – This plugin is meant for visualizing the Discrete Fourier Transform of a signal.
  • Brexit – Satirical module. Push the button for instant gratification and say goodbye to Winston.

The modules are available as free downloads via GitHub.

12 thoughts on “Free Modules For VCV Rack

  1. I can’t make it work on my mac OS and there is no install instructions. I put the folder in the “plugins” folder of Rack but i can’t see the new modules on the add menu.

    help someone ?

    1. In the github directory there’s a zip file called That’s the file you want to extract into your VCVRack\plugins directory.

    2. you have to log in on the upper right, make sure you add the modules to your profile online first. the rack itself is just the rack, no modules. once you´ve done both online and log in within the app, all the modules will be available in that list thingy…

    3. make sure you are using the latest 0.4.0 release of Rack. the location of plugins has changed on OS X since version 0.3.2. the plugins now live in a folder inside the application called “plugins” (right click on Rack and use the ‘Show Package Contents” command to browse to the directory which is inside the ‘Resources’ folder). now when you launch Rack you should see your new modules…

      there is now a website dedicated to VCV Rack and there is a handy page that lists current modules and their builds etc. and you can also find the latest info and tutorials and a forum there as well.

  2. I didnt try these yet, as im not at home, but think that i will have the same problem as im having with last week ones…I can’t get it to show up on my plug ins folder in Rack.
    Am I supposed to do something more than copy the folder to plug ins folder where I have the remaining modules?

    Really would be grateful for some help here

  3. I install VCV Rack n I register but it still hoses on me. Doesn’t recognize my email password. I did register successfully. What’s the baseline specs for this to run on my 64bit laptop. Instructions are so scanty.

    Appreciate in advance any advice. I run Reaktor6 on my laptop.

  4. The Brexit module should simultaneously set fire to the computer that’s hosting it and deplete the user’s bank account by a few thousand £’s, whilst playing an 8 bit rendition of the national anthem.

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