Nintendo shared this brief look at the their upcoming Labo system for the Switch portable gaming system.
Nintendo Labo is a collection of DIY kits that let you build things that work with the Switch. The first set will include parts to make a DIY cardboard keyboard instrument.
Nintendo Labo will be available 4/27/2018.
If this is the only input Gadget for Switch will allow I’ll be pissed.
Hahahaha! More seriously, I would expect Gadget on the Switch to support MIDI over BlueTooth or USB, but now that I think of it I don’t think any of the (admittedly excellent) KORG apps for the 3DS support any inputs other than the touchpad and stylus… :/
Cardboard is known for it’s durability.
They probably didn’t think of that at all
Well you could always trace it on wood or sheet metal
mini keys? no aftertouch? pfffft
If they’re already sensing the key position using the IR camera, polyphonic aftertouch should be very doable: just add a rubber band below the keys for the first stop, and then monitor additional displacement with the camera.
Come on Nintendo, you can do it!
God I hope it has CV
If Nintendo’s using the IR camera to monitor the keyboard, I bet you could do something similar with a smartphone or webcam (though they typically don’t have the 3D depth sensing.) Or a Kinect.