In the latest Telekom Electronic Beats video, Belgian producer Peter Van Hoesen puts the new Behringer D synthesizer through its paces.
Is it a cheap alternative to the iconic Minimoog synthesizer? Van Hoesen shares his take.
In the latest Telekom Electronic Beats video, Belgian producer Peter Van Hoesen puts the new Behringer D synthesizer through its paces.
Is it a cheap alternative to the iconic Minimoog synthesizer? Van Hoesen shares his take.
Outstanding Review. He says it has a nearly identical sound but has a less solid front panel quality than Moog which is not surprising given the price; but it adds midi input, is eurorack compatible, and can be chained. The video sound quality is terrific!
Pretty solid review and a honest summary at the end about the build quality vs the price point.
This is THE point: “if you want a real Moog just spare a little more and get a real Moog.”
Everyone that is complaining this product is against the access to this sound to the masses.
Before there was no a real alternative. Now yes, and quite wallet friendly.
I totally agree with you, except for that “little more”: I’d say “quite more”, given that a real Moog costs no less than 1500€ if you go for the Sub, almost 4000€ for the Model D (I do not deem the Mother 32 an alternative). Paying that difference is something only fanboys are gonna do from now on (and I, for one, am already satisfied with Arturia’s Mini V3 at home and my KingKORG for lives).
A “little” more? More like 10 times more you mean
“Everyone that is complaining this product is against the access to this sound to the masses.”
Nobody is against synths for the masses – but you’re being blissfully ignorant if you think this has anything to do with that.
Behringer could have made an original synth design at this price (Neutron anyone), or even a synth that is just has an original look at this price.
But Behringer knows that the sheep consumers will buy a lot more synths if it looks like a cheap Minimoog.
Weird because this pricing is actually indeed aimed at the masses. This is the definition of a mass product so i don’t quite get how everyone else except you is ignorant. I also think the sheep consumers will buy it mainly because it sounds like an expensive Moog for 1/10 the price. You should meditate on this
I paid $100 for my first Minimoog around the time Moog went bankrupt. They went bankrupt in part because they couldn’t compete and no one wanted their lousy products that didn’t stay in tune. When they finally got into polyphony it was too late and the Memorymoog, which I bought in perfect condition for $400, was an absolutely terrible synth as well.
After cleaning them up and using them a few years I passed them along at a modest profit. Now people like the sound again. What is old is new again. The hilarious part is people saying it is some kind of Stradivarius instead of what it is. A crappy synth that doesn’t sit well in most mixes and which I probably paid too much for at $100.
Totally agree. My last Moog was a Memorymoog MKI (no MIDI, no arp).
Sounded nice when in tune…which was a rare occasion.
That was back in early ’83.
Other Moogs I used: Polymoog…Weak chassis, don’t try moving it.
Source…Moog Prodigy in disguise with a few memory locations.
The Boog Model B sounds pretty good for that price point. I wonder if they will hold value on the used market….hopefully not so I can pick one up cheap. Would love to combine one of these with an 80s Casio CT line synth.
As long as they stay in production you will probably be able to find them somewhat cheaper on the used market.
But unless it is replaced by att “better” version at a cheap price, don’t expect the used prices to go down when it goes out of production.
Behringer have a killer on their hands. It sounds incredible, has decent build quality and has an amazing price. Well done.
He’s not a player. Give it to Rick Wakeman or another iconic Minimoog player. Then I’ll take the comparison seriously. Superficially you can make many synths “sound like a Minimoog” – I can get my MonoPoly to sound indistinguishable from my Minimoog in a ‘static’ sound sense – but it sounds nothing like it when played. The Minimoog is a players instrument – get a player to review it! This review is largely meaningless.
Depends what music you are doing
Come on now. It`s a clone. How far can it be. It`s like these 303 hardware clones where people claim “it sounds so different” . I bet that in a blind test nobody will be able to distinguish the behringer from the real model d. Btw the reviewer says “it`s very near, almost identical to identical” which is like he is admiting that he can`t hear a difference he would bet his life on
You have to be kidding, right? Last I heard the Model D had 20.000 preorders, I seriously doubt that even a tenth of them are even mediocre players. The synth business has grown because they moved towards a hobby/toy market, not musicians. Also a lot of real players that have smaller gigs, like weddings and such, go rather for arrangers than synths. Players are definitely a minority in this target audience as are musicians, this is now mostly a hobby industry.
So every one who does it for a living is a “real musician” and the ones not earning their living by music are “hobby industry”? well thats one way of seing it i guess. Statistically , how many make a living from the art they love? 1% 2% ? so the rest are not “real artists”? A bit simplistic but it works i guess. Never got this model of in the box thinking. Btw weird that you bring the example hobby/toy as i am pretty sure in a blind test you would not be able to tell the difference from a “real” Model D to a “toy Model D” even if you could feel the urge to state this here
Does it come with its rack ears or are they sold separately?
oh i can chain 16 ! that was the selling point for me
good review.
You will have a 10 voices Model D at the price of £3000, the original Minimoog is £3150…
The Original minimoog Model D has no specific price as it is a used item only.
The Minimoog Model D, by todays Moog Music is not an original. The company is not the same as the company that made them in the first place, that was sold and went bust. Though another company owned by Bob Moog (big briar) bought the rights to the name, and that is the company with that name today.
So there is the mini Model D clone by behringer, and the full sized Model D clone by Moog Music.
I’ve said this about 100 times now, but until someone emulates Marvin Gaye or Stevie Wonder, I can’t make a proper aural judgement. Funk is where the minimoog outshines lesser synthesizers, and I haven’t heard Behringer bring the funk yet.
You will have a 10 voices Model D at the price of £3000, the original Minimoog is £3150…
Here’s some funk that meets the specs of your request:
The notion that a company with this much talent chooses to copy rather than innovate is troublesome to me. Like many others who read Synthtopia, I was around for the gutting of the independent synth industry that started with the Yamaha DX7 intro. Analog wasn’t cool and many good companies watched their sales decline dramatically, with many shutting down or selling to the big companies. Analog came back in the ‘aughts IMO due to smaller independent companies tapping into a market that was open to analog again. FWD to now, and analog is everywhere. Moog is back, DSI….we all know this. Now Behringer decides to “disrupt” the industry by being a low cost clone company. I’m concerned how this will affect DSI, Moog, etc. I want to see these companies thrive, as they are innovating (IMO), which is what we need. I’ll never buy a synth from Behringer, no matter the cost.
It will be interesting to see how Moog, DSI, etc. respond to this.
Yeah you stick with that idea dude, the rest of us will buy these up like it’s a Moog bankrupt sale and then run outa the shop like before they notice that it was a bargain at double the price!
Behringer do not choose to only copy. They have released their very own neutron and deepmind synths. Perhaps its time moog showed some innovation at a price point that is reasonable if they want to compete in the value driven mass market. Until they respond to behringer, im sure they arent interested in competing at all. They just do what they do and hope their instruments speak for themselves – which they do. However, it is 2018 and the masses find it hard to justify spending thousands on a monophonic. After all, the masses make music for listeners, not synth anoracks, and those listeners mostly dont care what instruments have been used, as long as the music is good.. In any case im sure moog do their own market research and are aware of the competition and position themselves accordingly. I doubt behringer will harm their business.
The innovation part from todays Moog Music has been somewhat limited.
The Sub 37, feels like they left the 3rd OSC out, only for it not to compete with their Voyager and later Model D Clone (it is a clone as well, they are not the same company that ones made it).
The Minitaur is cool, but why did they limit the OSC-range? Probably to keep it from canabalizing the sales of the Phattys.
I don’t get the hype for the Mother 32. It is a pretty basic semi-modular synth… feels like it mostly the brand name, and its relatively low price for that brand and full range osc that is the reason behind the love… not the actual synth.
The DFAM, impresses a lot of modular guys… I get it, it can produce a pretty varied sound per step for such a basic synth architecture… but it cost more than an analog drum machine, and sound nowhere near one, when it comes to variations in sound per step and doesn’t offer the same voice count.
What is so innovative with the Rev 2?
What did DSI think when they only put a single LFO in the Prophet-6 and OB-6?
It doesn’t exactly feel like they have been working hard.
The DSI Evolver and particularly the Poly evolver were exciting when they were new. The Prophet 12 I kind of like, but the price seems high, and I don’t understand why it doesnt come with the wavetables of the Evolver/Prophet VS… and when they introduced the Prophet-12 it feels like they were trying to double dip, since they put a different filter combo on it, so that it would be different from the Prophet 12, even though they are pretty much the same otherwise.
Why should we expect Behringer to innovate when the others don’t?
Are people for real? Get Rick wakeman to do a review and emulate marvin gaye and stevie wonder? The 70’s and 80’s were a long time ago. The behringer d may be based on an old synth, but it doesnt mean the music made on it has to be.
All the moog parts are inside. I’m taking it apart and making my own moog.
Smells like male testosterone. In philly, we call cloning “Bootlegging” and you were the loser who bought the bootleg version of a product. People look at china as a country of replication, with their fake branded products all the way up to a World Of Warcraft unlicensed park due to their non-existent copyright laws.
The moment you bootleg something at a reasonable price, the masses sway. It’s pretty funny to see because if it were priced higher, this entire thread would be having a totally different conversation.
is there a point hidden in all this text? here in my village me say “if my grandma….
Moog Music that exists today is not the same Moog Music that at one point in history made the Minimoog Model D.
So the Moog Music Model D that was sold new recently was as much a clone as this.
The Model D patents have long since expired. It is free for anyone to make. You could yourself if you wan’t to.
It is not a bootleg, as bootlegs are non authorized. This is in the public domain so it can’t be non autorized since there is no one holding the rights.