In the latest Sonic Lab video, host Nick Batt takes a look at the new Arturia MiniBrute 2 semi-modular analog synthesizer.
The MiniBrute 2 is a sequel to the popular MiniBrute keyboard that adds more synthesis power, more modularity, full-size keys and some surprises.
Pricing and Availability
The Arturia MiniBrute 2 is expected to be available in February, priced at 649$ / 649 Euro. See the Arturia site for more info.
If you’ve used the MiniBrute 2, share your thoughts on it in the comments!
I expected oscillator 2 to have the same features, the same number of knobs/sliders as oscillator 1.
I think it’s pretty cool. What I like is that they took what was great about the original Minibrute, but made the parameter ranges more musical. A good example is the Brute Factor; they scaled the range to be more useful so it doesn’t freak out right away.
what a great sounding synth and how much versatility. I start saving in 3-2-1….
I will never buy anything again from Arturia, products looks awful after one year of use, support is the worst you can have if they even answer, they just never answer. making mk2/v2 without fixing the former product or adding promised features. keys jumping on all keyboard, knob breaking, midi clock is disaster, this brand was brought up on the all of “our asses”, I recommend to avoid, i know the kids will still buy it but you will thank me (or understand why i said that)…
My Microbrute has worked flawlessly for the two years I’ve owned it, and I love its character.
human memory is so short, i don’t care any more.
Let see.. my micro brute whilst I like it has developed a few faults. Master Volume knob is scratchy, LFO Cv out does not work, Pitch Cv in does not work (i reckon one impacts the other because they are right next to each other), headphones out does not work… other than that it is fine. Lets call it character shall we
Never anything? What about their Keystep for example? That will probably the most sold midi keyboard. And not without reason.
Had my Minibrute for 4 years prior to selling it. Used it regularly. 0 issues.
lucky you
A reasonable upgrade from the Minibrute. I love my Microbrute and will never part with it! I agree – I also expected both VCOs to be fully fledged “Brute Oscs”. I was equally surprised by the Matrixbrute for the same reason. If they modularised a “Brute osc” as a little PCB they could fairly easily create a polysynth, euro panel etc.
I feel like he’s overstating the aggressiveness of the Microbrute. Maybe it’s true of the Minibrute, or maybe it varies from one instrument to the next, but I find I can get some pretty subtle control with the Microbrute.
If it weren’t for the Behringer Neutron coming in at half the price, I’d be seriously looking at upgrading to the 2. I may still do it later in the year.
I think the Neutron might rock a few boats! Looks a very useful machine at a decent price.
Very nice Synth I think its the direct opponent from the Neutron from Behringer…. I think I will test them booth