Here’s a quick update from Superbooth 2018 on some Yamaha Reface news from Blake Angelos.
At their booth, Yamaha had two new Reface add-ons:
- The DTronics DT7 is a custom MIDI controller that gives you extended hands-on control of the Reface DX; and
- 3DWaves has introduced a set of custom stands for the Reface series.
Was hoping he was going to announce a Reface VL. That would be very interesting.
What an awesome idea!!!
Or maybe Behringer will eventually start cloning 90s synths.
They should clone because this could’ve better if it was actually 6op not 4op and 16 voices not 8 voice with splits/layering like DXMKII
…and could load legacy Sysex patches and had physical input instead of touch sliders and had more han just 32 patch memory slots and didn’t rely on some rubbishy iOS app to backup and share patches… and more stuff I can’t remember right now
I have a reface dx and I like a lot of things about it but I wish I was in the room when this things were being suggested as feature if only to tell the guy who suggested it that he was an idiot
Sounds good. Also, if the patches included some kind of “MIDI learn” feature so that any parameter could be assigned to any CC, you could just hook up a full size controller with knobs to it and be done.
I want a Reface VP
sort of have a VL with my $150 Craigslist EX5.
i like the speakers on the background…
The d-05 controller (at the link) looked interesting. No price or availability on the site though.
A re-make of their AN200 (half of a AN1X) would be great but with more beef inside ie. 8+ voices instead of 5 etc…
Admin: Personal attack deleted (name calling).
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