Spitfire Audio Intros Free LABS Strings & Piano Virtual Instruments

Spitfire Audio has announced that a new line of LABS virtual instrument plugins that are designed to be simple to use and sound great.

Best of all – they’re free:

The Spitfire Audio LABS programme is an infinite series of software instruments, free and easy to use; made by musicians in London for anyone, anywhere.

We’re planning to release one every month, as well as a bimonthly creative compendium, The Notebook.

The first two LABS plugins are Strings and Soft Piano. Here’s what they have to say about the two virtual instruments:

  • Strings: Fourteen of London’s best string players, recorded at Spitfire HQ by wise-beyond-his-years Harry Wilson. This ensemble was captured using a wide range of microphones including a vintage BBC AXB1. It’s awesome.
  • Soft Piano: Recorded at Air Edel Studios, this sound has become a favourite of music makers across the globe. The soft tone is achieved by placing a thin strip of felt between the hammers and the strings.

Both virtual instruments are available now as free downloads. An email address is required.

5 thoughts on “Spitfire Audio Intros Free LABS Strings & Piano Virtual Instruments

  1. Nice – I hope this gets more folk to discover the fantastic SpitFire Audio sound libraries – and I’ve got some immediate uses for these samples.

  2. I keep trying to sign up and it fails each time. Could be a temporary server issue I suppose but not getting any kind of message other than try again later…

  3. “something went wrong – try again later” for three days… at least if they’d define “something” it might help, but this ridiculous… Indeed, a waste of a marketing opportunity…

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