At Superbooth 2018, Yamaha was showing the super-weird Yamaha VKB-100 Vocaloid Keyboard – a sort of Japanese singing keytar.
Polytec says that “After we fell in love with it at Superbooth 2018, we got one from Japan. This is a first test if it can sing in German and English, and well, here’s the result….”
Can it ‘sing’ in English and German? Check out the demo and you make the call!
For an example of the Vocaloid Keyboard in action, here’s our video with synthesist Moira Muñoz, who makes interesting use of it in her performances:
Thank god for Detroit.
Hmmm – That’d be a no then!
It sounds similar to Korg’s “Miku Stomp” – and apparently it is subject to the same phonetic limitations.
Oh well, whatever it was singing sounded kinda weird and cool.
Japanese phonetics could be barely decent for languages like Spanish and Italian, but it’s always gonna sound weird-ass with a language with so many different phonemes like English.
don’t know about the keytar but the Moira Muñoz performance is pretty sweet
i’m all for it. why? well, it has a display.
Sounds more like “Engrish” to me.
Fantastic! Love the accent
Dear Yamaha, please adapt this for the rest of the pop world!
Plogue was at this years ago.
This keyboard seems a lot more advanced than previous vocaloid hardware devices (such as Miku Stomp, Pocket Miku and some other) because those were based on certain chip and this one is on full board. What’s really interesting is that it allows to use various vocaloids from different companies, not to mention that it sounds more natural than previous eVocaloid devices. Here is article on this subject: