15 thoughts on “IK Multimedia UNO Patch Editor (Sneak Preview)

  1. While screenshots don’t tell the whole story of how well a UI works, these are really promising. They look like a logical extension of the hardware (especially when you think of it running on an iPad), rather than just a mere “editor,” which is something I think we’ll see more and more of.

    1. Hi @presteign – thanks for the compliments! We really did want to make something that really went beyond an editor. UNO Synth does work very well as a portable standalone unit even without access to an editor, so this is going to allow the best of both worlds!

  2. 2 questions for the IK wizards…

    Will the Mac/Win versions be standalone and / or VST or something else?

    Will the iPad version be a standalone app and / or AUv3?

    BTW for it’s price and portability the Uno sounds fantastic.

    1. Thank you for your questions, @foom and I’ll be happy to answer them: The Mac/Windows versions will be both standalone and plugin, while the iOS version will be a standalone app at this time.

      Thank you very much for the compliments about UNO Synth’s portability and sound. That’s exactly what we were shooting for with UNO Synth and we’re glad many think we did a good job of it!

    1. Hi @lowtom and thank you for your question. We have very similar knobs on the hardware unit except they have a more prominent red dot on them which makes them easier to see. If you mean why we don’t have this number of knobs on the hardware, it would have been far less portable and more expensive with that many knobs.

      1. @IK Multimedia thank you for answer.
        Number of knobs is ok, especially now with software editor coming.
        I’m more concerned about ergonomics of current design as they seem to be placed very tightly on hardware. Well I can still install custom ones 🙂 All in all, nice introduction to hardware synth market.

  3. I play in a very laptop-oriented live band, and I’m wondering how many of these parameters are exposed to midi? If it’s all of them then this starts to look very very interesting. I guess since there is a vst editor, you can simply automate the vst for convenience.

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