Behringer today announced that their Euro-format Pro-One clone is moving to production, with a target price of $299:
We just approved the final pre-production sample of the PRO-1 and are now gearing up for mass production. As you will notice, we have added quite a few more patch points as well as other cool features.
We are quite excited about this synth as it turned out really well
We’re targeting a MAP price of US$ 299.
Eagle-eyed readers may notice a few surprises in the Behringer Pro-One photos.
The ‘Bro One’ follows two previous Behringer Eurorack synths, the Behringer D Moog Model D clone and the Neutron.
I really want one of these, but I’m reluctant to buy one of Behringer’s clones. So torn.
don’t do it
I was initially curious about the Neutron. I even pre-ordered it. It took a long time for the preorder to be fulfilled, which gave me time to do research on Behringer. Glad I did, and glad I cancelled the pre-order.
I don’t necessarily appreciate all of Behringer’s past products, but life is too short for me to hold a grudge against a company when their synths are awesome.
I own a Model D and a Neutron. Currently loving both. This will round out that collection quite nicely.
What do you mean?
Admin: Personal attack deleted.
Keep comments on topic and constructive.
I was the definitive skeptic on the Model D. Then a good friend who has a lot of analogue synths in his studio raved about it, I checked it out and bought one. I had avoided Behringer stuff in the past because of this reputation. It’s very nice for the price. I understand some people have issues with tuning but with a short warm-up time and using the CV outs on my SQ1 I don’t seem to encounter these problems.
As it is, considering flipping my MS-20 Mini for a Neutron because it will play more immediately with my modular. No, I didn’t think I’d ever see the day, either. I am not expecting the Bro-One to be as complete or featured as, say, a Pro-2 from DSI but remember the manufacturer of the chips is the same – a Behringer owned company.
Any sound examples yet?
To my knowledge the only sound examples are of prototypes, in which they admit they hadn’t gotten the sound just right yet.
I hope this sounds as indistinguishable from its namesake as the Model D!
I’m waiting for the VCS3 for 299 …….
Me, too!
Me also….
VCS3 will be $399 because ‘it has a ring to it’.
Somebody needs to come up with a keyboard rack that holds 2 or three of these all-in-one synths.
The Waldorf keyboard Euro case is excellent – but I’d hate to get a $1,000 case for a $300 synth.
I’d love to put a Behringer D, a Bro-One and a Mother-32 in some sort of keyboard case and be able to switch between then, and do splits and laying.
Oh yes! I’m waiting for Behringer to do similar concept to the kb37 but in 49 keys (imagine a Deepmind shell with the top part being al eurorack).
Imagine that with splitting capabilities so you can play two diferent modules in same keyboard.
Mode box…poly. I wonder how many voices it is. I own a model d and the neutron so I was gonna pass on this. If it is polyphonic I am down.
WTF does the ‘Poly’ switch do on a Pro-One?
get 5 pro ones to make a prophet 5
Looks very original design, lol. I am not saying they are shameless copycats, because I don’t want to be sued like DSI employee.
I’ll take ‘shameless copycat’ for $300…
It’s time to check the couch cushions for loose change.
Time for another rummage sale.
Time to collect aluminum cans.
Time to donate plasma.
Time to…
No “jaw-dropping” price on this one? Where’s that MS-101? LOL!
Pro-1 for $300 is jaw dropping price
Not really since Model D and Neutron are 299 but they specifically announced a “jaw-dropping” price for MS-101. It is a great price for a P1 clone however.
$299 is no doubt jaw-dropping for both Model D and Neutron.
But we’re about different things
No, I actually agree! Under a grand for a Model D, a Neutron and a Pro One is jaw dropping. I’m just curious what the MS-101 price is for it to be trumpeted as “jaw dropping” compared to the other 3?
You’re completely misinterpreting the meaning of the words “jaw dropping”. The prices of Behringer clones aren’t meant to be considered jaw dropping when compared to other Behringer clones. The prices are jaw dropping when compared to current market value of the genuine article. The current market value of a Sequential Pro-1 is upwards of €2000. The EU price of this clone will likely be about €345. I’d consider that jaw dropping
Let me clarify. A Behringer rep recently referred to the projected price of the MS-101 as “jaw dropping”. Behringer never referred to the 299 price of the others as “jaw dropping” AFAIK. Which leads me to wonder what the price of the MS-101 will be. That’s all.
Do you know how much a Pro 1 goes for nowadays? You’re bugging if you think $300 for a decent pro one clone isn’t reasonable
As a happy owner of the DeepMind and the D, I love what Behringer are doing. Not a fan of any DSI or Sequential products ever in my life, however I would buy their SH-101 and TR-808 clones in a second.
I imagine poly is for chaining multiple synths. Which means a 1500 dollar prophet 5. In 2 years it will cost a grand.
My bet is that the POLY switch will invoke a paraphonic mode similar to an ARP Odyssey (low note to OSC 1, high note to OSC 2)
I don’t understand the hatred for the clones. The patent is long expired. There are so many companies with les Paul, Stratocaster, Telecaster, p bass, j bass, firebird, sg, prs, and many more design copies but apparently when it comes to synths it’s treason and piracy. I am truly starting to believe that all the hate is from vintage synth owners who don’t want their synths to lose value. I personally don’t own any clones but that’s because both moog (minimoog) and Korg (oddessy) make great apps that emulate their analog synths. I do own the Deepmind and the neutron and they are both great synths. I used to repair music equipment for a living and we did not repair behringer equipment. I truly believe they have come a long way. They sometimes do things I wish they wouldn’t but so does every other manufacturer. ( Roland that means you )
I’m not angry about Erroringer shamelessly ripping off a 30 year old design. It’s just sad the Behringer are enamoured of the past rather than inquisitive about creating fresh sounds that haven’t been heard before. I’d love to see a $500 rhythm machine that embraces sampling + granular synthesis + bitcrushing, or a polysynth that uses single cycle waveforms, wave sequencing, and a sequence-driven plate reverb emulation for generating evolving textures.
Have you heard of the Neutron? It’s a pretty fresh design, and it’s Behringer’s most recent synth.
You could get most of what you are looking for from a Machinedrum UW, Rytm Mk1 or Digitakt. But not for the price you are hoping for. Though the second hand price of Elektron stuff is still pretty good.
they make their own designs too you just chose to ignore them to further your argument
I recently sold my Pro One for a really decent price. I never used it because I was always afraid I would break it. The pots had plastic shafts and over time plastic becomes very brittle and repairs are very expensive. I will get the Behringer version.
To be fair they can only be better built than the original ones…For $300 who cares, that’s perfect. Give me 5 of them for a pro-5
I wonder if they could make voice extension like Poly Evolver Rack. Buying 5 synths would take some space. Uli, please !?
At first I didn’t want to buy a Behringer synth simply because I was pretty unhappy over Behringer’s lawsuits. But the reality is, as other folks pointed out, they’re certainly not the only company that makes these kinds of questionable decisions. At the same time, I kept hearing a lot of great sounds from Behringer D YouTube demos. Given the low price and my lack of funds for other synths I was hoping to purchase, I broke down and purchased the Behringer D. It is indeed a little beast. It’s not perfect (it’s only $299 afterall), but it is a great sounding analog synth. Honestly I’m happy I bought it. While I hope to purchase a synth like the Pittsburgh Modular SV-1 in the future, I’ll also be paying attention to the rest of Behringer’s synths.
Yawn. I’ll whip out my wallet when they clone a Prophet 5.
Yeah, I NEED synths with patch memory, I can’t be twiddling knobs several times in a song or worse expect whom ever else than me is on keys to learn to do it! I need to set up a patch set before the show so I and other players just press a button and get precisely the sound we need in a split second.
It’s the only reason I’m going to get the SE-02 over the great sounding “Boog”, so I hope they make a Prophet 5 clone next since the have all the chips they need now to do it, also will definitively get the UB-XA when they release that!
I need polyphonic synths with patch memory, I gig in lots of different type of bands and don’t just sit in my bedroom making techno on monophonic modulars…
There are some moaning aholes on here
hihihi… was thinking the same. but it`s everywhere . complaining seems to be very fashionable. so hot right now
wonder if the vco tuning will drift as much as the moog clone…
My neutron seems to be stable after a few hours.
I would assume that the PRO 1 is built around the 3340 VCO chips. These are pretty stable for tuning. The Model D is a clone of a 1970 era circuit that was notorious for unstable tuning. By the way, I am having a blast with my Model D.
would be cool if they started making eurorack versions for better prices.
These anti Behringer people still support companies with much worse practices.
Many cheap Chinese products you buy are from slave labour factories with nets on the outside to catch those trying to commit suicide. Behringer’s conditions are nowhere near that, but since synths are your passion you choose this battle as your crusade. Selective caring like this makes you a hypocrite.
Also there are thousands of companies out there copying each other and you are non the wiser about it.
Many of which sue eachother into oblivion.
Not sure what products you think are manufactured by ‘slave labour factories’, but most people are comparing Behringer and their practices to Western companies like Moog and DSI – or any of hundreds of small Euro manufactures – that by and large make original designs, pay their employees a living wage and don’t sue their customers.
It boils down to the fact that people like cheap gear, but we wish Behringer could find a way to do what they do without the sleazy business practices.
Well said.
Thank you for this calm and informed comment — it clearly states exactly why some of us have an “issue” with Behringer.
Moog uses Chinese Factories, how do you know they are better than the ones Behringer uses? Behringer has a solid team of British synth engineers I’m sure they are being paid a living wage.
Also you will be shocked to know that a lot of small euro manufactures are buying their components from Behringer. Don’t blame Behringer for what is wrong with this world.
I really do not think it’s anywhere near being sleazy. Copying old products using a modern and cost effective production line – is good. No matter what. It makes old stuff accessible to the masses. There’s a huge democratizing effect that come out of this. However – then there is the argument about this practice making problems for small buisnesses that produce at a higher cost. It would be valid – IF – and only if you were talking about a product that is still under patent. Patents give the inventor exclusive right for a limited period of time. Then it hits public domain. For this reason major buisnesses – as far as they can muster – are trying to trade mark their stuff instead. For guitars this is possible – the shape of a headstock for instance – and for synths – I imagine a certain layout of knobs, shape, casing and displays could be trade marked. What about the blue PPG? If Moog had trade marked the layout of the Minimoog back in the late 60’s – somebody would be able to go up against Behringer. But it would most likely not be todays Moog company – because the trade marks would have been seen as an asset when Moogs name was being traded from company to company – after Bob left. Thus possibly mean Moog could never get his company back on his own hands when he did. I imagine the same thing could apply to the Sequential Circuits synth.
Eurorack May be where most of the excitement lies, yet it is a much smaller market than mainstream synthesizers. Behringer added patch points to the Pro One to throw us a bone, so to speak.
I’d be interesting to eventually se a performance-oriented mono synth from Behringer that can actually save patches and includes the FX section from the Deepmind… a fully programable bro-1, model d or even neutron… one can only hope.
The main point with these Behringer clones is that they are all essentially lazy engineering and a clear money grab. Behringer has what appears to be a very good engineering team. Does anyone think spending time copying another companies products is what engineers strive to do? LOL.
I bought my Pro One in 1981. I don’t care what they go for now because I’m never selling it. I was 15 at the time and worked my tail off to get the money to purchase it. I paid $550 + tax for it, or close to $600 total. In today’s dollars that’s around $1600. There’s more than a few mono analog synths you can buy for that amount brand new today. The Pro One is straightforward and sounds good, but its not like its some rare, unique synth. It was a budget synth in its time. The used pricing for them is high today because of nostalgia. Fine. You do you. But to me it is crazy to buy a used Pro One over a new analog mono or poly synth in the same price range (there’s a ton of them in the $1600 range).
So, Behringer pops up, builds these clones in a clear attempt to grab money and the rest of us talk about it instead of buying a new synth with more to offer from companies that are trying to build interesting products, not clones. Behringer has always had this predatory business model, starting with their early attacks on Mackie by copying their mixer designs then undercutting them in price.
So…in my opinion these clones are a never something to support. And a used Pro One for 3K? Hell no.
BTW – I’m not attempting to tell anyone you are wrong in buying a clone. I’m just stating why I NEVER will.
What if you want a Pro One but don’t have $1600?
Lazy engineering? Money Grab? FYI, just about every product available for purchase was developed and sold with the intent to make money. Any proverbial “cash cow” is usually considered a plus for those reaping the cash. Makers of esoteric equipment, regardless of what it is, tend to have expensive products (outside the financial means of most) and tend not to stick around.
Ah, but Behringer has created copies of the Pro-One, 808 and 101 to profit from the reputation and fame of other company’s products.
People aren’t buying the Behringer Model D because it’s a Behringer, they’re buying because it is an incredibly cheap “Moog.”
so you must also be really upset at all the eurorack companies cloning classic gear as well. Lots of companies both big and small are creating copies based on classic gear. They may change the name, design, and few elements but basically a clone. If we bring software into this discussion there are multiple clones of pretty much all classic gear. Behringer has proven that the have the ability to make a great copy at a ultra affordable price. If they can legally do it more power to them as many musicians are thrilled.
Not upset, no. But I’m not a clone buyer regardless of the form factor. Go for it if it works for you. My hope is that I can state an opinion on this forum without people thinking it is an attack. Well unless you’re Behringer. I did take a cheap shot at them…
my comment was a response to what Zaphod said. However, I will now respond to your comment.
I say leave it to the boutique companies to build unique hardware products which plenty of them are doing. Even most of the big manufactures continue to crank out unique products like Rolands DBeam. However, most studios I have been in still use classic gear because it has a sound a majority of musicians already know and love. Not all musicians are trying to create new experimental forms of music. There are still plenty of new tricks to be done with classic sounding gear, we just like the sonic quality and organic power they can produce. Plus a lot of us have tried these new synth products over the years and many of them sound like crap. If Behringer can capture the sound quality and vibe of the originals we will buy if not then might as well use plugins and keep spending the big bucks on vintage gear which has gotten to be crazy expensive.
I’m not upset. Just stating the most critical fact about Behringer’s business model. It’s all about leveraging the reputation of famous products made by someone else.
That’s why some people are incredibly excited about getting their hands on a Behringer Pro-One and others are really angry about what they’re doing.
I’ll go futher. If Subaru was to release a vehicle with a V8 engine that looked just like a Ford Mustang inside and out — and they were to name it the Subaru Stang — Ford would take legal action very quickly. Moog and Sequential are tiny companies that can’t afford this kind of legal action, but Roland is a large corporation with deep pockets. It wouldn’t surprise me to see this taken to court in the next 12 months.
Its more like this:
Ford releases a Mustang model One in 1981. This car develops a cult following because of its special parts and engine being used in it. Ford continues do develop new mustangs much more modern and different from that model one made in 1981. Car enthusiasts ask Ford if they will ever remake that model One from 81 again because people love it and the price has gone from $25,000 to now $50,000 on the used market.
Ford says no we will NEVER make that product again.
Subaru’s owner was a huge fan of this 1981 Mustang Model one. He decides to do a passion project and start making old parts needed for classic cars. In 2018 he releases a car that has the same specs engine wise as the 1981 Mustang Model one but with some modern enhancements and design elements. However it still looks drives and sounds like the classic 81 ford.
The best part is Subaru only sells their Mustang Model ones for only $10,000. Thank you Subaru!
P.S. Moog and DSI could afford to Sue Behringer if they are breaking the law.
Well, then it looks to me that Moog has the completely wrong business model if they let other companies doing money with his “reputation”. If Moog would be clever he would earn this kind of money and not Behringer LOL
Behringer Uli-One : coming next fall 2019
16 voice analog synth 3 multitimbral parts- Jupiter 8, OBX, and CS-80
To each his own. Do it if you like. My point is that the Pro One is not inherently a better synth than what you can buy today for less than $1600. I will not sell mine because I’m nostalgic, not because it is better than a Moog Grandmother, for instance. But that’s me. Not judging here. And I stand behind the “lazy engineering” and “money grab” comment. That’s my opinion anyway…
I don’t think anyone is making a “Money Grab” in the synth world. Maybe Beats headphones or clothing by Supreme…
I am not a Behringer fan, i am not a Moog fan, but i do have Behringer and Moog stuff in my studio. They are just tools to make music. Having been using various Behringer machines for many years, i have had no issues with their quality … i have cheap and cheerful “low class” stuff right next to my expensive “high class” devices and i don’t care what others say, all i care is if i have fun making music with them, how much i paid and if they break down. Well, my Behringers have not yet had a single issue (mixer, effects pedal, analog synth, speaker, mic), i paid low prices for them and i have fun using them. If Moog or Behringer or Sequential or Dreadbox make something, i will see if it offers what i want and decide …. this Pro One clone does not look interesting to me, and this is the only reason i will not buy it, NOT because of its maker’s name. Same with Model D and Neutron. But i bought the Deepmind12 and i love it and i will probablt buy their Odyssey clone just because i like it (already) … so let’s get down to music making and let everyone do what makes him/her happy, clones or originals … no point in imposing one’s opinion on another one.
Wow. Been B-free since around Y2K but I dunno if I’ll be able to resist a Pro-1 for three hundred bucks.
If I were UB, I’d try to license Yazoo’s “Only You” and “Move Out” so that they can be recreated with this box in their promo/launch videos. Wait, if I were actually UB, *I’d probably just use the songs anyway* and deal with the lawyers later. Which is, of course, the Broblem. Damn. Synth Uroboros!
Anyone here use generic drugs instead of the original, but still b!tch about Behringer? Just asking :).
The Boog Model D is great. I guess this will be a buy also. Now I have to wait for the UB-Xa. Hope it comes next year.
Keep doing this Behringer!
As long as Behringer keep releasing low cost, great sounding rackmount synths that I can patch into my modular, I’ll keep buying them.
It’s difficult to say that $300 constitutes a money-grab, because that’s hardly any money at all. Is a $7000 flagship Moog One a money grab? what about a $15,000 modular Moog?
Buchla 200e?
Now *that* would be interesting, but West Coast synth controls might confuse the modular kids today. Give them with WGs with Carrier, Timbre and X-Y Wvefolding Mod knobs with no “filters” and they wouldn’t know where to start.
This is not a clone though, it’s an imitation. A clone is a identical copy. The word indicates the use of the exact same parts. When original parts are supplemented for cheaper ones, the correct term is imitation.
how it’s more in tune than their Model D
I’m gonna guess it’s for duophonic mode.
You only have to Look at Korg essentially copying the yamaha dx7 and putting it into a modern box to see that Behringer are not the only ones.. Or how about Rolands new se02 which is Blatently and attempt to get in on the minimoog hype market..
This discussion is Pointless… Behringer are reviving old technology at an affordable price.. If anything it might punish The likes of Moog for ripping off people with there way way over priced synths..
Moog synths are NOT overpriced. They have a very HIGH QUALITY build, unlike Roland, Behringer, etc.
I have 3 model id’s and 2 neutron’s, for the money it is simply a no brainer for me. Its pointless bitching about what you think is wrong with behringer as a company as they are no worse or better than the majority of companies out there. When buying music gear my only considerations are: does it sound good? do I need it? can I afford it? Thankfully thanks to harbinger that last question is now answering in the affirmative more often.
Why so many? Are you performing live? They’re cheap but many people would prefer to have a mix of different synths for variety’s sake.
So much hate, if you don’t like don’t buy, simple. Me I am buying as many as I can afford. Always wanted a load of synth’s prior to behringer doing this is was but a pipe dream. I already have the d and the neutron, will order the bro one as soon as possible. But I think they should change the names though. How about the Bini Boog, the Bro Bone, and the Bodyssy?.