Sequential has officially announced the Prophet XL, their new flagship keyboard in the Prophet X family.
The Sequential Prophet XL is a 76-key version of the Prophet X samples-plus-synthesis hybrid synth. The new instrument provides the same powerful combination of high-fidelity samples from 8Dio and full synthesis capabilities as the Prophet X, but adds a semi-weighted-action, 76-key Fatar keybed. It also introduces a new performance mode that allows 32-voice polyphony, when using a single sampled instrument and a single oscillator.
At the heart of both the Prophet XL and the Prophet X is a sound engine that powers two simultaneous 16-bit, 48kHz sample-based instruments plus two high-resolution digital oscillators with waveshape modulation — all processed through analog filters. In standard performance mode, the instrument provides bi-timbral, 8-voice-stereo, or 16-voice mono operation.
“We designed the Prophet XL for musicians who wanted more of a good thing,” notes Sequential founder Dave Smith. “By adding an extended, semi-weighted action keyboard and enabling 32-voice performance mode, we’ve made it even more satisfying to play the acoustic and electric pianos and other instruments, where increased polyphony is crucial. We’re making 32-voice mode available on the Prophet X, as well, so that all of our users will benefit.”The 150 GB sample library in the Prophet XL and Prophet X includes numerous acoustic and electronic instruments, as well as an extensive collection of ambient and cinematic effects.
Users can shape the samples through loop manipulation, sample stretching, and the synthesizer’s many sound-sculpting functions which include 4 envelope generators, 4 LFOs, a deep modulation matrix, and other tools. The Prophet XL and Prophet X also provide 50 gigabytes of internal storage for importing additional samples. Support for user-created sample content is planned for December, 2018.
Pricing and Availability
The Sequential Prophet XL will be available in November of 2018 with a MAP of $4,399. See the Sequential site for more info.
I’ve been a happy Sequential player for years, so I like all of Dave’s work, even the models that are to the left of what I need. IMO, someone has to have both a synth jones and a decent dose of traditional approaches to make the best use of this one. I immediately thought “A lot may depend on how good the pianos really are when those promised sound sets appear. 76 keys means the player wants to have room to stretch out. Its not a direct Nord competitor, but its in the same musical weight class and price, soooo…” There are no Hammond drawbars, so its not aimed there, but otherwise, I’m curious as to how many Xs we’ll see in rigs within 6-12 months. C’mon lottery, I need 2 of the unweighted models!
For a lot of us this is very outside our budgets ,or outside our interests to justify that budget.
Dave Smith can do know wrong in my opinion though. I would ask him to remember those of us into the budget end of the market.The man gave us midi.
Are you suggesting that companies should only make entry-level gear?
Sequential makes more synth designs than just about anybody, and most of them are mid-range synths, not high-end ones.
I’d like to see more competition at the high end of keyboard synths, rather than the low end. Right now, it’s pretty much Yamaha, Sequential and Moog doing the flagship synths. They all make some great synths – but things will get a lot more interesting as people like Waldorf actually start shipping new uber-synths.
don’t forget about Modal Music, those are on the higher end and IMO they are the best sounding, and most overlooked synths. and they’re pricey.
And John Bowen Solaris Synth, and Kurzweil Forte maybe
you mixed in a bunch everything – analog, digital, hybrid, Yamaha, Modal… If we speak analog hi-end – Sequential, Moog, Modal, Arturia (Matrixbrute). There’s no Yamaha there now. If we speak digital hi-end – there are lots of manufacturers – Yamaha, Roland, Korg, Nord, Waldorf (soon), and others small or custom manufacturers/ designers like John Bowen with his Solaris.
Love what Dave Smith is doing.
That said: while he should (and does) continue to push the envelope and make these amazing top shelf keyboards, I would love to see him come out with an affordable (less than $600???) new variation on the Desktop Evolver/Desktop Mopho theme.
When the desktop Evolver came out it was, to me, revolutionary: a $400 module that didn’t need a keyboard and cut no corners when it came to depth in programming. I was looking for a budget synth and it was so far ahead of any of the similarly priced products (not many). The cost cutting aspects (mainly the matrix programming) was really a small price to pay. I’m more resentful of not having an on/off switch, quite frankly.
Out of all my electronic instruments, the Desktop Evolver is the one that I am certain I will never sell. And that includes the MEK that I bought a few years later. Not that it is better but the cost/size vs capability factor is mind-blowing.
Dave Smith has been very good about supporting multiple levels of budget – the Rev2 is a huge value for the money, as are the Mopho, Tetra, AS1, and others: There is a price floor since he’s making in the USA, but I think he’s more than proven his commitment to all musician budgets.
absolutely, here here!
This, 100%. And.. don’t forget that if the keyboard versions are still out of your range, you can get the module versions for even less. Even the sparse Prophet 12 module is compact and is capable of incredible results.
Looks like it is very well made, and the feature set might be awesome. For a very well-made, powerful synth like this, $4400 is a bargain. Granted, it is a higher price than people expect to spend on synth, but for a powerhouse flagship like this, it’s really not so bad.
The presence of two small ribbons above the wheels made be VERY happy.
I’m hoping they implement a pretty robust sample and keymap editing section. Am I understanding that it will layer two different sample keymaps at once, plus synthesis? Or am I misunderstanding?
I think this is great but for the added expense it would be nice for them to have added a 10 key pad for calling up patches like what the Prophet 12 has. There is so much more panel space that it would have been nice to take advantage of it.
Great to see some talented musicians playing it. And great to see that Domi Degalle and Nick Semrad are not exclusive to Yamaha. (Unless Sequential has signed some deal with Yamaha?)
this fills a very niche need, but it’s really cool that a company would create something very elaborate for a niche market. most composers already have lots of 8DIO stuff, and very likely a DSI synth too, and they are most likely already layering them in projects. but a synth user who doesn’t really use sample libraries could really have fun with this and not have to dive in to the world of DAWs and VSTs. any way you flip it, it’s very apparent that Dave is focused and excited about music creation, not mass market which is very cool. and to be honest with the recent Moog Titanic that just came out, it makes me love Dave’s offerings even more.
Behringer like this
Less than 399 = Pro-1. I know what I’ll take…
This instrument seems clearly to be designed for score composers. I don’t think it’s that niche a market these days, but I don’t know how many film/game composers watch or comment on this site. This would not be your first synth. It is not the instrument for the gigging musician. It’s not the instrument for the worship band. What it is, is an amazing, one of a kind tool for a modern composer. And if one is a reasonably productive working composer, this keyboard will more than pay for itself in one gig.
Thank you Dave for your endless contributions to music technology!
Am I the only one who thinks there *may* eventually be a junior version of the X for, say, $2400? Smaller library, just one synth layer, maybe 4-octave? Not too likely, but flagship trickle-down is a time-honored tradition. Speaking more practically, raise your hand if you’d buy a Prophet X tabletop model. (Hand goes up.) Mmmmm, Synth Hallucination….
Nice to see a demo where people can really PLAY! Nice sounds and instrument and awesome musicians.