In his latest video, synthesist Hainbach shares his take on classic string synthesizers, and demonstrates how he uses his Wersi String Orchestra.
Video Description:
Analog String Synthesizers are simple yet beautiful machines. Based on a simple synthesis method, they make it up with heavy modulation FX such a chorus and phasers. That is why I think that even today these have their place in a studio – its hard to mimic their shimmering tone with samples and plugins. They sound alive.
I’m sorry. It doesn’t sound alive to me. It sounds cheap, buzzy, and cheesy.
Thats the beauty of these instruments!
Isn’t cheesy part of the charm of these great old synths?
Sounds superb, love these quirky instruments.
I think it’s pretty cool, reminds me of my old PAiA Stringz ‘N Thingz keyboard I build from a kit when I was younger.
I happened to listen to the following very nice demo of a collection of Italian string synths just before I listened to this demo (spotted it on MATRIXSYNTH but may be posted on Synthtopia as well?)
I’ve owned a few cheese-scented instruments, including the fun of a real Optigan, but it was all aimed at struggling towards what we have now. You can love old string synths or transistor organs for their own sake, but they were stepping stones towards Emulators and today’s 30-pound digital Hammonds. I’m sure more than a few early players settled for a Vox because a B-3 was unthinkable. Now, you just scrape a little, buy a Nord stage piano (or even just a well-appointed PC w/controller) and you can cover 95% of whatever you need. I’m amused by people with huge ooo-aah rigs; personally, I wouldn’t want to have to clean all of that. Been there, vacuumed that!
Have always owned one or two in my keyboard rig
Elka Rhapsody 490 was part of my live gear for a few years. Could get a nice sound similar to the one used in the opening of Lunar Sea from Camel.
Hainbach’s deadpan delivery always amuses me. He is thorough and calmly enthusiastic. Nicely done.
String theory
It sounds okay, but not as good and analog as waldorf streichfett
Maybe not analog but the Streichfett sounds amazing
Solina V from Arturia is very nice!