Developer Aly James shared this sneak preview of Samplight 2X+ VST, which models and builds upon the Fairlight CMI IIX.
“All the quirks of the original are there,” says James. “There were some refinement on the usability, but do not expect a super fast modern workflow, I tried to kept it as close as can be for a reason!”
The virtual instrument is currently in development. Here’s what James has to say about the current state of Samplight:
What is currently done:
PAGE 2 – DISK CONTROL(done: load and save real original .VC files and attached .CO files, version 4.3 and 4.4 including MODE 1 params aka FFT, loading .IN aka Instruments files is in the works..)
PAGE 5 WAVEFORM GENERATION(done but needs some additional GUI work)
PAGE 6 WAVEFORM DRAWING(done but needs some more work)
PAGE 8 SOUND SAMPLING(done, include importing .WAV Files for resampling through the emulated circuitry)
PAGE D WAVEFORM DISPLAY(done, include some other views like POLAR view in addition to the iconics Fairlight ISO an LINEAR views)
PAGE F USER DEFINED FUNCTIONS(done but needs some GUI work)
Lot of things are added within the limitation of what the Fairlight could have done with some extra memory:
– FM Synthesis capabilities, including using waveform memory as a modulator.
– Spectrum Convolution (convolve between 2 spectrum)
– Spectrum Resynthesis manipulation(Harmonic Frequency bins offsets per Harmonic etc..)
– Two ways TimeStrech ( the CMI IIX allowed to increase the duration of the waveform memory only, now you can also reduce it)
This is fantastic, I was afraid development had died. Aly James makes superb plugins.
Keep going man! … this is fantastic… I’ve been dreaming about getting a Fairlight since the day I read about it in a science magazine WAY BACK in 1979!!!! I wrote to Fairlight and got a promo brochure and demo cassette tape (which I still have)… a great game during the 80s was ‘spot the Fairlight’ on music videos (and also trying to pick it in songs.
This demo looks brilliant…. great work
Price please. How does this compare to Arturia’s software version of the Fairlight?
He forgot the sequencer? :S
Will it have an optional 8 bit “cheese” setting to capture that lo-fi “magic” of the original models?
i can dig it
Wow! Very interesting! Good idea to enhance it! If you ad a sequencer (please do that), be so kind and enhance ( make it more simple) it too. It never be funny to work with. Are all the original sounds included? I like the idea that you show Peter Vogel with his „high prize / cause it’s retro – attitude“ what a fairlight-app can be!
/ effects / a switch possibility between cmi2 and cmi3 on the input stage… Great Job so far!!!!
Ideas: I think it would be cool to sample thru the spectrum processor
I just realised that there is no Page R in the list of features…. no Page R???????