28 thoughts on “Behringer Pro-1 Synthesizer Overview

  1. Well Uli, you just got to add 4 more voices and you got a sure fire success as you’ve just recreated the legendary and much coveted Prophet 5!

      1. Sure, but that would be an incredibly unfeasible solution to playing live and having to switch patches between or even during songs. I need patch memory and polyphony, I need to be able to tell anyone else who plays keys to “just press this button and play the part we practiced/these notes”.

  2. Maybe the manufacturers should hire musicians to demo their stuff. I’m stoked to get my hands on the Microfreak and the Volca Modular, but the videos I’ve seen so far have been lackluster. I don’t make my buying decisions on specs and descriptions- I want to heqar what it does!

    1. Well, that Matt Baxley guy seems to be demonstrating for Behringer synths also. His SonicState Odyssey “no talking” video is really good as a demo of some playing classic sounds. But I think he;s more familiar with the Odyssey than the Pro-1. Its evident as he goes fluidly from one Arp patch to the next that he’s very used to going from sweet spot to sweet spot on that synth. So for the Pro-1 they need a Pro-1 enthusiast familair with the sweet spots also with flying fingers.

    2. I was thinking exactly the same about microfreak demo. I don’t consider myself a good musician but I’m sure would be able to do better demos than most of those guys… But maybe people love demo or shitty sequence and random know turning… On the other hand Matt Boxle is a good musician, it’s nice to see him doing demo, he was already familiar with Odyssey as I watched few demos of him on his youtube channel, he already got the Korg Odyssey few years ago. If I was one of this company I would hire some good musicians to present my synths, it’s like if fashion designers did not hire models to wear their clothes to introduce them…

  3. Hopefully this time, the oscillators will be stable. It is not a hard or expensive thing to do when building a synth.
    If the neutron or model d had them I would’ve bought both second hand.

    1. I own 2 model d’s and once the normal analog warm up time over the oscilators are stable, in fact, if i do a patch, leave the studio, come back even a week later and switch it on, after the warm up time the synth is in tune without me adjusting anything.
      Of course if i switch it on and tune it right away i’ll have to retune it again and again in the first half an hour.. I mean, its analog… not a plugin. A tube mic wont sound as great 2 minutes after plugin it in as it will 45 mins after.. damn!

  4. I have a Pro One as part of my setup, it was the second synth I played, the clone looks interesting but as has been stated this demo is not good… Sequential Circuits Pro One is a brilliant synth, apart from the keyboard which is just ok. Pro One sounds great and is so easy and intuitive to use. Get your act together Behringer and sort out a decent demo or even better match a real nice keyboard with the module then give us a great demo.

    1. “Sequential Circuits Pro One is a brilliant synth, apart from the keyboard which is just ok.”

      🙂 When I want to have a good laugh, I always visit my friend’s studio and play his Pro-one. It’s absolutely the worst keyboard produced in the history of synthesizers. It’s so bad it’s fun again.

  5. Yeah, wow. That demo couldn’t be any less musical if it tried. Hilariously tone deaf. I don’t really need or even want to hear any serious instrument chops at work in a demo, but some musical intervals and a nod toward rhythm should be the obvious starting point. I think you could throw a cat at a keyboard and get more pleasing results than this. Surely behringer brought someone to NAMM who can press on keys in a non-offensive way?

  6. Oh dear god, this is one of the worst demos I’ve heard for a synth in a long, long time. Uli, get this over to Paulo at Synthmania, Retrosound, Gattobus or one of the other good synth channels on youtube. Let someone with some musical ability show what this can do……….not this!!

  7. Not hearing the magic of my old Pro One in this demo. Also not impressed by cloning these old synths right down to the fonts and knobs. Make something new. At least make it look new. Everyone rips off the circuits but ripping off the trade dress screams “uncreative and lazy”

  8. I will admit it,I love my boog,demo is ok not brilliant but I can hear the sound and to me it sounds same as my good old pro-1 that went crackly after a gig with some hippies at a festival so I got rid,but always missed the sound,keyboard on the original j-wire was ok but I prefer this format,I like to look like the original so it’s up to your personal taste.

  9. So what is up with this???has it been shelved???no more updates???the preorders are available for everything but this one…

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