Music Tribe subsidiary TC Electronic has introduced the June-60 Chorus – a clone of the chorus circuit of the Roland Juno-60 synthesizer.
- All-analog BBD (Bucket Brigade Delay) circuitry
- Mono/stereo switch
- True Bypasa
- Metal chassis
- Runs on 9 V battery or TC Electronic Powerplug 9 (not included)
- 3-Year Warranty Program
Pricing and Availability
The June-60 Chorus is available now for US $49.95.
I remember really liking the certain special something that the Juno 60’s chorus brought. It does make sense to bring it to a pedal. The fact that they made it look so much like it, including the huge orange buttons does add a psychological link.
For a chorus, I think the lack of a mix knob is inexcusable. The one thing you would want to do with THAT chorus is choose how much of it you wanted. Yes, it wasn’t in the original, but so what? You could use it with a switcher that has a parallel function, but you shouldn’t have to. Lack of mix knob is my deal-breaker, YMMV.
Otherwise, it was a worthwhile device to make, they were just too authentic in this case.
Mod it to have a potentiometer.
Put it on an aux send.
If the wet sound of this pedal includes any ratio of the dry signal, then putting it on a send return path is problematic
Use a mixer send and you are able to mix both wet & dry signals.
I was saying meh at $99. At $49 its a hmm…I might just have to get one.
Did they build in the noise that comes with the JUNO chorus? Both my JUNO-6 and JUNO-106 start hissing and spitting whenever I engage the chorus. I remember the same thing happening with my JUNO-60. I always figured it was an artifact of whatever circuitry they were using to boost the gain.
All part of the fun.
My 106 chorus was pretty noisy as well. Never spent enough time with a 60. What’s the difference in their chorus?
The noise is mainly due to degradation of the chip over time. And it only seems to effect some units. I have both a JX and 106. Both in good condition and both have quiet chorus. Not completely Noise free but when idle you have to crank through the monitors to hear it swishing about and by then it’s way too loud to play
The MS-20 mini is noisier
Also, I expect one day a V2 with L and R in and out as well as full of knobs for tweaking, priced at $99.99 – $149.99
Yea, that seems about right
Buy 2 V1 : L in the first, R in the second, mono out on each unit, same chorus type on each unit, and you have a stereo unit !
Person #1:
WOW THIS IS AMAZING!! Someone finally cloned this in hardware that wasn’t just a small boutique company!! I must have this now!! Its so cheap and so vintage but also new!! What a deal!! What an amazing company!!
Person #2:
Pssst… TC Electronic is a Behringer company…
Person #1:
How immoral!! How can they blatantly steal others work!! Roland should take them to court!! Screw Uli and his Chinese slave labor industrial machine of death! I’d never buy anything from them!! This is just a “knock-off” and will break in a month!! Blahhhhh I’m angry and also angry!!
Person #2:
‘Blahhhhh I’m angry and also angry!!’
lol! Thank you.
Was ranting about that octagon thing in another post and this slapped me upside the head.
Your welcome and stuff
I do wish they would have added modulation speed and depth knobs.
I see where you come from, but then it would’ve been just one of the many chorus already available. It’s faithful to the original one and the design is amazing: if it works well with keyboards too (which isn’t a given) I’ll buy it for sure. The design is superb, too.
Here’s a demo of the June-60 with synths:
I wish they would sell this as a mod kit so I could use it to replace my aging and noisy Juno 106 chorus circuit!
It doesn’t seem to be available to buy yet though?
How does the circuit of the Boss CE-1 and the Juno 60 chorus differ? Or is it similar?
Biggest difference would be that the CE-1 is mono with 1 BBD, while the Juno60 chorus actually has 2 BBD’s (modulated differently by the same LFO), so it can be used for mono to real stereo. Yes, I know… the CE1 has a ‘stereo’ output, but that’s just the dry signal on one side, and the modulated signal on the other. Might work great with a guitar and 2 amps on stage, but in the studio it doesn’t give what you expect from real stereo.
It seems to me that people here don;t realize how special it is to have a real stereo out analog chorus. And for only $50… There are hardly any affordable stereo analog choruses out there. In case you for instance think the MXR Stereo Chorus is stereo, wrong. It’s simply 1 BBD with left and right out of phase. As most are. Great on stage, unusable in the studio.
In case anybody wants to try how it sounds in the studio, TAL has an awesome free emulation of it derived from their super authentic Tal U-No-LX softsynth.
I wish they’d put input/output volume controls on it (like my Moog Clusterflux) as having to drastically turn down the volume to avoid clipping on synths often leads to substantial noise floor issues (and confused soundmen at live gigs).
TC also released a chorus that’s a clone of the Dimension C for $70.|en)
To me, that’s even more useful for synths.
A big part of the Juno60 chorus’ appeal is the fact that it turns a mono signal into true stereo. That dimension C clone is (unlike the original *and* strangely enough the Behringer CC300 clone) mono in, mono out. No idea what TC were thinking, but it must’ve been targeted at guitar players primarily.
Some thoughts here:
* It doesn’t have depth/speed/intensity knobs. If you want that, on Amazon there is a $20 chorus (The “Azor chorus”) which sounds great on even the thinnest sounding analog synth (it’s mono, but for $20, just buy two to get stereo)
* It doesn’t have a stereo input. As it turns out, the Juno-60 chorus didn’t have a stereo input either; this is authentic to the original 1980s technology. To get a stereo input, buy two and run them both in mono (at $50 each, “buy two” is still a reasonable solution)
* For the inevitable “it doesn’t sound exactly like the chorus in the Juno-60” comments we will get once this is out in the wild, my attitude is: So what? It’s close, it doesn’t have the noise of a Juno-60 chorus, and I’m more interested in making music than in collecting old synths.
What this June-60 does is add the one missing component to a DeepMind 12 to make it an authentic superset of a Juno-60: The analog chorus.
A chorus with one LFO modulating 2 BBDs out of phase (as happens in the Juno60 chorus) is not the same as running 2 independent choruses. The left and right modulation on the Juno60 chorus sounds related, 2 independent choruses doesn’t, which has its own charm though.
It’s about time someone made Roland’s apology for a single layer of icy DCOs available to all!
anyone complaining about this pedal is a moron. It is a analog juno chorus clone for $50 retail. 3 modes only – as a clone should be. Behringer could now do a perfect clone of the juno 60 or 106 for like 300-500$. Which would appeal more to me than the deepmind.
Yeah, but it would have fans and a 3-octave keyboard.
Behringer OB-Xa coming out late this year will be 5 octaves and the fans are just to keep the oscillators stable in hot environmens, the fans can be completely turned off and are not needed in most situations.
Jupiter 8 clone will be coming too. Not until 2020 though.. (with all in the pipeline may get delayed to 2021)
Mono input FAIL!