Moog has announced that their new Sirin synthesizer – an updated version of the Moog Minitaur, is now available worldwide.
You can now find Sirin at your favorite authorized Moog Dealer worldwide.
Sirin is essentially the Moog Minitaur design, but with an updated look and with new full-range oscillators, instead of the original Taurus-inspired oscillators.
Pricing and Availability
The Moog Sirin is available now for US $599.
i wonder why the eurorack option is not there. ?
Good point here!
The only improvement they made was the octave range.
We want to patch this big bass motherf*cker!
Looks like we’re never going to see a consumer run of the Subharmonicon either
Considering that it’s the same price as the Mother-32 they probably don’t want to undercut their own products in the Eurorack game.
600 bucks, good old Moog! LOL
Moog is become the new Apple
If I were Moog (or anybody), I’d be very happy with that paradigm.
Keeping customers so happy that they’re willing to pay for a top-of-the-line product?
Not many companies are good enough to play that game.
I am usually not one to complain about companies pricing choices, but a street price increase of 70% for a facelift and a wider octave range is pretty cheeky.
Math may not be your forte.
Minitaur‘s price is 419 Euro, Sirin‘s price is 719 Euro – that’s a price increase of 71,6 %. What’s your point?
Not sure where you’re shopping, but the Minitaur lists for US $539 and the Sirin for $599 – about a 10% difference.
In the Uk the Minitaur is £389 and the Sirin £619
Brexit screwed you guys!
The prices I quoted are from Germany.
That’s pretty strange, since Moog’s list prices are about the same. You’re probably seeing street prices for the Minitaur and street prices for the Sirin won’t be lower than the list price until retailers are actually sitting on some stock.
That or Germany is getting hosed!
For those complaining about the price: fortunately you are not required to purchase one! If you like the design, build quality, features and sound, you can always save a little disposable income for a while and then get your itch scratched. I don’t see the point in complaining about how a business chooses to price it’s products — this is Free Market Capitalism 101; if you think it’s over[riced then shop elsewhere.
I don’t think it’s overpriced. Pricey maybe but not overpriced. It is a Moog after all. What it is though, is totally bland and unexciting. Really quite boring. Great for people trying get in on their first Moog but other than that… meh! I mean half of this device already existed already for years. They should have released the Subharmonican. Insta-buy
Roman this is a website dedicated to synth enthusiasts. We complain about everything. We complain about the sound, build quality, ergonomics, voice structure, format, layout, even the colors. We often complain about price. We do this here and on gearslutz in order to inform future synth and audio unit manufacturers what we want and what price we are willing to pay. It’s free speech and it actually sometimes works.
BBW: Understood. I see where you’re coming from. I do wonder though, how often that works out, for those who are complaining to get a manufacture to alter their product offerings or pricing? I can see that people have been lambasting Roland for years about re-introducing analog synths and drum machines, and it clearly has not yet snuck into their business model. Has it prompted Behringer to replicate these devices, most likely, but that’s not the same thing, is it?
I’m all for free speech, and the internet likes to make everyone feel like their voice is heard and their opinion is important (mine included!), but I am genuinely curious as to instances where users and customers, professional or hobbyist, commenting or complaining on internet websites have had an impact on features or pricing of an electronic music product — can you give some examples? What equipment to you own and use and love? Was it’s design or price influenced by internet comments? For myself the answer is no, I think.
Several features which have been added to the Novation Circuit in firmware updates, are thanks to customer feedback, given in their Circuit Facebook group. I think the Deluge received updates based on user feedback as well. Akai claims that their recent update is based on user feedback. And so on. Some companies listen, at least to that feature request part.
The price is probably more a question of greed, costs and market research.
There’s a big difference between “user feedback” (sending an email to a company or commenting directly on their social media feeds) and posting rants on sites like this one.
And there’s a big difference between “user feedback” and accusing a company of being greedy just because you can’t afford their products.
Just because you disagree with someone’s opinion doesn’t make it a rant.
Further, companies like Conductive Labs (NDLR), IK Multimedia and others have been commenting on this very site. So they might take notes.
Finally, whatever you assume, doesn’t make it a fact. Just because someone disagrees with a price doesn’t mean they can’t afford the product in question.
Moog Siren or Behringer Model D and Neutron? hmmm…..
the siryn recalls presets………. if you plug it in your computer.
You don’t need a computer for presets. Use glide + 2 vco wave buttons
Reason enough to choose the B synths, no quantized steps for the knobs. I have plenty of synths that can store patches. Having some that dont is a plus for me, as I have so few that don’t.
The same as Mother, but slightly tweaked
Is it worth the price ? – NO
No innovation at all, but trying to “milk” hard moog affictionados from their cash.
Same all, same all from Moog I’m afraid…
Most people judge a synth by what it can do – not SJW politics – and the Moog Minitaur & Sirin both are well-built, fantastic sounding synths that capture that classic Taurus sound.
Imagine what Synthtopia comments would be like on an automotive website… “It is such bullshit that Porsche charges so much for the new 911. My Nissan cost a fraction of that and it can drive anywhere a Porsche can!”
Still prefer the Z.
For real… It’s cute… Like… Really really really really cute… Gosh is it cute. It’s cute !
Mogue should’ve added PW / PWM control of the square on one of the VCO’s.
“More than I want to (or can) spend” !== “overpriced”.
If these show up on synth retail sites at a substantial discount in 12 months, those who claim it’s overpriced will be proven right.
The Deepmind 12 sells for half what it did a year ago, so it was WAY overpriced or people were underwhelmed.
Moogs that are still in production sell on for about 90% of the new price. Of course, once they are out of production, you’d be lucky to get them for their original price.
Moral of the story: Moog synths are good synths and a good investment.
Not high enough priced .. so maybe I’ll buy 2 and give one away .. there .. I feel better already