Buchla Thunder Overlay For Sensel Morph Controller

At the 2019 NAMM Show, Sensel introduced the Buchla Thunder Overlay for its Morph music controller.

We talked with Sensel’s Peter Nyboer, who gave us a quick intro.

Here’s what they have to say about the Buchla Thunder Overlay:

When it comes to expressive and unique instrument design, Buchla is a towering legend. 30 years ago, with the release of the Thunder, Buchla introduced a musical playing interface inspired by Native American art and the natural playing positions of the human hands and fingers.

The Buchla Thunder Overlay is uniquely well-suited to a variety of instruments – from synthesizers with rich and evolving timbres to acoustic samples that benefit from a more “human” touch to hardware synthesizers like the legendary Buchla Easel.

Buchla Thunder Overlay with Morph Musical Overlays

Along with our friends at Buchla, we dedicated extra care and engineering to making the Buchla Thunder Overlay a smooth and expressive experience worthy of the Buchla legacy. We worked closely with the team at Buchla on the feel, design, color, and sizing to respect history and take full advantage of the Morph platform.

Each of the 27 areas of the Buchla Thunder Overlay transmits a dedicated note and can be used with any instrument that accepts MIDI or MPE (MIDI Polyphonic Expression) input. The Buchla Thunder Overlay can further be customized to transmit any of the protocols supported by the Sensel App, including HID for gaming, computer keyboard commands, and more.

Pricing and Availability

The Buchla Thunder Overlay is available for pre-order for US $59. The Sensel Morph with Buchla Thunder Overlay are available together for US $269.

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