At SynthPlex 2019, Sequential introduced updates to their Prophet XL. We talked with Sequential founder Dave Smith, who gave us a quick demo of the new features.
For more information on the Prophet XL and other Sequential instruments, check out the Sequential website.
I will never be able to afford this and even if I could, I’d feel ridiculous buying it, but I love it and I love Dave!
The Prophet XL may be out of many people’s budget, but can personally recommend some low-end DSI synths, notably the Tetra and the Prophet ’08 modules. I think the Mopho x4 is like a Tetra with a keyboard so it might be worth checking out as well.
They may not be quite as cheap as Korg or Behringer but they are good and affordable instruments.
Unfortunately, unlike the Tetra, the Mopho x 4 is not multitimbral; which is insane. How can you make a tiny desktop synth multitimbral, but not the bigger boys?
For this reason, I have no lust for any DSI synth, other than a Tetra.
Come on, Dave, multitibrality please.
The market has spoken already and mainstream synth buyers don’t want to pay extra for polyphonic aftertouch, multi-timbrality or 70s/80s level build quality.
It’s unfortunate, but features like that are for niche buyers these days.
The market was ever thus. The big Obies, Jupiters and Prophets were always in a small market. I’ll answer your other post where you claim the opposite in a mo…….
I love how the P’08 module supports poly pressure!! The Tetra doesn’t but it supports polyphonic channel pressure (which works fine with the KMI QuNexus and should work with the new K-board as well although I haven’t tested it yet!) I agree though the Tetra is a fantastic module, and the fact that it’s multitimbral with 4 outputs adds versatility…. And it has poly chain so you can put two or more of them together…
Fantastic that there are future classics getting released these days.
I grew up in the dark ages of synths, so I’m amazed at what’s available now.
Prophet XL, Moog One, Prologue, Peak, OB6, Kyra – all up there with some of the greatest synths ever made.
Also – Dave Smith is a legend. He could be retiring, but instead he’s making amazing new synth designs.
These are great times for synth freaks!
It’s unfortunate, but features like that are for niche buyers these days……..;-)
The market was ever thus.
The market has spoken already and mainstream synth buyers don’t want to pay extra for polyphonic aftertouch, multi-timbrality or 70s/80s level build quality.
The Prophet X has been a huge game changer for me. Absolutely love it.
Will there be a replacement for the Prophet 12?
A Prophet 13?
Prophet 20. Twenty voice and released in 2020, my guess.
Seems Dave has firmly left the low cost market and is now selling expensive synths exclusively. It’s ok though, Uli is filling that niche for Dave (Pro-1). Hopefully uli releases a Prophet-5 or Prophet-600.