Subscribe To A Free New Print Magazine For Electronic Musicians, Waveform

Waveform Magazine is a new print magazine for synthesists.

It’s quarterly print magazine, supported by advertisers, about ‘synthesizers and those who inhabit that world’. The print subscription is free to all US subscribers, and subscribers outside the US get the magazine in digital format.

We talked with Editor Ellison Wolf at SynthPlex 2019, and he said his vision was to do something similar to Tape Op magazine, but focused on synths.

Issue #1, due out in April 2019, features interviews with: Suzanne Ciani, Dave Smith, Folktek, Noise Reap, and 4ms. It also features a section on synth DIY, DivKid’s “Underrated”, Shop Talk, gear reviews, music reviews, and more.

You can subscribe at the Waveform site.

7 thoughts on “Subscribe To A Free New Print Magazine For Electronic Musicians, Waveform

  1. Hey – Waveform here. You can subscribe to only the digital by just entering your name and email address and filling in the bottom portion with gibberish, just so long as the country is USA. We’re working on refining this so there’s a box to check so you don’t have to go through all that. Thanks!

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