TA Programming Intros Premium MIDI & CV Interface

TA Programming has introduced their first hardware product for the music industry, their MIDI & CV Interface.

Key features include:

  • MIDI – USB Pass Through. This enables a low-latency MIDI to USB converter straight out the box, with no setup required. Compatible with SYSEX transfer, and is able to work independently of the CV outputs.
  • Multi-Synth Control. With 4 universally routable outputs, MIDI capability, along with the ability to daisy chain interfaces, one can control multiple independent synthesizers simultaneously, with low latency – even in a split keyboard configuration.
  • Enhanced Scaling Accuracy. Achieved with Multipoint Mapping + Realtime Floating Point Conversion – this can account for synths that are out of tune, drifting, and even synths that have non-linearities on their V/Oct range.
  • Extra Pitch Stability. The developers say that their layered decoupling topology and advanced power regulation circuits preserve your tuning, no matter the USB host.
  • -9V to +10V Output Range. Works with almost any synthesizer on the market. Can supply enough voltage to even trigger some +15V only gates.
  • Automatic EPROM saving and loading. Ensures your desired configuration is preserved when the interface is unplugged.

Pricing and Availability

The TA Programming MIDI & CV Interface is available to pre-order for £249.99.

12 thoughts on “TA Programming Intros Premium MIDI & CV Interface

      1. 4CVs apparently with no separate gates?!

        So this is at best duophonic: 2 voices, 2 gates. But if you want velocity, you got your pitch, your velocity, your gate, oh, you’re monophonic now. Well you got an extra out, mod wheel, for your mono voice.

        Also, no microtonal support? This isn’t 1980.

        Terrible. Absolutely terrible.

        To fix this, for goodness sake, add 4 gate signals so you’re at least on par with the bottom of the barrel converters.


        1. I think the CV outputs are universal and meant for monophonic vintage synths anyway. With the other features, it appears to be something different.

          For example my pro one needs minus two volts to have super fat basslines and it drifts a lot with my current converter which also can’t play my sub37 at the same time, so this could work.

          1. You bring up a legitimate point with voltage ranges. Some MIDI-to-CV converters have a 0-5V output range. This is not acceptable at all. Better ones commonly have 0-10V or 0-15V. And the overwhelming majority of synths, even with -12V-12V output audio signal ranges and a -15V/0V/+15V power supply, still use 0-10V control signals. Negative control signals is highly unusual. But, as you mention, they do exist. Adding support given a 0/5V USB power supply requires a competent electrical engineer for a trivial cost solution, or an adept parts supplier for a modest cost solution. Many boutique makers don’t have this background and figure 0/5V is good enough, which it isn’t. In your specific case, having CV source that ranges to -9V will be helpful for your work.

            My point is that any modern device needs to have a minimum of functionality. This device, in my opinion, does not, and it is severely lacking in relation to competing solutions, with the exception of the negative control voltage support, the solid metal case, and the combo MIDI to USB interface. The upgrades to add gates would likely not add significantly to the hardware cost and microtonal support would not add anything to hardware cost. To compete with the current best in class though would require analog inputs as well for automated calibration and drift compensation. But not everyone is looking for that. In my opinion this devices feature set is not sufficient to sell enough units to maintain an ongoing concern. Which means early adopters will be left in the lurch.

  1. This could work nicely for sorting out the drift on my old analog gear! Not gonna lie, I was wondering whether a decent (-) voltage capable converter would come out.

  2. Dear Makers. Congrats to a nice first product. Don’t get discouraged from the comments nabove, but rather filter out any helpful feedback between the lines. It takes balls to start a business but it is fun. Enjoy the ride.

  3. I’ve been struggling with my Mono/poly for months now and no calibration will stop the drift!
    This “multipoint mapping” sounds really exciting!

  4. Yeah don’t get discouraged about the interface, even though it’s doomed to obscurity with that price point/ feature ratio.

  5. Why USB?
    I’m experimenting with FireWire at the moment and it’s MILES ahead, much “purer” signal and things are actually in sync……… The USB controller is to blame.
    It wouldn’t be hard to make a Thunderbolt/FireWire MIDI interface.

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