Wave Creator is an interactive sample loader / user oscillator creator for the KORG Minilogue XD & Prologue synthesizers.
The application will allow you load sampled audio and edit it for use with the Korg ‘logue synths.
It’s currently available for Windows computers.
That 30k/8-bit limitation seemed doubtful at first, but it IS a synth. Single-cycle waves are part of the bread-&-butter. The Wurly sound was a real keeper, so the app clearly delivers. I don’t know how many users might explore it deeply, but the XD is developing an interesting niche for alternate oscillator models that stretch it out.
Very cool. Glad to see developers taking advantage of the XD’s SDK. Time to write some code too I guess!
Yeah, 8-bit resolition (0~255) steps is a bit coarse.
I think the E-MU – EMAX stored wave data in 12-bit resolution but companded that to 16-bits.
I’m thinkging DWG waves from the Korg- Microkorg, MS2000, R3 series.
– should be possible to get binary files of those waves to import / process in the XD’s oscillator.
The XD is one of the most interesting synths in production. It shows what’s possible when companies actually choose to innovate instead of copying the past!
I’d really recommend the XD (or the Prologue) – totally refined vs the original, in particular the filter which was really bland, and the digital oscillator hugely expands its sonic potential.
Korg your really triggering me to get one of these even after i sold my original minilogue synth not that long ago
Really excited to try this. Read everything, and watched the video. Downloaded the setup.exe file. Doesn’t seem to work on Windows 10 (64bit). How disappointing can you get?
FWIW a the wave cycle level 8 bits is plenty to describe the wave shape of an oscillator waveform.
If it was the wave cycle multiplied by the VCA envelope, then it would be too little dynamic range. That is where you NEED 12, 16, 18, 24 bit dynamic range.
When will this be available for mac ?