Korg Prologue 2.0 Adds Microtuning, Improved Arpeggiator & More

Korg has released a major update to the firmware for its Prologue synth line.

The update adds microtonal support, wet/dry control for stock effects, ‘aftertouch in’ support and more.

Here’s what’s new in Prologue firmware v2.0:

  • Support for microtuning feature (as on minilogue xd)
  • Added wet/dry mix control to stock delay and reverb effects via shift-depth parameter (as on minilogue xd)
  • Display original value
  • Support for reception and assignment of MIDI after touch.
  • Added controls for arpeggiator speed and gate time.
  • Added option to turn off oscilloscope display
  • Fixed tempo delay times when master clock is external.
  • Fixed display and handling of bipolar percent edit parameters for user oscillators.
  • logue-sdk minor update to API version 1.1-0 (developer features)
  • Fixed other minor bugs

It’s a free download from the Korg site.

15 thoughts on “Korg Prologue 2.0 Adds Microtuning, Improved Arpeggiator & More

  1. Who the fuck would buy a Prologue when Behringer can use slave labour to produce a new CS80 clone with 666 voices, 69 oscillators per voice and a Satanic summoning feature to take advantage of minorities.

    Trash product Korg.

    1. Yeah. Korg products are made by high pay grade employees who get 100k a year and full healthcare and parental leave. They also make pink unicorns and patch their shit OS the moment somebody finds a bug. Oh wait .. It took them at least a year.

  2. The ‘logue is turning into a very interesting line of synths. Love what Sinevibes has been doing on the third-party oscillator side, too.

    1. There are already Multi-Engine plugins that have additional LFOs.

      As I understand it, though, the additional LFOs are limited to modulating parameters of the digital engine.

  3. I hope oneday they come out with a “Superlogue” a 24-32 voice more powerful and feature rich logue….with poly aftertouch, a long touch strip bender the length of the board, and a dual user oscillator….along with more filter types and a seperate multimode dedicated noise source.

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