Erica Synths SYNTRX First Look At Dutch Modular Fest 2019

In this video, via BAMTV, Girts Ozolins from Erica Synths gives a brief overview of his newest creation at the Dutch Modular Fest 2019.

The SYNTRX is a new all-on-one modular analogue synthesizer. It’s inspired by the Synthi AKS, but is not a clone. Instead, it offers an updated take on the AKS, improving on the original’s matrix patching design significantly by minimizing cross-talk and adding patch recall.

Pricing and Availability

A limited run of the Erica Synths SYNTRX is expected to be available at the end of 2019, priced at 2500 euro (VAT excluded). See their site for details.

33 thoughts on “Erica Synths SYNTRX First Look At Dutch Modular Fest 2019

    1. This thought process is just pathetic. Westerners will exploit and crush whoever they want so long as they can get their instant gratification at slave labor prices.

      1. I disagree with your blanket statement about “westerners.” Companies like Huawei and Foxconn demonstrate that Chinese companies are even more effective at ruthless business than Western businesses ever were.

        And if you look at Music Tribe’s business model, it feels distinctly Chinese; they leverage a vertically integrated factory complex and cheap labor to make copies of successful products by major competitors. Who actually owns Music Tribe? Who are its major investors? How much money does the organization actually make, and for whom?

    1. Indeed. It’s difficult to find any demo of how it’s done, but I was afraid that it would work like this. Highly non-immediate.

  1. Hurry up let’s put this product out and dupe people into spending thousands of their hard earned money before Uli builds one for less. Even now I believe the Matrixbrute will bitch slap this synth with regards to the amount of features per dollar. Eventually I will own a Matrixbrute……………someday……..before pigs fly………or before i die 🙁

    1. I don’t think you’ll regret getting a Matrixbrute. There’s a ton of routing in it, though only 4 user routings per patch. Still, it’s incredibly powerful and many of the most common routing choices are already catered to in the matrix.

  2. Hmm….dangerous move due to that Behringer has also teased a EMS synthi clone…..

    Erica Synths SYNTRX is making quality products, no doubt about that, but 2500 € + Tax + Shipping for this mono synth is maybe shooting too high and they could risk getting stuck with this limited batch, if Behringer release a clone for 400-500 € 🙂 (My opinion)

    1. Behringer has teased all sorts of shit and the stuff they’ve delivered is sort of meh. They clearly had a hit with the D, but they’re not trying to go beyond the obvious.

      This synth is clearly a huge improvement over the Synthi, but it seems like a lot of Behringer fans only care about ’cheap’. Dull!

      1. But muh analog clones broooo00! I NEED to know cheap labor under poor conditions and unoriginal stolen ideas were used to make decent sounding muzicz!

        1. I could imagine that Erica Synths also get their PCB incl SMD soldering done in China. How do you know, that the work in China is not cheap and under poor conditions?

            1. You cannot use the “Apples and oranges” card in this matter, because it does not make sense…an apple is an apple…so when you place a order on a PCB manufacturing from a Chinese provider then it does not matter, if the order-giver is called Behringer or Erica Synth.

              China is China….

        2. Not poor conditions, stop spreading lies. Cheap? Yes, Stolen? Yes (but others do it too)

          I am sure you have a toothbrush, which was made by slave labor.

          Most of the things in your home that are new or relatively new are made by slave labor. Uli has better conditions for his workers than many.

      2. The D’s been out less than a year and it fluctuates between $202 and $222 on Amazon, about 70% of its original price.

        Also, even at that price, I’ve been hesitant to buy it after everything I’ve read about its tuning stability.

        So I dunno if I’d call that a hit exactly.

  3. I’m guessing the matrix routing is save/recall-able, but not the knobs positions themselves, so this isn’t really a patch-saving feature. Or am I wrong?

    1. You could say it is “patch saving” in the most literal sense. Much like a lot of drum machines. The patch or pattern is in memory and the sounds aren’t

  4. It’s annoying that we have to discuss Behringer under every hardware-related post now. You fanboys and haters need to calm down, seriously.

    1. Couldn’t agree more. Seriously, whatever the post is about, people find a way to mention that company with the ugly yellow logo.

    2. I dont agree, I think it is fine to involve Behringer as the “standard” in regard to price, then you can choose to be above or under it. It forces the compaies to tell the end user why their model cost 2000€ more.. (example quality, brand name or functions)

      Price and transperency is good you and I.

  5. $500 of it is worthwhile just to able to program without having to stick dodgy pins into it like a voodoo doll. I had the fun of playing with one for a bit, but the crosstalk and squinting at the mini-print diminished it. Its a great FX synth and not really intended for keyboard use, but 80% of the buyers will take it up because the Floyd used it for “On The Run,” heh.

  6. I’m glad Behringer is doing the clone but this looks really next level good. I think it will be better made, and probably sound and operate better. It will be more money but that can be worked with through planning and saving.

    If people are into this I highly suggest checking out the excellent Matrixbrute.

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