Sugar Bytes has introduced DrumComputer for macOS & Windows, described as “the new specialist for synthetic drums”.
DrumComputer offers 8 sound engines, ‘intelligent’ randomizers, sample import and more.
- 8 Sound Engines, each one layering a Resonator, Wavetable and Resynth
- Filter, Compressor, Overdrive and 2 kinds of Send Reverbs: Room and Hall
- 2x Env/LFO, plus Synth-Engine-Modulators, Sequencer-Modulators, ModMatrix
- Intelligent Randomizers for endless Drum Sounds
- 16 Step Sequencer and Pattern Generator, Probability, Rolls, +/- Step Delay, Swing,
- Humanize
- Auto- und Manual Remixing/Fills
- Easy Keyboard Mapping for Patterns, Mutes and Engine Triggers
- Keyzones for Rolls, Pitch and Modulation
- MIDI File Drag & Drop
- Multiple Audio/MIDI Outputs
Audio Demos:
Pricing and Availability:
DrumComputer is available now for €119.
Literally =)
Love Sugar Bytes. When I first got Egoist was having some install issues and they helped me get going. Been a happy user of many of their other apps as well.
Just watched the synth section vid. Nice feature set. Beautiful GUI (IMHO).
The step sequencer is pretty basic. Seems like they’ve kept things tidy, but not allowing for much adventure. Too bad.
I’ve bought this and the sequencer is excellent. Look deeper – there’s some more videos on the sequencing elements.
There are rhythms that can be generated by keeping the same step rate and producing events on that grid with various methods. This sequencer seems suited to making short little ideas (16 steps), and using standard duple & triple step rates.
There are drum machine apps for iOS for around ~$10 that give you incredible rhythmic capabilities– multiple step rates per track (per beat, not per track), scaling the steps properly in the GUI.
Even if we submit to the limitation than a given track must have only one rate; I really wish the developers would provide step rates as ratios of steps:beats. Yes, it can get messy, but you can find something fun and new.
Isn’t this a vst? (honestly I don’t know..).. cause who uses the sequencer anyway if you can just use your daw…?
LOL So right
Using the roll parameter which can be sequenced, you can have multiple triggers per step,
What are those iOS apps called?
Also thought the sequencer was a bit of a let-down.. feels a bit stiff and unadventurous. At the very least it should have midi import.. it should be able to import exactly what it exports so we can iteratively tune lines using the functions from the DAW.
The new Reason drum sequencer puts it to shame.
Shouldn’t the Resonator be after everything else.. synthesis section is a bit confusing too
Each voice consists of 3 synth engines, that are layered to byuld sounds, and the resonator is a synth engine called that, and not a resonator for the signal path (although, it is possible to use either of the other eingines as exciters, from a drop down).
They could have probably made the synth engine easier to understand, by letting the user load just a single engine, possibly with modulators, that are identical to the other engines, but designed to clearly be modulators. Now, each engine, can either be a sound generator, or just a modulator, or have no impact at all, but in either situation each engine will take up the same space and look the same way.
Also, I would have liked to see the option of a sound engine, that was like a typical analog drum voice (coming in different flavours, depending on what type of sound one is trying to create). The system they now have, means that one has to learn how to achieve the same sounds, if one already know what kind of sound one wants to make. Given that it has multiple tracks, not all of them has to be “this new thing”, just for the sake of it, so basic drum machine voices could have complemented some moe advnaced options, and now the route to get there seems overly complex as one has to learn how to do it, on this.
Besides most sounds, when randomizing still seem a bit meh, so it isn’t like it produces sounds above the rest no matter how the voice is set up. Some sounds seem really nice though.
I’ve bought this plugin this weekend: the sequencer is great, the synthesis section is excellent and the GUI really helps get things done. I was waiting for something else than Microtonic as i always felt it was lacking in a few departments, although it’s a fine plugin for the price. I’m glad i’ve waited for Sugar Bytes to release this beauty.
Agree – Microtonic is great and DC takes it a step further
IOS? Please………..
This thing is a beast !!!!!
Another drum computer app? Why tho?
Blablabla…. less talking, more sound… This vid is NOT useful. When I want sell my product, user MUST hear it… ????
There are 20 audio clips to listen to, below the video. Or just download the demo…
Ver cool. Too bad they have no intro offer. I am out of cash. Too much cool stuff coming out . Cant buy it all. CAnt use it all
there is a demo version but you can’t drag the midi sequences from the plugin to a midi track which is an awesome feature as it processes probability and humanize and AUTO fills into the midi