Sunday Synth Jam: This video, by musicartgeek, captures an arrangement of the Opening from Glassworks, by composer Philip Glass.
While the original is for solo piano, here it is arranged for a large Eurorack modular synthesizer. Here’s what they have to say about it:
“One of many departures from the original that I made was rather than the two over three metre of the original (or is it three over two? it keeps on changing!), I used a Doepfer Clock Divider to arbitrarily assign gates to the five voices using only prime number ratios for the rhythmic divisions, in this case 5, 7, 11, and 13, but I cheated with the 4 underneath!
The final moments are given over to the Doepfer 154/155 Sequencer system, creating one-shot aleatoric figures.”
Brilliant rendition of a Glass classic !
This is really nice! Thanks for sharing it.
Always loved Philip Glass. This version is wonderful.
Unlimited Money FTW