Behringer today announced that the Rhythm Designer RD-6, a knockoff of the Roland TR-606 drum machine, is now shipping.
The RD-6 design is a close copy of the original, including Roland’s user interface design, but moves some of the panel controls around, brings connections to the top of the device and adds modern connectivity options.
The RD-6 is being made available in silver to match the original, but also in a variety of solid colors and iMac-inspired translucent colors.
- Analog circuitry
- Reproduction of original circuitry with matched transistors
- 8 original drum sounds with mix parameters and global accent capability
- Clap sound based on the BR-110 drum machine
- 64-step drum sequencer with real-time switching between 32 separate patterns
- Patterns can be chained into full songs with up to 256 bars
- Distortion circuitry modeled after the DS-1*
- 16 ‘authentic-style’ step buttons with LED indicators for easy pattern creation
- 11 controls and 26 switches
- MIDI and USB implementation for synchronization and connection to external devices
- Sync options include USB, MIDI, Clock and Internal
Pricing and Availability
Details on pricing and availability are to be announced, but expect availability with some vendors starting in 2-3 weeks.
i need another drum machine like I need a hole in the head but … orange.
Elliot Garage 606 iOS app MORE than enough for any 606 needs I might ever have lol.
spoken like someone who has never used an OG 606
lol wrong, but nice try
There’s really no point in comparing software to hardware.
Out here cloning Imac 1993 colors too. Diabolical!
1993??? LOL. Those colored iMacs didn’t come out until 1999, yo!
so why did rebirth go away? can someone explain this?
Didn’t come over it yet :°-(
Same here and that is why I’m keeping it on my iPad Pro.
It disappeared from App Store as well, but still working fine with the latest iPadOS
Roland asked them to stop.
Interesting. Propellerhead’s statement “Rather than refuting this claim, we have decided to honor our long-standing relationship with Roland Corporation” suggests they don’t actually think Roland had much of a claim, but they still wanted to stay on good terms. Which is maybe why Behringer can get away with it.
I am not sure what to think about it really. Rebirth helped to keep the 303/808 sound popular, which probably helped with Roland’s sales when they finally decided to make the digital versions.
Rebirth was the first thing I used to make music, it definitely got me interested
But i switched to trackers pretty soon, then Reason 1.0, then Nuendo which I stayed with for years until Ableton hit v4… Used that for years and i still do
Or Reaper
But i wanna grab Bitwig pretty soon and switch over to that
Seems to mix the best of Ableton with a Reason backpanel in Reaktor style modular nodes along with a bunch of other stuff
Dumb. There’s nothing special about the 606 “workflow”. Why not use the same synth/sounds and stuff it into a 707 or 808 workflow if you want to keep it vintage-y? Or, egad, a new workflow using the lessons learned along the last 35 years?
Because analogue and because Behringer. Just accept it.
What you’ve described is what Roland’s doing with their current TR & MC units & how Elektron upped the groove box game. Even Korg’s ahead of Behringer- look at how the Electribe ER-1 leads to the Volca Drum.
I’m kinda surprised that Behringer’s churning out all this gear. It’s hard to believe there’s a market for a dedicated TR-606 clone. $2 says these will sink like Akai’s Rhythm Wolf & Tom Cat.
You are correct that there is nothing “special” about the 606 workflow. I still find it desirable for its simplicity. You have rotary knobs that precisely indicate function and bank without need for a display. Everything works as it should be expected to, with no surprises.
Contrast this with Behringer’s RD-808 – here you have a drum machine that sounds really great, but the UI is downright nasty. I’m glad they are keeping the immediacy and simplicity of the 606.
yeah because the 606 workflow is SO completely unlike the 808 right?
It will be interesting to see what drum machine Behringer could actually come up with once they’ll leave the “colored clone” bandwagon.
What’s the best non b-word 606 clone out there? asking for a friend (“a friend” is what I call the my gear addiction)
It depends on what you mean by “best” ie: the most True to OG or the most versatile interpretation. For the latter the ‘Drumatix’ by Acidlab is (to my ears) the best in that it takes the 606 idea and pushes it in all the right directions: tuning per voice, addition of rim and clap and retaining much of Roland’s original concept too. Again though: the Sound of it!
I like my cyclone analogic 606 clone, it’s got individual outs.
The 606 does not need to be copied. Ever. OMG. Does this even need to be said.
i have the x0x from mars pack and i find the only useable sound on the 606 to be the snare. personally, i will take a $20 sample pack featuring many classic drum machines i can mix & match over any of the knockoffs and recreations.
I agree. I bought a “200 drum machines” sample pack off ebay a number of years ago (I think for around $20), and that’s more than enough drum sounds for the rest of my life. Everybody EQs and compresses the hell out of them or runs them through pedals anyway.
Haha, wow I bought the same pack
There are over 18,000 free software and sound packs on Reverb dot com.
Shipping but no one knows the price? What did the vendors pay? Hmmm
I’ve seen 149 Euros quoted as a price. I think it has individual outs too, which is an improvement on the original.
I guy who was using my studio left a 606 behind. I called him he said, “I don’t want it anymore, you can keep it.” I sold it through Reader classifieds for $15. The guy who bought it paid far too much.
I’m buying the shit out of this! 666 000 666
wow more Behringer bashing
Did ARP copy moog – er yes
xoxbox, Studio electronics (everything they do), Oakley modular, etc etc
so many companies copy and reproduce other peoples work – nothing but praise
Roland who have access to mass production facilities for SMT technology decide NOT to listen to the fans/ public/ synth buying masses and previous Roland owners and get their head stuck in the cloud
Roland was once the poor mans alternative to the Moogs, ARPs and Oberheims now they couldnt give a damn.
Behringer are selling Sh*tloads of quality synth products – yes I waited for the Sys 100m modules but not after spending £600 quid on 2 Roland sys500 modules.
Got 5 quality Behringers for <£500
Economics speak for themselves.
Roland should have listened instead of going down the ACB and cloud route.
Thanks Behringer shame on you Roland
What is the BR-110 drum machine?
Is that a typo? Boss DR-110 = clap
Still can not fathom why they made this their next drum machine clone. Literally everyone asking about the 909, and they deliver this? Bizarre.
I’m holding out for the Behringer Rhythm Wolf
Only if it has a ‘Howl’ knob.
they should create a rhythmcat that is a combo of both the tom cat and wolf – the tomcat is actually pretty fun and the kick sounds great through OD
All hail Behringer
I’m convinced that Behringer will accidentally sue itself when it copies one of the few original products they’ve ever made. Uli will represent himself in court against himself. He’ll fire himself, lose the suit, and pay himself a crapload of attorney’s fees.
Sounds about right for UIi.
I’ll take a Clear Green one.
Yeah this is pretty weak. I’ve never heard of anyone clamoring for the 606 workflow.
The 909 clone, the only one I’d be interested in seems to be dead in the water.
Idk man. Behringer can do what they want but I think they should try to come up with their own designs. The Nuetron is alright.
They can do better than this.
Again Just rehashing old stuff, I really wish behringer will bankrupt
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i love the aesthetics of these, they remind me of the gameboy dmg01 play it loud series and clamshell ibooks, all of which i find quite beautiful and inspiring
i’ve had several roland tr 606s, stock and modded to various degrees, these seem like they might be perfect for tinkering with and modding given the price point, i’m pretty shocked seeing original 606s going for over $500 nowadays, the last stock one that i bought was $120 from a guitar player that bought it new in the 80’s for something fancier than a boring metronome to play along with. anyways i think these are fantastic and love the style, definitely want to get one and a td3 eventually.
This maybe something I will pick up for Behringer. I’ve been looking at getting a tr-606 from eBay but could not justify buying one.
What are you talking about “64 step”? I have one, and it’s only 16 step