Sequential has announced that the recently re-introduced Prophet-5 is now shipping.
They note, “I think we know who gets serial no.1….”
Creator Dave Smith, above, calls the Sequential Prophet-5 Rev 4 “the best of all Prophets, by embodying all three revisions of the original. We did this by adding a Rev switch to the front panel, so you can choose your preferred filter.”
Pricing and Availability:
The Prophet-5 has a US MAP of $3,499. The Prophet-10 has a US MAP of $4,299.
Great release. Now I want to see an Ob-X!
Thats one thing about the Bay Area, rich people look like poor people and poor people look messed up! He looks like a straight “G” in that photo. Good on him!
What on earth are you talking about?
California I hardly knew ye
Dave Smith just oozes synth cool.
Gee, I don’t think there are enough articles on this site about the Prophet 5.
gee like, i don’t know morty
It’s the big news of the month so far. And it’s much better than reading about some Chinese company appropriating someone else’s famous design.
You mean Behringer? Behringer was founded in Germany, and is not a Chinese company.
This is like saying a pyramid made from over 2,000,000 Chinese bricks is German because the pointy top one was made there.
Music Tribe’s headquarters is in Manila, Philippines with manufacturing facilities in Zhangshan, China.
he’s not wearing a mask in this photo – is there no covid-19 in these neighborhoods?
when you’re outdoors and doing exercise away from other people, I think the advice is that it is safest _not_ to wear a mask. By “exercise”, I obviously mean picking up Prophet 5’s and putting them in the boot of your tesla.
you can go back under your bed now. Don’t forget your mask and face shield.
ok, now we can confirm that covid 19 attacks mostly the brain
hang on just a minute Dave. You know, I absolutely LOVE you and everything you have invented for the world, BUT isn’t the Rev2 the best of all Prophets?!?!?!
I don’t care if it’s a classic. $3500 is too much to pay for 5 notes of polyphony.
Because you don’t care…
I’d rather have a Korg Prologue 16 with analog oscillators AND the programmable digital oscillator. And i would have $2000 left to spend on more gear.
I’ve GOT a Korg Prologue 16 and bought it for way less than that, and it’s awesome. Best synth I’ve owned thus far (sold my PRophet 6 and OB-6 cos I honestly prefer the sound and feel of the Korg) BUT I also want a Prophet 5. They are different beasts and you can own/keep both. P5 on the bottom and P16 above (on a 2 tier ultimate stand!)
Good luck on you to get a one that has no tuning issues – I ordered a Prologue 16 and it had the reported problems with no update solving anything! It’s definitely an ill fated product!
The Prologue had it’s tuning issue FULLY FIXED in a firmware/software update ages ago. It’s rock solid now, and sounds great. I also have a Prophet 10 rev 4 which is about the best sounding Poly you can get without going crazy for a river…
Had a Prologue for a while. Not happy with the build quality or the tone….sold it for an OB-6.
Also disagree–5 notes of Prophet-5 is worth way more than $3,500 to me.
Great instrument revived!
… just one thing: too much wood! All metal version would be so nice!
WTF? no! That’s for other synths not the classic Prophet 5!
These continuous articles about the Prophet 5 are growing tiresome.
There are only 5 articles about the re-release of one of the most monumental synths ever made from the original creator (this is Synthtopia if you didn’t know).
Don’t see you complaining about Behringer listings for days on end after a new clone. Maybe go fill up the comment sections of the random Eurorack module pages that have 0 comments.
They could also just have mashed it all into on article, finished.
But why you are bothered by this… any update about any synthesizer is welcome.
Andreas and Cocker, absolutely correct.
Loving the audio demos, myself. I’m daydreaming about the new Prophet-5 pretty hard.
Dave drives Tesla with that plate? He’s way too cool.
Ugh, no thanks. Just what the world needs, another expensive Dave Smith sizzle synth.
Yes we do.
speak for yourself bro!
Take the masks off people!!!
Because it’s a scam.
It’s great to see the Prophet 5 back – and with MIDI this time.
People seem to forget that Dave Smiths force is in the digital domain. The analogue circuits making up for the analogue sound has always been the CEM and the SSM chips. Putting them together and making synthesizer that could remember it’s sound was the trick. Dave Smith was a forerunner in that respect.
At the time when the first Prophet 5 was released – making the keyboards work was also a challenge. Getting the right voice to play the correct note etc. Tom Oberheim had bought digital scanner keyboards from E-mu to make his 4 and 8 voice SEMs.. not sure how Dave did it and I have no idea what Yamaha did to scan the CS-80 keyboard.
Anyway – when it comes to the Prophet 5 pricing – you can go online and check the current prices on the analogue circuitry yourself.. (not sure if they’re all CEMs – it maybe that the reissues of the better sounding and improved SSM’s are used for the filter) and do the math. Personally I think it could be done a tad cheaper (although that will also depend on how many units they expect to sell).
without ssm chip throughout the rev 2 will sound better
As an owner , I can confirm this thing is stunning , the wood makes the look, someone was moaning about the wood, every synth today is just a cheap metal sheet, nice to see some REAL timber used in the construction of the Prophet 5 Rev 4, yes it costs a few quid !!! but i can tell you the feel of the knobs are unlike any other synth I have played over 40 years of playing the build on this synth is just top notch in every way, , the keys feel amazing, reminds me of the Roland D-50 action which I loved, when you stand in front of this thing you know you have a real synthesizer in front of you , the sounds are just so rich. all the undulations of the oscillators is just amazing I have programmed a few sounds I need already it was so easy, no menu diving just good old analog synthesis, I have used it on 3 tracks already and it sounds great. If you want quality you have to pay.