Mutable Instruments Intros Blades Dual Multimode Filter

Mutable Instruments has introduced Blades, a dual multi-mode filter for Eurorack modular systems.

What sets Blades apart is that options commonly presented as multiple choices (low-pass/high-pass, serial/parallel) are presented here as a continuum, ready to be explored at the twist of a knob or with a CV.

The filter response is continuously variable between low-pass, band-pass and high-pass, and delivers intermediate shelving responses, for more nuanced spectral coloring.

A dual cross-fader circuit allows the routing between the two filters to smoothly vary from single to parallel to series.

Originally conceived as a complex filter, Blades is capable of much more, including:

  • A dual distortion with spectral color control
  • An oscillator mixer with crossfading, wavefolding, and enough filtering to clean up the mess
  • A voice, using one filter as an oscillator, then distorting, folding it and filtering it with the second filter
  • A complex oscillator capable of FM, PM and AM


  • Overdrive circuit
    • A CV-controlled overdrive stage precedes each of the two filters.
    • Overdrive response continuously adjustable between soft-clipping and 2-stage wavefolding.
  • Two multi-mode filters
    • Clean 2-pole (12dB/octave) state-variable design.
    • CV-controlled filter response, continuously variable between low-pass, band-pass and high-pass.
    • CV inputs with attenuverters for cutoff and resonance.
    • Unattenuated frequency CV input, calibrated for 1V/Oct tracking.
    • Clean self-oscillation across the audio range, extending into very low frequencies, with constant amplitude.
    • Modulating the filter response is akin to modulating the phase of the self-oscillation tone.
  • Unique routing possibilities
    • Continuously variable (and CV-controlled) routing from single to parallel to series.
    • With a signal patched into filter 2’s audio input, the routing knob and CV act as a crossfader.
    • Filter 2’s cutoff can be set relatively to filter 1’s cutoff.

Here’s the official intro video from Ben Wilson (DivKid):

Pricing and Availability

Blades is available to pre-order for €299/$359.

13 thoughts on “Mutable Instruments Intros Blades Dual Multimode Filter

    1. It’s two independent 12dB/Octave analog filters, each with an input overdrive stage. The price is high for a relatively simple module; you could buy a brand new Arturia MicroFreak, Kork Monologue or Waldorf Streichfett for that much.

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