This Is What Mozart’s ‘Turkish March’ Would Have Sounded Like If Mozart Had A Bicycled-Controlled Modular Synthesizer – And Was Really Into Swans

Synthesist frodello shared his live ‘Riding The Classics’ performance of Mozart‘s Turkish March.

Unlike other ‘Switched On’ style synth arrangements of classical music, frodello’s take on the Turkish March is recorded live, using an exercise bike as a MIDI controller.

Here’s what frodello shared about the details of this performance:

Music composed by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart.
Performed live by Frode Kvinge Flatland on various synths fed with midi.
Tempo controlled by the ergo-bike.
Swans made by my mum.

12 thoughts on “This Is What Mozart’s ‘Turkish March’ Would Have Sounded Like If Mozart Had A Bicycled-Controlled Modular Synthesizer – And Was Really Into Swans

  1. I’m glad some one is at the forefront of this. This is a sincere statement.

    I read this and thought it was referring to SWANS, aka Micheal Gira. That was actually more confounding that the actual subject of the post.

  2. I love this so, so much. Thank you. This YT page is a treasure and the fact his videos currently average around 30 views makes them even better somehow. But I also hope this changes

  3. I loved it. I have always loved the “switched on classical” style of music going all the way back to the Wendy Carlos original – even the sillier ones. Very few artists do this genre of music anymore and I really miss it. In fact, I am unaware of anybody who does it atm.

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