Sequential has officially announced desktop versions of their Prophet-5 and Prophet-10 Rev 4 synthesizers.
“Our introduction of the Prophet-5 and Prophet-10 Rev 4 keyboards has been hugely successful. At the same time, a lot of people have been asking us for an easy way to fit them into a smaller studio space or into a touring rig,” commented Sequential founder and original Prophet-5 designer Dave Smith. “We managed to fit the same big, ballsy sound of the full Prophet-5 into a desktop model. It sounds every bit as awesome.”
Like the original, the new Prophet-5 and Prophet-10 modules feature two multi-waveform analog oscillators, analog resonant low-pass filters and amplifiers, and a filter and amplifier envelope per voice. Modulation is provided by a multi-waveshape LFO and Poly Mod, a ground-breaking modulation scheme for its time that allowed the filter envelope and oscillator B to be routed to a variety of destinations including filter cutoff frequency, oscillator A frequency, and oscillator A pulse width.
Like the new Prophet-5/10 Rev 4 keyboards, the modules feature genuine Curtis VCOs and filters as used in the Prophet-5 Rev 3, as well as the Dave Rossum-designed SSI 2140 filter — the modern counterpart of the original SSM 2040 Rossum designed in the Prophet-5 Rev 1 and Rev 2. A Rev switch on the front panel allows users to switch between the two as desired.
Also present is the new Vintage knob, which ‘loosens up’ the oscillators, filters, and envelopes from voice to voice as they typically are in vintage Prophet-5s. Users can dial in progressively more vintage character, from a very stable “4,” as in Prophet-5 Rev4, all the way to “1,” as in Prophet-5 Rev1, which was the most temperamental of all Prophet-5s. The original factory sound set is included as well.
Other modern enhancements include velocity sensitivity and aftertouch, as well as MIDI and USB connectivity. Control voltage and gate ins/outs are also present for connecting modular synths and other gear. The new modules are housed in a premium-quality, steel case with hand-oiled sustainable black walnut heartwood trim.
Pricing and Availability
Both modules will be available in February. The Prophet-5 desktop module has a US MAP of $2,499. The Prophet-10 desktop module has a US MAP of $3,299.
Dream synth! One day…
Did Dave Smith forget about the budgets of most musicians? He was a great alternative to moogs prices with Mopho’s etc
Hope he produces something cheaper soon.
You can get an eight voice Rev 2 module for not very much money, though it has been a while since they did something under a grand along the lines of the Mopho X4, etc.
Its a smart move from a business perspective . Dave “expensive” synths are less subject to hasty comparison of other mass production products.
Don’t worry. I’m certain that Zhongshan Synthesizer and Effect Manufacture Music Trading Co., Ltd. will release a poorly made copy of Dave’s design sooner or later.
I don’t speak for brandon spivey but I don’t think that was his point. DSI used to make products that were very innovative and also affordable. This is clearly intensionally unaffordable, and by definition it is not innovative (on the synthesis side — probably some innovation needed under the hood, new firmware, and cleverness in the supply chains etc). Hopefully it’s a one-off for those that like this kind of thing, to bolster the Sequential coffers, and then they’ll get back to the other stuff.
It’s an uncategorical lie that synths like the Prophet-5, the Moog One and other pro synths are ‘unaffordable’. Companies like Sequential and Moog are selling them as fast as they can build them, and synth companies in general are putting out more and more high-end synths. So, obviously, these synths are affordable to many and the market for high-quality synths is growing.
What MrMidi and others are really saying is that they can’t afford to ‘impulse-buy’ the latest and greatest professional synth, like they might a cheap synth module. What they’re ignoring is that professional level synths have never been impulse buys.
High-end synths have never been cheap – but they are cheaper than ever, when you consider that 1974’s price for a Minimoog would be about $9,000 in today’s dollars, or that a Prophet-5 rev 1 would be about $15,000 in today’s dollars.
To which people respond “But electronics parts prices have plummeted” or “I’ll wait until Uli makes it for $500.”
What Behringer’s knockoffs have demonstrated is that the actual electronics needed to clone synth designs from a generation ago cost nearly nothing, when mass-produced. This has been obvious to anyone that does synth DIY for years.
What makes professional quality instruments more expensive, though, are things like: designing for people that don’t want compromises in their gear; full-size, high-quality builds; using old-school production techniques for the people that want that; and creating original designs.
It’s unfortunate that the most common complaint to every new synths is that it’s “too expensive”. The reason for this is that so many synthesists do not come from a background of playing traditional instruments. Anybody with years of experience playing a classic instrument understands the value of a good instrument and is willing to save up to get one.
Hi, Sorry if I upset you. Sequential explicitly said that they don’t think about the cost of the components or processes when considering them. I take this to mean that they are not interested in making this affordable.
I’m happy that some people are happy to support “old-school production techniques”, in the same way that I’m happy that people support other artisan stuff like blown glass and clockmakers.
This stuff is not unaffordable to everybody, I’ll grant you that. But it is also not trying to be affordable to everybody.
Also just to pull you up on a point, the Prophet 5 is not really “the latest and greatest professional synth”. Well, not the “latest” anyway, by about 40 years. So it’s not really in the same league as the Prophet X or Moog One in that regard. That said I am fine with people taking an interest in it, even if I am also keen to see the newer designs.
Dave knows he can’t compete with Behringer, Korg, etc on the affordability side. His operations are in SF, and maybe he was tired of everyone complaining about the Curtis chip sound that were a contributing factor in that affordability. And unless you were buying a desktop Mopho, it still wasn’t cheap. I remember saving up months to be able to afford a P08 desktop with relatively more disposable income than my peers.
The only market “they” are not interested in. Luxury products
Dave is a smart guy
If you are a professional, this is a tool you can likely afford. It is like a potter complaining about a $2500 kiln.
This is fantastic but people are looking over wonderful synths for these . Mark my words the digital synths of today will be tomorrow’s classics .
With something like the Prophet-5 or the Moog Model D, you’re buying a brand-new classic. They sound great, the designs are proven and it will keep its value.
But I think you’re right that there are a lot of modern digital synths that will be tomorrow’s ‘classics’ – just about anything by Waldorf, certainly the Korg Wavestate & Opsix.
The digital classics will be instruments that aren’t effectively replaced by software – synths that have great usability, playability and design.
I’ve been trying to keep my eye out for digital synths from 15-20 years ago and look for bargains. That seems like the sweet spot in terms of pricing. But it seems like a lot of the synths from that time period have better modern alternatives.
I bought a Model D used and sold it for a fair profit a year later (to pay some bills). Not many instruments can give you a 20% return.
Only thing ballsy is that price-your sack must hang pretty low to ask for a price that high.
paying for premium-grade makes sense, especially for something that has so many alternative ultra-similar iterations. if it’s a no-go, just skip over n look into cutting costs on similar stuff with prophet plugins. I know i won’t be buying this but it’s nice to see it.
Please stop the complaining about the price. If you can’t afford them that’s ok, these are not for you. Much like if you can’t afford a Mercedes then there are great toyotas out there. There are great synths out there for all kinds of price points. But there are also synths out there that are for people who can appreciate the build quality and sound of a high end synth. Save your energy, don’t complain because it’s not going to change a thing. There will always be great synths being released at every price point. I own synths from every price point and every one is worth exactly what I paid for them.
One simple answer: Dave will sell a lot more P-5 modules than he did Prophet-12s. That synth is a colossal beast that stands with the Solaris or a Kurzweil, but familiarity and a lower retail price usually wins out over huge programming options.
Another point: if you know what you’re doing and buy a P-5/10, you’re also going to pony up for a Strymon or three. The price tag isn’t such an issue at this level. I’m with brandon, though. I wouldn’t mind seeing a more solid, upgraded Mopho II.
For a module would adding poly after-touch, the OB6/REV2/P6 effect module, and allowing 2 layers of 5 voices with separate outputs (also as for stereo) have been such a cost or technological challenge for the price of this module ? It look like there is sufficient real estate left on this module and a lot opportunity. It’s hard to imagine the cost of components and manufacturing is higher than the REV2, OB6 or P6, it should be less.
All the Sequential synths support polyAT over midi, I would imagine that this won’t be an exception. Now finding a good polyAT controller is another story, sadly.
So, in 2021 we get 10 analog voices without a keyboard for 3300 …
You can have 12 voice analog for about 500 euro since 2017
Do you know about super cars? Not everything should be “economic” and mass produced
built cheap with lots of compromises,
and ugly…
Great that Sequential is always taking the effort to make module versions of the products, the full size synths are just not an option for me.
I do think the modules of the classics are a bit large. I like the old design but could this not have been smaller units.
awesome, i love that they always do module versions, one day i will collect them all
They’re just copying Behringer now. ?
Too bad they didn’t keep the nice grey buttons of the keyboard version. It doesn’t seems like it’s a comprise of space.
Personally, I want to see them produce a “P12 rev2.” The P12 was the synth I was after, it ticked all of the marks for me pretty much better than anything else available, even now. It had 12-voice polyphony with 4 DCOs/voice (yes, I did like sound of those DCOs, they just had a sweetness to them that really struck a chord with me. Can’t be had anymore. My ideal synth is one with a high VCO or DCO count per voice with one VCF and EG per VCO/DCO.
I was all excited about the Prophet X until I realized that they separated the digital and analog synth engines with very little integration between the two. I would have loved it if it were essentially the P12 but with two of the DCOs swapped out for the sample oscillators and then give you the choice to treat all four oscillators as part of one voice like was done with the P12 or, how it is set up now. That way, you can still have four oscillators with “analog” waveforms, or two with analog and two with samples but still in one layer or, as it is set up now, two separate synths that you can layer or play independently. Just my thoughts.
I love my Prophet 12. I actually find it hard to consider other DSI synths, because I think they nailed the 12. The biggest feature they could upgrade I think is the filter. Prophet 6 really was the beginning of a new level of filter from Dave Smith. I sometimes want the other prophets for the filter. Usually adding a bit of drive is enough to get the feeling, but it still is a step behind. The effects, poly sequencing, and MPE would be nice to see in a REV 2 that were all added to the line up of synths after the 12 was released. But all the details down to the ergonomics I love it.
pretty sure the 12 has digital osc, not dco, but whatever
I have no complaints about the Prophet 5 module – I’m sure it will be a big hit, and I would be happy to have one (or a P6 or OB6 or a Rev2 for that matter.)
I would also like to see them bring out something like an updated Tetra, which was affordable, compact, and multitimbral.
And I still dream of the T8’s excellent polyphonic aftertouch keybed.