2021 NAMM Show: Korg today shared a sneak preview of the Drumlogue drum machine.
The Korg Drumlogue is a hybrid analog + digital design that incorporates Korg’s Multi-Engine, found on the NTS-1, Minilogue XD and Prologue. The Multi-Engine essentially lets you load third-party sound plugins to your device, making these devices customizable and making it possible for you to add features and capabilities over time.
Details are to be announced, but it looks like the Korg Drumlogue will follow the pattern of Elektron’s Analog RYTM, which has voices that can be analog, digital or a mix – plus allow you to load up custom synthesis and effects plugins.
Details are still to be announced.
Hell yeah Korg
Finally drum synth stuff
Please leave the ridiculous Elektron pricing out of it and you have a winner.
Not me. I prefer the exclusivity conferred by a high price. I’d also like to see Korg take the lead by having the purchaser qualify for the Drumlogue with a test of some kind to ensure only the best people are using it. And I’ve given up on Elektron. The minute the company introduced the budget machines in the Model line, I was out. $299.00? That’s an inexpensive bottle of wine! Definitely not a club I want to belong to.
Are you for real?
Master jerk right here, I’m actually a little upset lmao
I am glad I am not alone in thinking ‘accesiblly priced’ equipment opens floodgates for all kinds of deviancy and misuse of electronics. God help us !!going through another situation like Acid House /Detroit Techno etc From the ground up is not the best way to continue this creative wave of music . Elitism is necessary as the middle class need another thing to hijack.
John Waters would be proud!
“$299.00? That’s an inexpensive bottle of wine! Definitely not a club I want to belong to.” It’s a joke.
Had me in the first half, not gonna lie!
“$299.00? That’s an inexpensive bottle of wine! ”
$299 for a bottle of wine!
We don’t drink the same wine!
You crack me up bro!
lmao man
Come on Elektron products are not expensive at all that is mid range equipement.
I hope they don’t make it to cheap strong materials and components, probably would buy it either way tough.
Some nice wooden side cheeks on this lets go!
That’s cool, good luck having your korg sequencer do sample per step, filter per step, fx per step, parameter locking, trig conditions, micro timing, etc.
Oi Crall, my old Electribe SX does most of that. Only thing from your list it doesn’t have is micro-timing, but I can work-around most of the ESX’s limitations after a decade of solid use. Pair it with any old sampler that has a 96ppqn resolution & there’s your micro-timing sorted (I’ve triggered 48th notes on it for a laugh with an MPC500 once, which was fun but ultimately useless).
Yeah, Korg sequencers aren’t as deep, convenient & effective as an Electron’s but I’m happy being ignorant & saving $ on not buying an Octatrack.
^Not saying Elektron’s expensive, saying I’m cheap.
first, “parameter” lock is a copy of old korg groove boxes.
You can’t add logue sdk machines in any elektron and i hope the new korg don’t have the shittyest pads ever like the rytm.
Korg needs to be tested for steroids. This recent lineup is amazing!
Korg is one fire, feels almost like they are the only company releasing producing stuff at all this NAMM.
“Custom samples and custom third party content”
I am interested.
After seeing what amazing percussion stuff a Minilogue XD could pull off, I’d imagined it would only be a matter of time. Thumbs up, Korg. Nicely done!
This better be 399 or less.
If the Multi-Engine component of this allows for and expands on the Korg Volca Drum digital percussion synthesis engine, I’m sold!
lack of imagination. this support logue dsk!
I’m interested in this.
I’ve always had a soft spot for Korg stuff. Especially their Electribe and Volca lines.
Now that I know this has “individual assignable outputs”, it’s definitely on my to watch list.
I am surprised this doesn’t have a KP on it – I feel like a drum machine is really built for one especially for pitch and slicer/looper effects. I would like it though if they folded some of the volca drum features into it like wave folding
We also have to put the “Roland TR 8 S” and the “Arturia Drum Brute Impact” into the equation.
These probably compares/compete with this more then the elektron stuff.
TR 8 S = £444 €599 has a ton of features and all tracks are very flexible. It has no analog parts but overall is still “more” drum machine then the drumlogue.
The “Arturia Drum Brute Impact” at £222 €299 has no sampling capacity at all. It is definately “less” drum machine then the drumlogue.
I guess the Drumlogue prize will amaze us.
Personally i prefer a simpler more minimalistic drum machine.
you forgot everything modern by roland sucks
how do you know the tr8s is more?
Would rather compare features and price with the drummachines below then with the Elektron stuff.
Roland TR-8S €599 £444
Korg Drumlogue €??? £??? (€399 £333 would fit)
Arturia DrumBrute Impact €299 £222
Drumalogue $400 Custom oscillators by you know who. $350
I don’t
Rhymes with :
Witcher’d Bee Thames
I lied, because Thames isn’t pronounced like that, which I realized after I hit send.
Witcher’d Bee Blames
I get who you talking about but I don’t get what you talking about. There was no added price to anything he collaborate with. It was all OS upgrades for free. God bless his soul
Everything is a DRUM!
Yikes, those drum sounds are terrible. Hoping that it’s going to be a little more sonically pleasing than that.
I hope all demo’s will sound terrible (but I will love how it sound) so whoever based on youtube demos to buy something will not have it.
its mostly the pattern that sucks.
I hope it lasts longer than the latest electribes. an encoder went out on mine and now its worthless. Only sees the first patch. My EMX’s are better than the newer ones.
there is this thing called “lab” with “technician that fix things”, you can try it, it’s amazing, highly recommended.
The Volca’s seemed to be weak in their connectablity (though I really liked the kick sound of the Kick). And I was looking at the SQ1 and SQ64 but without a drum to go with it it was still missing something. This might be the winner and best of both world’s (and more) that I’m holding off for.
I signed on to their Korg newsletter in the hope of getting notified when it comes out. Then I’ll look for some reviews.