BLEASS has introduced Granulizer, a granular texture effect plugin with randomization, 4 multi-bus audio inputs and a 3D visualizer.
Granulizer generates short samples (‘grains’) from input signals by modulating different parameters, which you can visualize thanks to a 3D Visualizer. The Input Stage allows you to choose between a low-shelf or high-pass filter (to filter out the bass frequencies from input) as well as a gain adjustment.
Granulizer takes up to 4 sources from different busses as inputs (compatible DAW required). When multiple busses are on, each grain is randomly extracted from one of the available sources.
Pricing and Availability
Granulizer is available with an intro price of $30 USD (normally $40) for desktop and $7.99 for iOS.
i’ve been using this on my ipad for a few months and YES! this and their shimmer are great separate and together, at least for me and working on experimental sound design/music.