Ahead of Superbooth 2021, scheduled for Sept 15-18 in Berlin, Doepfer has introduced five new Eurorack modules, along with a new case that features a keyboard built into the lid.
The Doepfer 100PB is a Eurorack case with a keyboard built into the lid. It features 37 keys, a MIDI interface with 3.5 mm stereo jack socket, power supply (1200mA) and two bus boards.
The A-126-2 Frequency Shifter is a fully analog frequency shifter for audio signals.
A frequency shifter is an audio processing unit that shifts each frequency of the incoming audio signal by the same frequency. If the shifting frequency is e.g. 200Hz an incoming audio frequency of 1000 Hz becomes 1200 Hz, 2000Hz becomes 2200 Hz, 3000 Hz becomes 3200 Hz and so on.
Because frequency shifting adds a fixed frequency to the source signal, it results in very different results than pitch shifting or slowing down/speeding up sounds.
The A-138f Dual 3-way crossfader contains two identical crossfaders, with three inputs and one output each.
Three different signals are connected to the inputs A, B and C. In the ccw position of the corresponding control only signal A appears at the output. Between ccw and center position a mix of the signals A and B appears at the output. In the center position only signal B appears at the output. Between center and cw position a mix of signals B and C appears at the output. In the cw position only signal C appears at the output.
The module is DC coupled and can be used for both audio and control voltage processing.
The A-149-4 Quad Random Voltage Source generates four triggered random voltages, which meet the criteria choosen by several controls.
It features controls for the criteria selection:
- Octave range (manual control “Oct.”): this parameter defines how many octaves are covered by the random voltages (0 … +5V, with “Oct.” control fully CCW only 0V are generated)
- Grid (6 illuminated radio buttons): this parameter defines the grid of the random voltages:
- Octaves (Oct)
- Octaves + Quin (Quint)
- Chords
- Scale
- Semitones
- continuous (i.e. stepless)
- Minor / Major (2 illuminated radio buttons): this parameter defines in case of chords or scales if they are minor or major. For all other grids this parameter has no meaning
- Sixth / Seventh (2 illuminated separate buttons): these parameters defines if the sixth or seventh is added. Valid only if Oct, Quint, Chord or Scale is chosen as grid.
The A-179-2 Light Controlled Voltage Source II an be used to convert different illumination intensities into corresponding analog voltages and a gate signal derived from the analog voltage.
A light sensitive resistor (LDR) converts the illumination of the internal light sensor into a corresponding analog control voltage. The internal sensor is located at the front panel. Instead of the internal sensor a remote sensor can be connected via a standard patch cable to the module (ext.Sens. socket). An external sensor with a 2 m patch cable (A-100C200) is included. The external sensor is mounted on a small pc board which is equipped also with a 3.5 mm jack socket.
One can choose between passive control by covering/shading the sensor via hand or body, or active control by using e.g. a pocket lamp or flashlight. For this two versions of output voltages are available (CV Out + und CV Out -).
The Doepfer A-182-4 Dual Rotary Switches is a passive module that contains two mechanical rotary switches, with 4 positions each.
According to the position of the control knob socket 1, 2, 3 or 4 is connected to the common socket C.
As the module is fully passive it works bidirectional, i.e. the sockets 1…4 can be inputs and then C is the output. The other way round C can be the input and the sockets 1…4 are the outputs.
By means of an internal jumper the terminals C of both switches can be connected. That way the module can be used as kind of a miniature 4×4 matrix. Rotary switch A is e.g. used to select one of the four sockets 1…4 as input and this signal is sent to one of the four sockets 1…4 of switch B.
See the Doepfer site for details.
Cool that they did a 3 octave keyboard in a case but it might be annoying playing the last keys on each side.
I think they can come up with a better solution without it feeling so cramped.
I thought the same thing until I saw that it’s a “U shaped case. There’s nothing in the way of your palms while you’re playing. It’s a well designed portal playing case, kudos to Doepfer!
Frequency shifter has a vintage version – excellent. I only want the black panels. The others are not interesting.
This is going to make me sound weird, I know but, one of the things that really drives me batty about Euro is that the UIs of the modules from all of these different manufacturers differs so much resulting in making them hard to read. I’m not young and never did have great eyesight even whey I was. Add to that, I have big, clumsy sausages for finger. I find myself having to really lean in and squint at the labeling on the modules to see them and then having to ever so carefully reach in to a module to turn one knob without bumping into and accidently turning another. Worse, having to look at a bunch of modules with a bunch of different looking fonts, colors, and graphic treatments multiplies that issue for me. If I were to invest in a Euro system, it would have to be from one manufacture with a consistent UI/UX. Most likely, that would be Doepfer because (1) they invented the format and, (2) they seem to manufacture just about any kind of module one could possibly want, certainly enough to build a very large, very capable synth.
100% agree with you. I’ve actually gone the MU route, largely because the UI is so much better, with a system made up of modules from Synthesizers.com, Corsynth, STG, FSFX and other manufacturers.
I’ve extended it with Euro stuff, Moog Euro synths and some repaneled Mutable Instruments stuff.
Doepfer offers a huge selection, though, with consistent panels and affordable pricing.
On the other hand, I feel it is less inspiring (to me !!) as I spend 10 years in Pure Data with almost no release. I love that all those modules have very different personalities, visually and by makers choice. I just ordered a Recodrum with a personal message written on the panel and to me that makes me disagree with impersonalize module, but I try instead to extremely limit the modules so I can use them blindfolded.
I feel I would need infinite number of doepfer modules and I will just drop inspiration.
I really like them when it it at the beginning or end of my analog chain though, because they are kinda ‘pure’.
I mean I have from them:
headphone amp – fx insert – crossfade – send – return
and maybe I will buy 106-5 SEM filter but it scares me a little because of upper reasons. Have a good time