Roland JX-08 Synthesizer Brings Back JX-8P In Compact ‘Boutique’ Format

Roland today introduced the JX-08 Sound Module, the latest addition to the Roland Boutique lineup of compact synthesizers.

The JX-08 offers a scaled-down recreation of the Roland JX-8P, one of the last analog synthesizers produced by the company in the 1980s.  They say that “JX-08 reintroduces the unique sounds of the JX-8P in stunning detail, coupled with powerful new effects, a polyphonic sequencer, and more.”

The JX-08 features expanded polyphony, two-part multitimbral capability, and dual/split modes. It also includes 32 presets from the original hardware and 100-plus new patches tailored to contemporary styles.

Unlike the original JX-8P, the new JX-08 features a full set of hands-on controls, derived from the companion PG-800 programmer unit for the original hardware. Users can store their creations in 256 preset slots for quick recall.

Like all Roland Boutique modules, the JX-08 can run on USB bus power or batteries. It also includes a built-in speaker for mobile sound monitoring. And when mounted in the optional K-25m Keyboard Unit, the JX-08 can be used as a compact, all-in-one synth with 25 velocity-sensitive keys.

The compact JX-08 fits just about anywhere, and with updated USB-C audio/MIDI and full-sized MIDI jacks, you can play and synchronize with almost any piece of gear. There’s also an external clock input, so you can sync to vintage analog instruments or modern Eurorack systems.


  • 32 original presets, plus over 100 new presets
  • 17 new effect types including JUNO-106 chorus, LO-FI Comp, and Pitch Shifter
  • 64-step, two-part polyphonic sequencer with random pattern generator
  • Onboard arpeggiator
  • Two-part multitimbral for playing multiple patches with dual and split capabilities
  • Expanded polyphony compared to the original hardware
  • EXT CLOCK IN to drive the internal sequencer and arpeggiator

Pricing and Availability

The JX-08 Sound Module will be available in the U.S. in January 2022 for $399.99 USD.

25 thoughts on “Roland JX-08 Synthesizer Brings Back JX-8P In Compact ‘Boutique’ Format

    1. yeah that is the thing that bugs me, I got all but 1 of the 1st round boutiques because they hit the market @ 299 and I got them on sale for ~ 200 – now they are are just about double that

  1. The original had 6 voices (12 oscillators), not 4. I believe this boutique version goes up to 10 or 20 voices. The sequencer would be limited to 4 note polyphony.

  2. How accurate are those small faders?
    I guess it’s kind of hard to dial in sounds because of their small size.
    Probably best to program it with the editor?

  3. I’ve been fooled by all the previous ACB boutiques. They all sounded great and were fun but the shocking latency of the audio over usb (~15 ms) was unacceptable and the 4 voice limit sucked so bad

    It’s a shame those older boutiques won’t see a voice upgrade. That would totally make them worth it

    1. This device has a completely different processor architecture than the original digital boutique lineup. I suspect you’ll see dramatically improved USB performance to go along with the increased polyphony.

          1. Apparently Roland have said the JX08 is ABM. So it’s _not_ ACB.

            If that’s right, earlier Roland have said that ACB is ‘ultra-precise’ whereas ABM is ‘a more holistic and dynamic recreation’. So now I’m not sure what to think about this JX08. If I’m paying that much, I think I want something ultra-precise, but maybe I wouldn’t be able to tell…

  4. So to clarify some speculations here… BOTH new boutiques are NOT ACB but are basically “Zencore”, like the VSTi versions. It seems this technology is sonically inferior to ACB because it approximates the “end result” of a sound. And not modelling the individual along circuits that make up the synthesizer.
    This way, they can kind of get close to the sound but give the user a lot of voices to use ( think Jupiter-x). Zen-core will never be as accurate as ACB.

    In theory, the JX is 8 voices. A dual layer 4 voice synth ( split/layered) BUT contained inside one preset, played by a 4 note sequencer. So you can only play 4 notes max.
    Also… for the first time, these boutiques are 44/48/96/192 Hz!!
    That’s awesome!

    The JD-08, also Zen-core like the new VSTi, has 4 Tone layers per preset. And is also a dual layer synth ( 2 independent midi channels like JX, also)
    JD is technically 32 voices (4 notes of a 4 layer sound= 16 notes when 4 note chord played). But being dual layer, that is 2 presets split/layered with 4 Tone layers each, playing a 4 note chord or sequenced by the 4 note sequencer. Yeah that’s confusing. But all of that means it’s the same as all previous boutiques.. ( 4 notes)
    We will see what Roland say once it’s released?

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