Free Virtual Instrument Inspired By Musique Concrète, Environmental Sound

Spitfire Audio has released a free virtual instrument, LA Atmos, inspired by the traditions of musique concrète and environmental sound.

Musique concrète is an approach to electronic music that treats audio as a ‘concrete’ or tangible object that can be transformed in a variety of ways, including playing backwards, slowing down or speeding up, chopping up, etc.

Here’s what Spitfire has to say about LA Atmos:

“Recorded on the streets of Los Angeles by the team behind non-profit LA radio station, c, these unique textures capture the beating heart of the city. LA Atmos features a range of field recordings, inspired by the techniques of musique concrète — from crickets and crowds, to sirens and helicopters — warped and manipulated to create both melodic and percussive soundscapes, complete with a range of in-built custom controls.”

It’s available now as a free download.

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