Behringer today shared a sneak preview of their AD104 Analog Delay, a new hardware effect that appears to be a fairly straight knockoff of the classic Big Briar/Moog Music Moogerfooger MF-104 Analog Delay.
No specifications have been announced, but it looks like the ‘Boogerfooger’ will copy the bucket brigade delay design of the original using Coolaudio chips. Like the original, it will feature 6 LFO options, dedicated tap tempo, and support for CV/Expression pedal control.
The original, below, was designed by the late Bob Moog and introduced in 2000. It was initially released under the ‘Big Briar’ name, and later under the Moog name, once he regained rights to the brand:
The MF-104 was manufactured as a limited edition release of 1000 units, which are now highly-valued collectors items.
Behringer has only shared images for their MF-104 knockoff, but they say that they will create versions of other Moogerfooger designs “if there is enough interest”.
Pricing and Availability
Details are still to be announced. Behringer has tagged the AD104 has #hardvaporware, similarly to other designs that they are introducing, but not putting into production yet because of limited parts availability.
Hello everybody have a great day
If they produce a cheap MF-102 next, I will be left with no option but buying something from the devil. Hell yeah!
I’m just going to hide under my desk with my laptop for the day and design something original.
Cool then you can discontinue it while there’s still great demand, driving the used market price to ridiculous prices
Moog used new old stock parts for the delay chips. That limited how many they could make.
BBD chips are not hard to come by
BBD chips are not hard to come by NOW – because Behringer now make the chips.
At the time the Moogerfoogers were discontinued, there was an exhaustible supply.
Why do they need to look alike while talking about the significance of increasing choice?
Because that’s what ppl want
It’s all about looking the same, more than the extra features or sounding the same.
Moog is an excellent company.
And Behringer is excellent at what it does, too – making ‘good enough’ copies of everybody else’s designs,
Well, “excellent” might be a bit of an overstatement. In terms of reliability, support, quality of software, etc., it’s definitely you-get-what-you-pay-for, which for some might be good enough.
Yeah, ask all those people with behringer 303 timing issues for example … luckily not me, I don’t give the money to the parasite
what issues are you referring 2? never heard of any 303 issues.
Excellent, no. Necessary maybe?
I committed some time ago to buying new only their original creations, like the Neutron. Having seen the ongoing shittiness, tried to steer clear altogether. Even if they’re making cool stuff the original manu’s aren’t doing. But sometimes the B is the only option.
Their 1820 interface is the only thing of it’s class that works reliably with my Akai Force.
Their X32 was available to buy when I was shopping for a Soundcraft u24r, or… anything else comparable.
But anyway. Boo Behringer. Gimme that sweet, sweet, fooger.
Look, I’ve been really iffy on the BTeam for awhile, but no one can afford these wonderful pedals and having less expensive versions for working musicians is really exciting (for me at least). Hopefully they’ll actually come out one day
You can apply your argument to just about all their gear but you’ll still get the anti-B brigade up in arms… Personally, I can’t afford to even dream about affording a genuine JP-8 so if their JP-8 (JB-8??) is a sensible price (and not the current hyper-inflated stupid prices original JP-8s go for), then I’ll definitely consider getting one…. I somehow strongly doubt that you’ll lose a crowd at a gig just because they realise you’re using a non-original piece of equipment…. unless, of course, you’re playing at the Roland Gala Dinner or suchlike.
trust me you lose gigs if your sh** craps out twice in a row
You are a brave soul if you are gigging an original Jupiter 8.
a multitude of reliable, well built synths will give you Jupiter 8 sounds. no synth will ever give you compositional or improvisational chops
It might be insane cloning everything …
But is is also insane to pay over 30K (€ $) for a used jupiter 8, isn’t it?
Nobody’s paying that much. Asking prices on eBay are not sales. Last sale was $11K.
11k is still insane
I don’t get it. If B is going to copy all these synths, why not go all the way? Five octaves, full size keys, increased polyphony like nobody’s business, etc. Sure, the price will increase. But IMHO so will the desire + joy of people wanting these gnarly pieces of gear.
Funny, because working musicians are usually not so fond of people ripping off their ideas.
Admin: Personal attack deleted.
Keep comments on topic and constructive.
Good point. One has to wonder whether the people who support this company’s lack of creativity also consider other people’s music a sort of commodity to copy and sell for less money.
working musicians need good build and reliability. if of course you are talking about working musicians who get paid, i’m sure this will be fine for someone who plays occasional house parties and open mics. if you’re getting paid for what you do, you invest in solid tools so you can keep making that money. this is nice for high school kids and middle aged weekend warriors
I used to think you were right. But have you seen the Pedro Eustache video? Touring arenas with Hans Zimmer is pretty serious stuff. Or maybe they can afford careful roadies…
Nobody “needs” this pedal, There are panty of new and original design to choose from.
The white switch on the Boog looks so nasty and blocky lol. but hey, not a bad thing to revive. Wish it could be stereo or something…
Please god give me two ladder filters I can run in stereo. Mine is my favorite pedal and is literally held together with glue and solder and barely works.
This is an instant buy.
Years ago, I stumbled on a used 104z at a moment when the price was around 1/2 the new ones. It’s a really nice delay, though for my purposes not worth the original new price, or the now inflated used prices. Avoiding the whole pro-behr/anti-behr conflict, i’m more confused than the average behr clone by this.
The one selling point of the moog, is the delay chip providing (to my ear) a really distinct and imho lovely effect which i’ve not found in other bbds/digi-emulations. Obviously all my own take on the matter, but to me this big time hinges on them nailing something special in the bbd. If that gets missed, it’s a pretty unwieldy pedal form factor to house an average bbd delay.
While I’ve got my fingers crossed B will attempt to recreate the Moog magic, I suspect in reality what we’ll get is basically a BBD/LFO combo pretty what you’d find on the Neutron.
the midi seems interesting and useful but not really if it doesn’t sound great.
There is not really such a thing “Moog magic” but its just an analog delay…
One thing that gives me a magic feeling is that Moog designed the product and paid people well to make it, and it is well made.
Dammit, will we live to see the day that Behringer will make something that looks beautiful and aesthetic… I would buy a good MF-104 clone in a heardbeat but then I have to cover it with something to not look at it.
“Dammit, will we live to see the day that Behringer will make something that looks beautiful and aesthetic… “
No. It should be obvious that they don’t want their gear to look beautiful and aesthetic, they want it to look inexpensive and affordable. That’s the audience that they are aiming for.
Decent typography and design would add almost nothing to the cost, in the type of volumes that they make, But Behringer is aiming at the audience that wants a ‘cheap Moog’, so they want to make it look like a cheap Moog. Not like a beautiful alternative. Not like an expensive Moog. But like a “cheap Moog”.
No, they don’t do ugly on propose.
Maybe someone will offer high quality cases, face plates knobs and wood sides for berhinger products, preferably with no berhinger logo
It seems like they’ve finally grokked what they need to do: Remake the unobtainium. Looking forward to the Boland Bhorus Becho BE-501, which seems inevitable now.
Inevitable? Behringer will never clone a tape echo. It’s very expensive to make and electromechanical gear requires a lot of attention and service.
Sounds like april fools day. Boogers on finger….Digging deep…
BoogerFinger (you’re right, missed opportunity)
If you wanna sniff corks, you gotta clear the pipes.
If only someone made an analog delay! Well, I guess you will be forced to buy a Behringer clone because there is no other option.
Behringer figured out that if you make a bog-standard delay look like the collectible one, simpletons will think they’re getting a bargain.
What, do you somehow think all of those CV sockets are just for show? Because unless they are, this is not a bog standard analogue delay.
the issue isn’t “analogue delay” for me – there’s a real reason this device gets a lot of love. The amount of controls, and the amount of *modulation* you can do to this. It has a feedback insert, for pete’s sake. Things like cv in for the lfo rate is crazy and I believe that’s a drive section top mid. It’s a nutty device.
It is successful because of Moog name and the sound. Most i know who use them don’t use the cv/midi or know what to do with it at all.
lol, even the tiny pedals that require tweezers are over $100.
Not sure if its the photos but somehow you can see the cheap.
A giveaway on Behringer gear is the wood. It’s always cheap, soft wood, so there’s no grain and it will get dents & chips.
There’s a reason companies go with walnut and other hard woods.
It’s not a BoogerFooger
It’s a BehringerFehringer.
Get your facts straight.
You, Bob, are my new hero.
I’m annoyed behringer is showing all these gadgets but none of them actually have any release date
Sounds like a compulsive issue with gratification
i wonder if they’re cloning the MN300x series chips to go into this (like the Moog), or if they’re using the low-voltage MN320x series that Cool Audio already cloned. the low-voltage versions are much noisier and have lower dynamic range — you’d really hear the difference at 800ms delay!
if they have cloned the high-voltage BBDs i wonder if they’ll be available to builders – that would put some heavy price pressure on the other cloners (XVive)…
It’s not a “BOOGERFOOGER” you plebs.
‘BEHRINGERFEHRINGER’ just rolls off the tongue, Bob.
I’m not a fan of Behringer, but damn, “Boogerfooger” is hilarious.
I’m all for this, because the original MF Delay is unobtainium.
But you don’t really need it, There are plenty of other great options
Please, direct me to all these great options. I am not aware of any delay pedals other than the MF delays and this that have CV/expression control over almost everything.
Please, point me in the direction of all these great alternatives. I’m not aware of many delays that offer CV/expression modulation of nearly all the parameters.
I’m done with this site hyping the scum on a daily basis.
So why you still here saying that again and again?
Amen to that. I catch up on Synthtopia about once a month and go back through several pages of articles. Behringer is heavily covered. I suppose the polarizing junk that Behringer makes is good for the clicks, I mean here we are commenting on it again.
“Behringer is heavily covered. ”
Behringer’s coverage on a synth news site should reflect the fact that a) Behringer has released more synths in the last few years than anybody; and b) They’ve got another 50 synths in their pipeline.
Some readers may see that coverage and say that we are “hyping the scum on a daily basis”, and others may take offense that we call something like the ‘Toro’ a knockoff.
But we have not seen anyone make a valid argument why our coverage of Behringer synths should not be proportional to the number of synths the company introduces.
A “BOOGERfooger” should come with a nasty t-shirt featuring artwork like David Lovelace’s on several Metasonix units, such as the Assblaster tube distortion unit. There’s a silly aspect to Behringer’s antics, so it should be milked. WTF, its more cash flow, unh?
YES!! How long have I been clamoring for this in the comments section?? Free the analog filter. I will buy 3 if they come in under $99.
I would also like to see multiple iterations of filters. Make one Moog transistor/ladder filter, one with Curtis chips, one MS-20 filter, etc.
Just when i thought you had laid off the “knockoff” term…sad to see
Nope, appropriate description.
What’s wrong with the term? Personally I’m looking forward to buying this blatant knock off and don’t see how calling it so is derogatory.
“Just when i thought you had laid off the “knockoff” term…sad to see”
We don’t ‘lay off’ accurately categorizing copies.
We do sometimes use the synonymous phrase “inexpensive, unauthorized copy”, though. Doing this has demonstrated to us that that it’s the word ‘knockoff’ that makes people’s heads explode, not what it actually means.
SURVEY SAYS- “Knockoff” The #1 Answer on the board. You win stuff.
Yes, connotation vs. denotation. A number of speakers (including myself) hear a negative connotation, while others (including synthhead) do not. It reminds me of “divided by a common language.” In any case I’m fine with “inexpensive unauthorized copy.”
If you don’t like knockoff don’t buy knockoffs.
I am gonna be honest here, if they print “booger” on the unit it could be worth getting for comedic value if nothing else
I have never objected to Behringer copying stuff from the 70s and the early 80s. Most of that stuff is defunct or in need of very expensive maintenance and restauration to be of any use. But this?! It’s sickening grave robbery.
@eivnd I must strongly disagree, given the extremely low size of the Moog production series. I do hope it will be a faithful reproduction.
By that logic you should be able to release remixes of someone else’s songs just because the original artist isn’t repressing the original album. It’s not your right or your prerogative.
if it works it works!
More mockups of products that dont exist, will have terrible build quality if they eventually exist, and that everyone gets in a tiz about thinking they’re getting a bargain. Its not the kit folks, its what you do with it, and there are tons of boutique manufacturers that would love your business and make gear thats just as interesting.
If it is good enough for Hans Zimmer, then im sure it is good enough for you too
It’s not like it’s a clone of a currently manufactured product so this doesn’t sit as badly with me as something like the Keystep knockoff. The fact that it has Midi is great. As long as it’s well built and the sound quality is good, I say go for it. I personally was not blown away by their June-60 chorus pedal (via TC Electronic) but I hope this fares better.
The original Moog version has an absolute great sound, and a shame that it had such a limited production level. Looking towards this, probably great sounding alternative!
I hope to see several companies band together and sue Behringer into the dust. They are making a mockery of creativity, trade dress, trademarks, and copyright while hiding away in the IP wasteland of China.
This will be pretty cool. I have no doubt it will be 75% or more of the MF104m sound (maybe at most 90% there). Moog MF104m’s will continue to skyrocket in price and be rare though. I missread the headline and thought Moog was updating their 104m, damn that would be cool too.
I don’t see the word “boogerfooger” anywhere on the device, are they actually calling it that or are you giving it a funny nickname for the article?
I saw this name on a Reddit thread, I think it’s funny. The “Moogerfooger” name is kind of a punny name to begin with so I think a Behringer pun name is fitting.