In the 6 years since the DeepMind 12 was introduced, Behringer has largely turned their attention to making copies of vintage synths. As a result, the Behringer DeepMind 12 is arguably the most powerful and original synth that Behringer has ever made.
This video, via XNB, offers a (nearly) complete guide to the Behringer DeepMind synthesizer. It covers the DeepMind’s oscillators, filters, LFO, envelopes, voices, modulation, effects, performance options and more.
Topics Covered:
0:00 – intro
0:53 – Nav & Init patch
06:33 – OSC 1 & 2
16:04 – Filters
21:42 – Envelopes
32:46 – Using What we know
35:07 – Invert VCF Env
36:14 – LFO’s
43:36 – VCF mod
50:02 – VCF edit options
54:25 – Pitch Mod
59:40 – LFO phase modes
01:02:48 – Tone mod
01:03:35 – PWM
01:04:34 – LFO polarity
01:06:29 – Env mod
01:13:06 – Voices
01:20:05 – Priority
01:21:18 – OSC & Param Drift
01:24:03 – Pitch parameters
01:30:00 – Mod Matrix
01:34:45 – Arp
01:41:41 – FX
01:46:22 – Globals
The second video in this series, below, covers additional features, including patterns, sequence & Poly chord:
XNB is new to my youtube stream, his videos are great. Now, someone said the Elektron boxes are too menu-divey, specifically the Takt/Tone boxes. I wonder what you would consider this, a menu abyss? Menu digging straight to China. Its pretty deep. I owned one for like a month and gave up. Sounded great but the whole Atari visuals and deep menu’s were too cumbersome.
Hahaha! Man, if I start menu diving and start seeing engrish and typos until just full on chinese I’d flip out lol. But good to know about the menu diving, this seems to be a great cheap analog flagship but maybe not for live performance. I also heard the keybed wasnt too good. Cheers!
This is just ignorant and racist
None of these things are menu divey. On a Digitakt/ton you can edit upward of 10 parameters per screen. Secondary parameters are a single click away and secondary functions are a two button combo away. If that was too much for me then I’d just be lazy.
I don’t exactly recall with the deepmind but every parameter you would frequently use is displayed as soon as you move the parameter. It can also display upwards of 10 parameters at once
Thanks !!! Glad you like the videos I do
More like DeepMenu.
I enjoyed having and playing deepmind. Some of my all time favourite sounds were on that machine. I did not find it intuitive to program in the hardware, though app made a HUGE difference. Sold it but with a bit of a regret and keep looking for a decent deal on used one.
recently bought a DM12, because i was tired of waiting for the UBXa. did not regret it, it sounds great and is versatile. i do not understand why people complain about menu diving – almost every standard feature has a dedicated fader or knob. many special features (like choosing from several types of portamento, creating a 16-stage arp pattern or modulating the filter by note number) can only be realized by a menu, because there is no other way. all menus are easy to access and straightforward. i wish my roland JDXi was like this. the app is okay, but unfortunately buggy.
Safety Dance was Prophets.
I had a Pro-3, you would think it was me I divey but it wasn’t that bad at all. This is right in the middle. I could set up mod routing from the panel, create sequences from a button press to edit the steps I recorded. Point is, the face of the keyboard kept you out of the menu for most of it. This is not that. Maybe you weren’t doing any deep sound design but when you do it definitely gets cumbersome. The Rev2 was ok, novation summit is pretty good. It’s not a bad synth, some have more patience for it.
Those on here claiming the Deepmind is menu divey have likely never experienced what real menu diving actually is
so what’s a good example of “real” menu diving?
Hey, I’am the dude that made this video. It is not a menu diving synth……opsix, wavestate, Hydra…those are menu diving synths. They are awesome. But after a couple of days using it, you navigate the menus like it was nothing. It is impossible to have this much versatility and no menu diving.
check out a Yamaha modx…
The DM-12 is a dream synth at the price and I love mine.
Compared to editing the original mopho without an editor dm12 is very simple.The patch storage/management is rea pain though.
“As a result, the Behringer DeepMind 12 is arguably the most powerful and original synth that Behringer has ever made.”
Wasn’t the DeepMind, ah, ‘inspired’ by the Juno 106?
The DeepMind 12 definitely takes inspiration from the Juno 106.
But that’s very different from their knockoff designs, where they copy the synth architecture, the look and the naming of another company’s synth, and then market the copy as a cheap copy.
The DeepMind 12 is very different than a Juno 106. It has features that none of their other ‘copycat’ synth designs have, and even some fairly cutting-edge features for the industry.
It looks like a juno, but it is much powerful. Not saying is better, but much more versatile for sure.
The only gripe I have is a bit of a lazy c key whose spring is weak.
Hi, how do I use the cutoff on behringer deep mind 12?
Thank you very much