New Platform, ‘Simple’, Lets You Design The Perfect Synth

At Superbooth 2022, Synthux Academy has launched Simple, a new platform that promises to make creating your own ‘perfect’ custom synthesizer easy.

Simple is a platform for synth design. The sole purpose of it is to help musicians and makers design and build professional instruments.

The platform is built out of three parts – a community, educational resources and DIY kits.

What is the Simple Kit?

The Simple Kit is a synth DIY kit that is designed to make it easy and fun to build electronic instruments, synths, effects, drum machines etc.

Simple is a community project. All the revenues from Simple are invested back in community activities: the podcast, workshops, the Simple platform and other educational content.

Pricing and Availability:

The Simple Kit comes in two editions, with pre-order discounts through May 15:

  • Simply Packed! €289 // Until Sunday 15th €199 ex.VAT
  • Simply Brainless €159 // Until Sunday 15th €99 ex.VAT

See the Synthux site for details.

5 thoughts on “New Platform, ‘Simple’, Lets You Design The Perfect Synth

  1. If you put a comment on this site u have wait often till the next day to see it back…it’s annoying because most topics have a conversation that last only a day.

  2. You can’t say ‘scheisse’ in your vid lol.The idea is cool. I was already thinking of how to put some of these modules together in a case to create a synthesizer. But as far i can see it will still become an eurorack…not a synthesizer in the formfactor we are used to.

  3. This looks good in theory, but am I missing something? They seem to be charging 99 euro for a handful of knobs and switches that you can buy elsewhere for a tenth of that price.

    1. you are not wrong, I think this is to support their educational content. The dissonance felt is the suggestion that this is some how more simple, when if what you want is an unlabeled knobs place exactly where you want them, going with plate mounted components is probably the *simpler* method. Best to look at this as a mBox that a school requires you to buy so everyone taking the class has the same thing.

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