A Complete Guide To The Behringer TD-3 Bassline Synthesizer

The latest XNB video is a complete guide to the Behringer TD-3 bassline synthesizer, a knockoff of the classic Roland TB-303 that makes some useful updates to the original design.

Behringer says that the analog circuitry is ‘an authentic reproduction of the original circuitry with matched transistors’. The TD-3 expands on the original, though, adding USB/DIN MIDI In/Out, some basic CV/Gate features and built-in distortion.

Topics covered:

0:00 – Intro
0:31 – Synth Controls
04:41 – Distortion
07:16 – Tracks VS Patterns
11:54 – Create pattern
21:09 – Deep into tie & rest
30:19 – Accent, Slide
37:13 – Edit/Add notes
41:35 – Steps Length & A/B
47:06 – Copy/Paste
48:46 – Triplets
55:07 – Tap, Random, Transpose
59:15 – Creating Track
01:10 – Patch bay

33 thoughts on “A Complete Guide To The Behringer TD-3 Bassline Synthesizer

  1. I’ll just insert a generic Behringer jab here and get on with my day. There’s nothing wrong with playing a tabletop setup full of mini modules if you enjoy working the puzzle. Nick Batt makes a great go of that.

    I gradually went for softsynths because I got tired of bending over displays and pecking at buttons with often hazy labels. This thing embodies a lot of that for me. Double points off for hardware synth GUIs sporting buttons that could be three or four different things, depending on the mode. That’s always a recipe for too much F U.

    1. >Double points off for hardware synth GUIs sporting buttons that could be three or four different things

      i m curious how you organised your midi Controller(s) then…

  2. I got one for free using my almost expired Guitar Center points. Either that or a pocket operator. Already have an OP-Z, so…. THE END.

    1. This thing’s a wonky joke for anykind of deep serious subz bass lacks the grit of the original TB-303. The Roland boutique version of this is better than any b-ear-ringer clone along with alot of other options available outthere folks

          1. No, no. You misunderstood that completely. There is a trimpot on the PCB inside the unit labelled VR1 that allows you to adjust the VCF offset. This can change the character of the filter if you find it too bright.

      1. “serious subz bass”



        The TB-303 had no “subz bass” either

        My mate has a TD-3 and RD-6 – a solid acid combo

        You must have stones in your ears if you think they don’t sound like the original Rolands

        They are about 90% the same – and for the other 10% we are talking like a price difference of about €4000

        The boutiques sound very good alright – but are also mostly discontinued – go for stupid money

        And the are a complete pain in the arse to use and their MIDI clock is ~15 ms late when synced externally

    1. Hey, I made this video. You mean me doing something about the TD3 MO ? If it is, I’ve ordered one but, all imports are dead in the water right now. The war and the shortage….but, if I get it, sure i will.

        1. Everyone has a perspective. Yours is that the Chinese copycat culture is a good thing because it floods the market with affordable copies of things you want. Other people argue that copycat culture is mindless capitalism that floods the planet with cheap low-quality copies of stuff.

          1. you’re silly!

            do you post on every board that uses some kind of chinese association, or are we just lucky to have your undivided attention?

            pathetic geo-political nonsense. go after climate change – that’s a REAL problem.

          1. I have a TD-3 and a TD-3-MO. they’re fun little boxes. I’ve already opened them up and buggered with the guts. can’t do that with an OG.

  3. A guy puts time and effort into an extensive tutorial video and all you can comment on is your pointless Behringer bashing? What sad lives you must lead.

    Nice job once again XNB! Keep up the good work!

  4. Teknoid; I was thinking of several Roland and Yamaha synths that sometimes made me guess which part of the grid was active. I had an XP-50 that sounded brilliant and made me chew through bolts when I hit the wrong parameter. I had to retrace my steps too often. Korg felt a lot friendlier in that department, with a more lush, jacked-up sound.

    Now, I don’t organize jack on a controller. I set a MIDI channel, play the keys and let Logic handle the rest. YMMV, but growing into that helped me a lot.

        1. anickt

          I don’t see anything especially offensive. You criticized “pointless Behringer bashing”.

          I’m not sure what you were referring to there, but we encourage readers to share all types of views, even ones critical of Synthtopia and its coverage.

          If you have critical comments, make them constructive, and make sure that they’re about THINGS, and not personal attacks on a person or group of people.

  5. Hey great video! I’ve had mine for a couple of months and have been getting on well with it but this video is a great resource and reminds me of some of the features I’ve neglected. Good job! I love how simple this little synth is, really forces you to be creative. Yes it’s not as intuitive as one would like but that is also is part of the challenge! Paired with a Roland TR6-S it’s a great combination.

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