Native Instruments Komplete 14 Now Available To Pre-Order, Here’s What’s New

Native Instruments has announced that Komplete 14 is now available to pre-order, with an expected release date of September 27th, 2022.

Here’s what’s new in Komplete 14:

  • KONTAKT 7 makes it easier than ever to find the sounds you want, with an improved HiDPI browser and revamped Factory Library.
  • Dabble in any genre, from the cinematic flavors of CHOIR: OMNIA, LORES, and PIANO COLORS, hip hop vibes of 40’S VERY OWN DRUMS AND KEYS, and the powerful randomization and layering of PLAYBOX.
  • Explore over 100 Expansions with the latest Play Series instruments
  • Sculpt your sounds with studio shine from Plugin Alliance and Brainworx, and add final polish with iZotope’s Ozone 10 Standard.

Kontakt 7 will launch in October 2022 and is included with Komplete 14 Standard and above.

Pricing and Availability

Komplete 14 is available now to pre-order, with several options: Select ($199), Standard ($599), Ultimate ($1199) and Collectors Edition ($1799), the latter now containing 27 orchestral and cinematic instruments, 19 synthesizers, 48 sampled instruments, 15 percussion tools, 32 effects and 103 expansion packs. Upgrade options are also available.

29 thoughts on “Native Instruments Komplete 14 Now Available To Pre-Order, Here’s What’s New

  1. Anyone pre-ordering software? Do they run out? They should start making these smaller packages. Way too many instruments and FX all at once. I’m sure someone finds value in having a bunch of plugins but its like buying 17 fitted hats, you’d probably forget about 10 of em.

  2. I can’t believe they managed to do even less with the Kontakt 7 upgrade than they did with the Kontakt 6 upgrade. It really does feel NI are circling the drain. RIP Absynth)

  3. Why is it called “select” when it doesn’t let you select what you get? That would make a lot more sense… even if there had to be limits on the selection. Or better even – give us a bundle with just the instruments & samplers & maybe FX. Sans all the bloated sample libraries. That would be an interesting choice to have

  4. Since v10, I’ve updated to Ultimate each time, just to get everything on a disk. By the time I actually purchased v13, there were so many “updates” that I forced to download more than 50% of the package, anyway. I really don’t need any more crap expansion packages, and some of the stuff (e.g., Lores) that I would have purchased it to receive, I already have. So, I guess Kontakt 7 is really the only reason to do this, but I’ll buy the “upgrade to Standard” option when I do. I’ll most likely end up doing this only because some developers are still buying into NI licensing of NICNT (Kontakt Player) distribution arrangements, and that will force them to require Kontakt 7, no matter how flawed it may initially be.

    1. I’m thinking about “upgrade from V12U to V14U OR wait for V15”. When upgrade to V14 i’ll get these fruits:
      – Kontakt 7
      – Ozone 10
      – Guitar Rig 6
      – SESSION GUITARIST series
      – Super 8
      This could cost $399. And other stuff for free.

      Overall, not much passion to upgrade as a hobbyist musicial. MUST upgrade for commercial studio.

    1. Yup, they caught me slipping abd bought the Komplete 13 at a discount only to realize like Guitar Rig works, not Fom or Prism. The ethnic instruments work but not polyplex or Reaktor instruments. So yeah, jokes on me and my M1 macbook and their cryptic list of whats compatible with possibility of others being compatible. Well, they aern’t.

  5. With the exclusion of ABSynth, and no upgrade to Reaktor, NI gives me no incentive at all to upgrade Komplete. They started as an innovative company, but basically seem to have morphed into a seller of soundpacks.

  6. I do not see anything that can make me want to upgrade …. i have already paid izotope and brainworx to buy their products … plus the bad news about Absynth … NI need to rethink about their direction.

  7. I’m starting to lose interest in this big bundle. I use and like Kontakt a great deal but less so all the bundled sounds. I also am an Absynth and Reactor fan and want to see where thats going. And I recently gave up on Abbey rd drums and switched to SD3. What are they doing that’s new and must have? And what are their MPE plans?

    1. Yeah I just tried to install Native Access and indeed it still needs Rosetta to run. What a joke NI has become. Only a fool will buy this old coded software. Not gonna use any of their software until they’re back on track but it seems NI as company has come to an end and it will probably get even worse from here on out.

  8. Old age, what can one say? By the way, where did the 19 synths go? Apart from discontinued Absynth, FM8, Massive and some others which are spinoffs of Reaktor, the rest like Modular Icon, Analog dreams and others are just average sound libraries which just have a GUI with filters and effects. If they call this now a synthesizer, then they have a problem. Maybe they should look at it better? I have lost interest in this company since Komplete 11.

  9. Hmm, not impressed, I’ve got Ultimate 13, and for £360 I’ll get a load of expansions and Session Guitarist & Bassist, which I never use. Ashlight is interesting, as is possibly Sequis. More presets for Massive, another piano, not much there for my money.

  10. Native have become bloatware, some really brilliant bits in there but most of that was developed years or even decades ago. Shame what they’ve become, bean counters rather than innovators.

  11. Absynth, Massive & FM8 were on sale a short while ago for like $40. Hope Brian, Absynth’s creator, could claim the license back and further develop this phenomenal power synth.

  12. sooooooo frustrating… I really love the overall platform and my Maschine… but they’ve really gone over to dark side with non-stop add-ons (many are basically glorified sample packs)… …and all in context of their total failure to work well with M1 and M2 (rosetta not that bad but cmon!!!)…. I am 100 percent in favor of good products getting paid… hard work deserves to get paid…value deserves to get paid… but for NI the balance has totally shifted to grabbing $$ in my opinion…14 is the first one i’m not using since 11… and as i use other things, I’ll drift from the platform which I”ve invested so much in… just the opinion of a long time supporter of NI that is thinking of just dropping it … ironically except for Absynth and Kontakt as standalon…(lol…Noire piano is one of my fave plugins)..

  13. It seems that private equity has a firmed its grip on my favourite music companies. Inventive development seems to have stopped in favour of the selling of unlimited bland quickly made sample packs. I still use Absynth quite a bit. It seems like the last spark of creativity was Maschine over a decade ago.
    This week Izotope, owned by the same company, killed off the standalone version of Ozone for financial reasons.

    Avid should be an horrendous example of the damage shareholder greed can do to otherwise great products. I am worried Native and sistercompanies will now follow the same path. The lazy M1 compatibility is a troublesome sign of that direction.

  14. i used to be a native instruments fanboy, especially kontakt. Now, i cant even remember the last time i opened it! Outdated UI, hard to tweak, etc etc etc.. Hard pass, sorry NI, im done with you.

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