Korg Drumlogue Drum Machine Now Available To Pre-Order

Korg announced today that the Drumlogue – a new analog + digital hybrid drum machine – is now available to pre-order.

Here’s what they have to say about it:

“drumlogue marks a paradigm shift in drum machines. It offers the raw power and rich sounds of Analog, the flexibility of Digital voices, and drumlogue’s SDK for fully customizable User Custom Synthesizers.

On top of that, its heavy-duty, dynamic sequencer, customizable effects, and intuitive controls will make drumlogue a must-have in your studio to create music for any genre or style.

It’s time to take your beats and entire musical process to a whole new creative level with incredible sounds, effects, customization, and sequencing. Let drumlogue support your craft on your musical journey!”

Drumlogue features newly developed analog circuits by Korg analog synth team engineer Junichi Ikeuchi (ARP 2600 M, MS-20 mini, ARP Odyssey…). The Drumlogue features four new analog circuit designs (Bass Drum, Snare Drum, Low Tom and High Tom). The most important controls for each of these parts have dedicated knobs on the front panel that can be tweaked at any time, without any menu diving necessary, so you can quickly and intuitively fine tune your sound.

Drumlogue also provides 7 digital parts; 6 sample based and 1 synthesis based (Multi-Engine). The sample based parts can play any of the preloaded PCM banks on Drumlogue. You can also import your own User Samples to its memory. It ships with 64 preloaded drum kits.

For additional sounds, samples can be easily loaded by connecting your Drumlogue to your computer via USB and simply drag-dropping samples onto the main memory.

Drumlogue Overview:

Multi-Engine and logue SDK

The Multi Engine from prologue and minilogue xd is now more powerful than ever. In addition to the Variable Phase Modulation (VPM) and Noise generator engines, the Multi Engine features a new User Custom slot that can play full-fledged synth voices.

Korg has collaborated with popular logueSDK plugin developer Sinevibes to include a brand new synth plugin, Nano, as a factory preset on drumlogue. Nano is a full-fledged virtual analog synth, with a wide array of features and plenty of customizable parameters. The synth engine has dual oscillators with optional ring modulation, a 4-pole state-variable filter with soft clipping distortion, built-in EG and built-in multi-waveform LFO. It can be used for leads, basses, percussive sounds or cinematic effects.

A Sequencing Powerhouse

Drumlogue’s 64 step sequencer makes it easy to create complex rhythm patterns and polyrhythms, with features such as per-step probability, per-step alternate trigger patterns, per-step micro offsets, per-track groove patterns and more.

Thanks to its clear OLED display, it is also very easy to visually follow and edit your sequences.

With its Chain mode, creating long and interesting patterns is straightforward and clearly displayed. In Loop mode you can switch between several variations to play your sequence in new and interesting ways. Other features include Motion and Accent functions, and the Randomization function.

Effects and Customization

Drumlogue includes several high-quality effects, across three categories, that can be used simultaneously: Delay, Reverb and Master effects.

The send amounts for delay and reverb effects can be set independently for each part, and multiple return points are available.

The master effects allow you to add final polish to your sound and bring it all together. Master effects can be bypassed on a per-part basis, making it possible to send the effect to specific audio parts. A sidechain bus is also available to master effects which can make use of it.

In addition to the included multiple and varied Delay, Reverb and Master effects, drumlogue can also load custom third party Delay / Reverb / Master Effects. Each effect can implement up to 24 parameters.

Drumlogue also has an audio input, so you can process other instruments through drumlogue’s effect chain.


Drumlogue’s USB-A port allows connectivity with other USB MIDI class compliant devices for additional customizable control. For example, control each part’s volume with the nanoKONTROL2 faders, or trigger sounds using the velocity sensitive pads on the nanoPAD2, adding extra levels of expression and integration.

Drumlogue has four individual audio outputs, in addition to the headphone and L/MONO and R outputs. You can assign any part to any output to expand routing options for external processing or multitrack recording.

Drumlogue syncs to your other gear via MIDI IN/OUT, SYNC IN/OUT, or to a computer-based DAW via USB.


  • Threefold Hybrid: Analog x Digital x SDK multi engine
  • Front Panel Knobs: Kit Control x Mixer
  • Powerful Sequencer: 11 parts, 64 step sequencer, Chain Mode (Combine Programs for song mode), Loop, Expand, Groove, Randomize (Pattern or Part)
  • Customizable Effects: Delay, Reverb, Master; Per Part or Entire Program
  • Connectivity: 6 Audio Outputs, Audio SYNC IN/OUT, AUDIO IN, MIDI I/O (5 pin), USB A (TO DEVICE), USB B (TO HOST)

Pricing and Availability

The Korg Drumlogue is available now to pre-order for about $600.

16 thoughts on “Korg Drumlogue Drum Machine Now Available To Pre-Order

  1. really wishing this thing could be used as a Deluxe Volca Drum, probably their most powerful/interesting volca. but it appears to be targeting a different drum machine style

  2. The fact that they show a nanopad connected to it suggests it has no built-in velocity sensitive pads, which is a real shame. The open architecture is really interesting, but I wish they had gone for an analog Electribe type device.

    1. I see this as a modern take on the Electribe ER-1. It combines analog-style voices with samples, like the ER-1, but offers a lot better sound, sequencing and effects.

      What were you hoping to see them do?

  3. Not hearing anything impressive, could it be a mix of analogue and digital voices not done in the best way in this device? Will lookout for more reviews and impressions.

  4. Want to love this thing but it seems so underbaked.

    The interface is just so uninspired.. the tiny screen, the sequencer interface, the overly tall imprecise knobs.

    It’s weird that Korg has all this tech and know how and can’t seem to come up with one product with multiple OLED’s, their nu-tubes, kaoss pads and physics, an open DSP slot for synth and then separate for effects, etc..

    Seems like it would be a no-brainer at this point to bring it all together and compete with Elektron.

    1. Korg built a device for a specific price point. The moment you start slapping on massive OLEDs and all sorts of weird nu-tube and kaoss pad things, the development time and unit cost go through the roof.

      And what makes you think the knobs are imprecise? A large knob and a small knob both fit onto exactly the same encoder shaft. (in fairness, I think the knobs Korg has been using recently on the monologue family look really cheap).

  5. Seems like it has potential. I guess I’ll have to wait and see what sdk plugins are designed to be used in this device. I was not particularly impressed with any of the ones available for the other logues

  6. At this price point I’m much closer to buying this than a syntakt tbh but its still too expensive imo, i would buy it for $400. I’ll probably wait till next year to buy it used for a bit cheaper. I think with the option for the community to add in effects, it will become a great little machine.

  7. Am I right in thinking that this is incompatible with the existing Logue SDK plugins?
    If so that’s a massive shame.
    I agree with some of the comments above. It does seem s bit lackluster.
    I was originally quite excited when Korg announced this initially about a year ago.
    Now I’ve seen and heard it in action I don’t see me needing it, or even wanting it.

  8. I wouldn’t call it a “paradigm shift in drum machines”.
    Looking forward to see what it can really do after several firmware updates, though.

  9. It is interesting AND nice. But I already have a Minilogue XD and an Electribe Sampler 2. I dont think I need this. And, honestly, WHY NOT VELOCITY PADS? I mean they work great on the ES2. Why not incorporate them here? Seems corny to not have velocity sensitive on a drum machine. Anyone else find this odd? I’m not that well versed. I dont have rolands. Do they have velocity pads?

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