After Later Audio has introduced a new series of Eurorack modules that are clones of classic Mutable Instruments designs.
The MIC line currently includes:
- Resonate – an full-size hardware replica of the Mutable Instruments Rings module:
- Dice – a replica of the Mutable Instruments Marbles module; and
- Cumulus – a replica of the Mutable Instruments Clouds.
Other Mutable Instruments clones are planned.
Mutable Instruments’ founder Émilie Gillet recently announced that there will be no new modules from the company and that production of existing modules is ending.
MI modules have been released with open source licensing, though, which means that other companies can make clones or derivative works, like the virtual Mutable Instruments modules in VCV Rack, the Behringer Brains and the Arturia MicroFreak.
Could this possibly get anymore confusing? Instead of Rings, Marbles and Clouds, we three other somewhat related but completely different names. At this point, we should just resort to SONY naming schemes and encourage them to roll out the SXP-1402W.
Yeah, Cumulus and Clouds are super confusing. Resonate and Rings the resonator, struggle-rama. Marbles is called the Chaos Controller in the Poly Beebo/Digit. I’m freaking out! How about we just appreciate the extended production of these wonderful modules in whatever form or name thay appear.
Wonderful! It says much for Emilie that she enabled this so freely.
Check the title: even Mutable is now renamed ‘Modal’
Modal = Physical Modeling
. Not the company…
Thanks for the feedback – post updated!
welp, I hope magpie panels still fit, these are ugly as fuck.
I would love to see someone release MU versions of these modules that fully conform to MU electrical standards.
There have been MU versions from FSFX, Synthetic Sound Labs & others. They’re plug and play with dotcom modules, but I don’t know if they ‘fully conform to MU electrical standards”.
That’s what I meant. I’ve just heard it described in those terms.
was only ever interested in any of the Mutable stuff in the smaller sizes, the full size modules are rack hogs.
I think the smaller clone modules are really great if you tend to use them as set-and-forget modules, but if you’re actively tweaking knobs, the extra space is super nice. Some of the micro versions can feel really cramped.
agreed. I have the stick pot clone of Elements; almost unusable compared to full size MI version. I have never racked it since I bought the OG version. also an antumbra clouds – also unusable.
mutable are my favorites; plaits, elements, marbles and tides 2; with doubles of the last pair.
Admin: Personal attack deleted (name calling).
Keep comments on topic and constructive.
welp, ordered my first module. reverb prices for mutable have officially gone insane.
Calsynth ones of these look a lot better, not so Christmas ornamenty