Moog Music has brought back the Moogerfooger line as software, with a new suite of Moogerfooger Effects Plug-ins.
Moog retired the Moogerfooger line in 2018, after 20 years, and since then, used prices have skyrocketed.
Originally designed by Bob Moog and his engineering team in the late ’90s and ’00s, Moogerfooger effects pedals were direct descendants of the original Moog modular synthesizers, adapted to high-end stompbox format.
Here’s what Moog has to say about the Moogerfooger Effects Plug-ins:
“Each of the seven effects have been meticulously recreated with reverence for the lush, distinctive tones of the original analog circuits—now ready to be integrated into your digital audio workstation. With stereo functionality and an extended feature set, these plug-ins further tailor the classic Moogerfooger functionality to the modern digital creator.
With all parameters ready to be automated as well as the ability to save and manage presets, Moogerfooger Effects Plug-ins mutate and re-shape themselves around your audio tracks.”
Like the originals, Moogerfooger Effects Plug-ins feature CV interconnectivity, so you can use each instance of a Moogerfooger to modulate the parameters of any other Moogerfooger in your project.
With digital attenuverters added to every CV input, side-chain capabilities, and DC offset capabilities, Moogerfooger Effects Plug-ins allow for deep control over every aspect of your sound.
The Moogerfooger Effects Plugins include:
- MF-101S Lowpass Filter – The classic Moog ladder filter with an envelope follower for dynamic control.
- MF-102S Ring Modulator – A wide-range carrier oscillator paired with an LFO for effects from soft tremolo through far-out clangorous ring modulation tones.
- MF-103S 12-Stage Phaser – A descendant of the vibrant 1970s rack-mounted Moog phaser with an on-board LFO.
- MF-104S Analog Delay – A rich, full-bodied delay and modulation circuit that has remained highly sought after to this day.
- MF-105S MuRF – A groundbreaking effect combining a resonant filter bank with a pattern generator and skewing envelope for vibrant animation of an incoming sound.
- MF-107S FreqBox – A box of gnarly synced VCO sounds with envelope and FM modulation.
- MF-108S Cluster Flux – A flexible processor that can modulate between chorus, flanging, and vibrato.
Pricing and Availability:
The Moogerfooger Effects Plug-ins are available now with an introductory price of $149 USD (regularly $249 USD).
Ouch, pricey!
7 classic Moogerfooger effects for $249? What am I missing? Intro price even better? FabFilter is pricey. Soundtoys is pricey. A better price woul dbe FREE, obviously but thats not the case here.
They are $149 for a limited time from what I read. Instant buy.
sorry, somehow sent this before I typed my full screen name
Compared to what?
Arturia FX Collection
Arturia is way more expensive (Not that it isn’t worth it).
drop shadows; whee!
surprised that 3d monitors haven’t taken off yet in the VST world.
Just tried these, amazing to turn simple sounds into massive noise clouds. Could do without the virtual wood, and the price is a bit hefty, but the sound is spot on.
$21 per plug-in seems like a good buy to me.
Interesting! I’m curious if you can override the drive to add some low order distortion. I’m gonna download the trial and compare them to my MoogerFooger MF-103 12-Stage Phaser, and MF-102 Ring Modulator pedals.
You could write a really thick book about effects alone. It’d be fascinating. I’d like to buy just a couple of these, but the intro price seems competitive to me. Its a natural pairing for any software modular player. We can argue the grey area between these and the hardware and someone surely will. I figure if these are half as on the mark as the Animoog, its a good deal.
Their iOS music apps are some of the best available, in terms of sound, interface, capabilities and value.
These look excellent also. I’d like to see them offer these individually and offer iOS versions.
wake me up when they resurrect the hardware versions
yeah, I have twelve of these. their ‘magic’ is in the analog nature of distortion and doing weird stuff with them. I have mine bolted to my voyager. tbh, they’re are just a 2-3 regular Moog modules in a box, nothing to be amazed at once you take them out of the box. in fact, they’re fairly limited once you look at them that way; lacking the extra inputs they carved off to fit them.
I would rather have Moog model all their modules and play with them that way. but again, hardware distortion is the magic.
give me a hardware animoog anyday!
The fact that you can route modulation from one plugin to another and more, makes these really interesting. I played around with this for a bit and you can do pretty crazy stuff. Mutually modulated plugins. Who da thought that?
the only complaints I have is wood panels and plugs and pedal switch. unnecessary and prob adds more load time and graphic resources as well as more laptop friendly
it will not have any impact on performance and with modern plugins formats you can resize whatever an however you like.
actually the wood, switches and the big size bothers me more with the real hardware
yes yes but the resizing still remains that ratio of wasted space you can fit the whole collection in two instances if you lay it out properly.
resize is good but your still resizing in that wasted space ratio. would have been cooler if I designed it. that is just what im trying to say here
i agree with you about the wood, the jacks actually have some practically because of the side chains.
but it will probably see much less use without looking like the hardware, you know, humans…
i guess it depends on your plugin format or daw or os? on certain plugins i can resize just the frame in a way that hides parts of it and it stay that way the next time i open it. maybe vst3? but since its a small number of controllers and they are pretty big resizing and keeping the ratio like you suggested will still keep it practical. it’s also only about 7% of the total window so with this specific plug ins it’s not that “big” of a deal
with ableton, bitwig (maybe logic too) you don’t even need the original ui. you can just use the one built in, the one you map midi to.
Faked 901 oscillator with modern chips. Uni junctions are gone but mimic the waveform. Make it Eurorack compatible and make it so. Model 10’s are selling. You know the ‘guts’. I own a Model 15 and a Synth-Werk 901 bank. Bring the sound to the masses, Moog.
Off the hook! Manna from heaven. Phat, juicy … ripped.
skeuomorphism…? what decade is this?
Forget what it looks like. Focus on the sound and what it does for you as an artist. Besides, you’ve obviously never seen Arturia V Collection or the dozens of OB-X and Minimoog VSTs.
are the wood sides real? where is the wood sourced from? i need to know it’s sustainable before i purchase.
sourced from minecraft
And the lumberjacks are unionized.
Has anyone compared the sound to the Avid versions?
Seems like a pretty good deal to me. I’m lucky to have most of the OG units with the exception of the Cluster Flux. I always wished they’d been stereo in and out. If these sound as good as the original units, I recommend going for it.
Yeah, ok, it’s a virtual analog emulation Nothing can compares to the original analog pedals, the sound obviously is different.
The overdriven ladder filter on the MF-101 is my favorite distortion ever. I tried this, didn’t sound the same to me in either the low end (way tamer here) or the upper-end distortion/harmonics. Was siappointed because I’ve wanted a stereo 101 forever